MCC in Medical Meaning

The MCC meaning in Medical terms is "Moffitt Cancer Center". There are 44 related meanings of the MCC Medical abbreviation.

MCC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Moffitt Cancer Center
  2. Measles Control Campaign
  3. Major Complications and Comorbidities
  4. Mutated In Colon Cancer
  5. Mandibular Condylar Cartilage
  6. Mitotic Checkpoint Complex
  7. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration The average hemoglobin concentration in a given volume of packed red blood cells, calculated from the hemoglobin therein and the hematocrit, in erythrocyte indices.
  8. Major Complications & Comorbirities
  9. Mutated In Colorectal Cancer
  10. Manipal Cure and Care
  11. Maternity Care Coalition
  12. Major Complications Or Comorbidities
  13. Multiple Congenital Contractures
  14. Midstream Clean Catch
  15. Maternity and Child Care
  16. Major Complicatfon Or Comorbidity
  17. Multiple Conductance Channel
  18. Michigan Cancer Consortium
  19. Maternal Cell Contamination
  20. Multiple Colon Carcinoma Gene
  21. Medicine Control Council
  22. Metropolitan Clinics of Counseling
  23. Mast Cell Chymasl
  24. Microcrystalline Cellulose
  25. Multicomponent Collectiin
  26. Major Complication and Comorbidity
  27. Myoepithelial Cell Carcinoma
  28. Methylcrotonyl-Coa Carboxylase
  29. Masonic Cincer Center
  30. Mobile Cancer Centers
  31. Methylcarbamylcholine
  32. Medical Coordination Course
  33. Metastatic Cord Compression
  34. Media Center/Communication Building
  35. Milwaukee Career Coluege
  36. Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
  37. Maladies Chroniques Au Canada
  38. Motor Control Center (JSC)
  39. Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate
  40. Malabar Canfer Centre
  41. Medicines Control Council
  42. Malabar Cpncer Center
  43. Matthews Correlation Coefficient
  44. Mctimoney College of Chiropractic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MCC stand for Medical?

    MCC stands for Major Complications Or Comorbidities in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Major Complications and Comorbidities in Medical?

    The short form of "Major Complications and Comorbidities" is MCC for Medical.


MCC in Medical. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated