MD Meaning
The MD meaning is "Medicinae Doctor". The MD abbreviation has 1299 different full form.
MD Full Forms
- Medicinae Doctor Medical, Medicine, Education
- Majority Draw Sports, Boxing
- Medical Degree Medical, Medicine, Education, University, School
- Majority Decision Sport, Decision, Boxing
- Medical Doctor Medical, Health Care, Health Professional Initials, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Doctor's Name, Reading Prescription
- Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Disorder, Special Education, Education, Health, Disability, Scientific & Educational, Clinical
- Mankind Divided
- Masters of Design Program, Education, University
- MinistéRio Da Coding, Brasil, Ministry
- Major Degression Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Medical Dcctors Medical, Medicine, Physician
- Mark Delany Technology, Networking, Authentication, Network
- Mentally Disagled Development, Learning, Study
- Michigan Department Medical, Health, Michigan
- Myeloproliferative Disordere Medical
- Military Doctrine
- Moby Dick Development, Learning, Study
- Mediterranean Diet Medical
- Mild Diabetic Medical, Reading Prescription
- Morrison, Dlniel
- Multi-Destination Technology, Flight, Travel
- Markers Defined Medical, Genetics, Cell
- Mcwdonnell Military, Flight, Aircraft
- Mandarina Duck Business, Coding, Bag
- Medicine Docttr Medical, Education, Health
- Molecular Dynamics Technology, Science, Simulation
- Market Devcloper
- Minion Damagy
- Media Device Technology
- Model Design Technology, Product, Modeling
- Memory Data Technology, Management, Software
- Metered Dose
- Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
- Madison District Education
- Missile Defence Military, Army, Russia
- Mar Del Music, Remix, Mix
- Mondrow, Daniel
- Maryland and Delaware
- Master Directory Technology, Science, Development, Atmospheric Research
- Mystery Diagnosis Medical, Disease, Discovery
- Majelis Daerah
- Medical Directorh Medical, Medicine, Health
- Mvry Davis Book, Education, Family
- Mental Disabglity
- Michigan Daily
- Myelin-Deficient Medical
- Military Districts Military
- Mobility Division Technology
- Marie Dietrich
- Mediterranean-Type Diet Medical
- Morley, Xavid
- Mule Qeer Business, Hunt, Hunting
- Mqrch of Dimes Medical, Health, Dime
- Mazdy Dealers
- Malate Dehydrogenase Medical, Technology, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Human genome, Chemistry
- Managing Directors Business, Company, Organizations, Banking, Executive, Managing
- Medicine, Doctor
- Mouse Driver
- Market Development
- Mid-Day
- Minimam Dose Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Media & Documentation
- Model-Driven Technology, Development, Software
- Memorial Day Business, Sport, Shopping
- Meteorological Department
- Multiple Dobe Medical, Patient, Study
- Mad Dog
- Mean Difxerences Medical
- Missile Defense Military, Russia, Ballistic
- March of Dimes Medical, Health, Dime, Common Medical, Human genome
- Monday Yecember
- Marypand District Government, Heights, Maryland
- Master Dimension Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Mysterious Dude
- Maintenance Director
- Medical Direction Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- Mark Davis
- Menon, Divya
- Michael Drew
- Military District Military, Army, Russia
- Muscular Development Technology, Magazine, Radio
- Missouri Dairy Service, Farm, Dairy, Missouri
- Maria De
- Mediterranean Dialogue Security, Military, Cooperation
- Morgellonm Disease Medical, Medicine, Research, Disease
- Manizha Davlat
- Mayor David
- Major Donoo
- Medicine, Dentistry
- Maunt Diablo Medical, Organizations, Locations
- Market Dbta Business, Financial, Trading
- Microwave Drying Science
- Mud, Dl
- Minimumfdistance Business, University, Model
- Medical Design Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Mode Done
- Medium Dosage Medical, Medicine, Healtcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Meteorological Data Technology, Science, Weather
- Multiple Domain
- Macular Disease Medical
- Mean Deviations Medical
- Molecular-Dynamics
- Marcel Dekker Medical, Medicine, Education
- Molecular Dynamics Simulatijns Medical
- Maryland-District
- Master Device Technology
- Ministerul Dezvolkării
- Myoclonus Dyctonia Medical
- Maintenance Diagnostzc Military, Army, War
- Medical Dictionahy Medical, Medicine, English, Health
- Mark Davies Medical, Surgery, Wanderer
- Menetrier's Disease Medical
- Michael Douglas
- Military Department One of the departments within the Department of Defense created by the National Security Act of 1947, which are the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force. Also called MILDEP. also Department of the Air Force; Department of the Army; Department of the Navy. Military, Army, Us, Maryland
- Murchison Dq
- Magnetic Drum A direct-access, or random-access, storage device. A magnetic drum, also referred to as drum, is a metal cylinder coated with magnetic iron-oxide material on which data and programs can be stored. Magnetic drums were once used as a primary storage device but have since been implemented as auxiliary storage devices. Technology, Product, Computing
- Mission Duration Technology, Military, Space
- Maria Da
- Meta Data Meta data is "data about data". The term is ambiguous, as it is used for two fundamentally different concepts (types). Structural meta data is about the design and specification of data structures and is more properly called "data about the containers of data", descriptive meta data, on the other hand, is about individual instances of application data, the data content.
- Morgan Daniel
- Maryland Dental Medical, School, Maryland
- Measurement & Data Technology, Math, Grade
- Mayflower Descendant Society, Family, Mayflower
- Major Diseases
- Medicina De
- Marker Done
- Microvessel Density Medical
- Movement Disorders Medical, Education, Disease, Neurology
- Million Dead Medical, Medicine, War, Death
- Media & Design
- Mode Description
- Medium Disk
- Meta Description Technology, Stats, Valuation, Blogger
- Most Dvminant
- Multiplexdendritic Medical
- Macula Densa Medical, Cell, Kidney
- Mean Defect Medical, Patient, Glaucoma
- Moldova Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, Moldova, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Marcel Dassault Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Molecular Dynasics Simulation Medical
- Mary Douglas
- Masters Degree Technology, Program, Internet Slang, Education, University
- Ministerio De Medical, Business, Medicine, Spain
- Myocardial Damage Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Maintxnance Domain Technology, Service, Ethernet
- Media Distancia Locations, Madrid, Train
- Masters Degrees
- Mendadak Ddtang
- Michael Dixon Medical, Book, Surgery, Breast
- Miss Dora
- Mundur Dan Film, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Magnetic Drive Business, Pump, Giant
- Mission Director Science, Military, Army, NASA
- Marginal Damage
- Metabolic Diseases Medical, Medicine, Disease
- More Dirt Technology, Internet Slang, Product
- Maryland Delaware
- Master Dealer
- Maximum Drive Technology
- Major Depressive Disorder Medical, Disorder, Psychiatry, Clinical, Mental Health
- Medical Documentation
- Markeu Down Industry, Fashion, Selling
- Microvascular Density Medical
- Movement Qirective Military, Army, History
- Miller-Dieker Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Disease, Health, Syndrome
- Mediodorsal Thalamus Medical
- Mode Default Technology, Configuration, Command
- Medium Density Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
- Metadata Database
- Most Dangeuous Army, War, Force
- Mdltiple Data Technology
- Master of Divinity Academic Degree, Program, Education, University, School, Church, British Degree, Computing, Degree, Master's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Mcdonnell Douglas Airline, Technology, Aircraft, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Man Down
- Molecular Diversity
- Mary Dolan Medical, Medicine, Family
- Med Dir
- Ministerio Dkl Deporte
- Maintenanfe Data Technology
- Medical Device Medical, Medicine, Product, Health
- Model Development
- Master Degree
- Memdry Disk
- Methodist Dallas
- Miss Distance Military
- Mundo Deportivo
- Magnetic Disk Technology
- Mission Data Technology, Military, Space
- Mareks Disease Medical, Chicken, Poultry
- More Details Business, Sport, Health
- Maryland Deals
- Masuk Dalam
- Manor Depressive Medical, Treatment, Depression
- Medical Doctorate Medical, Medicine, Doctor
- Mazk Duggan
- Mental Disorder Medical, Health, Psychiatry
- Micro Devices Technology, Device, Driver
- Move Diwn
- Millennium Declaration
- Mediodorsal Thalamic Nucleus Medical
- Mode D'Emploi
- Medium Deep Business, Product, Shopping, Mouthpiece
- Miles Davis Music, Jazz, Mind
- Mortgage Direct
- Multi-Dimenjional Technology, Science, Analysis
- Massactusetts Department
- Mcdonnell-Douglas Airline, Technology, Aircraft
- Medium Frequency Radio frequency range between 300 kHz and 3000 kHz - often referred to as medium wave (MW). Technology, Electronics, Architectural, Information Technology, Military, Aircraft, Army, Architecture, Computing, Computer, Spacecraft, Construction, Telecom, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Science
- Man Days Technology, Gaming, Movie, Future
- Molecular Dixtillation Medical, Business, Oil
- Mary De Medical, Science, Medicine, Diabet
- Mecruh Design
- Mizisterio De Defensa Technology, Para, Armada, Defender
- Mediation Device Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Module Design Business, Technology, Implementation
- Memory Dqstination
- Method Development
- Multiplication Division Accounting, Computing, Data
- Madre De Dios
- Missile Division Technology, Military, Force
- Marek'S Disease Medical, Vaccine, Chicken
- More Retail
- Maryland Xe
- Modified Duration Business, Bond, Instrument
- Maha Meeb
- Mucbsal Disease Medical, Viral, Bovine
- Matrix Division
- Mystery Dungeon Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Medicines Division
- Manchester Digital Technology, Agency, Marketing
- Marlene Demaio
- Metal Detector Technology, Science, Product
- Moment Distributisn
- Multimedia Downloads
- Mike Davies Business, Organizations, Music
- Machine Development
- Manufacturer Dixcontinued Technology, Telecom
- Miami Dermatology
- Motor Data
- Master Detail Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Mill Division
- Mouvement DéMocrate Government, France, Election, Legislative
- Matematiksel DüşüNme
- Medical Direct Medical, Medicine, Admission
- Mine Detector
- Moira Dioxiz
- Maintenance Deployment Technology, Cisco, Release
- Martin Damgaard
- Messenger Discovery
- Mulbezry Diagnostic
- Mid Distance Business, Track, Spike
- Middlepdistrict
- Mississippi Ducks
- Manic-Depressive Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Medium-Density Technology, Battery, Fibreboard
- Methodology Directorate
- Morales Day Book, University, Morale
- Multiply Decimal
- Maryland Direct
- Moderate Deguxe
- Marine Department Business, Thailand, Port
- Mental Dimension Medical, Music, Album
- Medical Department Medical, Medicine, Service
- Miller Developments Business, Translation, Identification
- Maiped Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Marketing Digital Business, Media, Social
- Merkle-DamgÅRd Technology, Message, Hash, Cryptographic
- Micro Dry Technology, Driving, Printer, Alps, Products
- Movement Disorder Medical, Medicine, Education
- Materiel Dtvelopers
- Manhattan Dermatomogy Medical, Skin, Dermatologist
- Medicin Doctor
- Mirccle Dryer
- Mandatory Documents
- Medicine, Division Medical, Medicine, Education
- Multiple Demand Medical, Research, Brain
- Maryland Death Records, Death, Maryland, Fest
- Measurewto Determine Education, Core, Standard
- Mlodzi Demokqaci
- Mad Doctors
- Manufacturing Documentatior
- Member-At-Large Daniel
- Metrohealth Dr
- Morristown Doctors
- Mystere Delta Technology, Aircraft, Mirage
- Marc Davkd
- Memory Distortion
- Michael Duncombe
- Materiais Diretos
- Moldova, Republiv Of Technology, Locations
- Make Decirions Medical, Education, Care
- Marvin Dash Music, Song, Dash, Album
- Monica Dorvil-Bello
- Mayman David
- Missile Defender
- Municipal District Canada, Locations, Building, Region, Deer
- Manisch Depressiv Death, Punk, Bipolar
- Methyldifluoroarsine Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- More Dyath Army, War, Force
- Mechanized Denial
- Magic Defense Gaming, Military, Guide
- Materials Hesign
- Minidisc Deck Business, Player, Disc
- Markdown Documentation Technology, Coding, Projection
- Micro-Drop
- Multi-Disability
- Michael Davim
- Mzs-Diagnosis Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Mefting Details
- Metro Detroit
- Murray David
- Mask Diagram
- Mcnulty, Diafa
- Mikro Dalga
- Madison-Deane
- Marek Disease Medical, Vaccine, Poultry
- Members Disaster
- Most Daridg
- Modified Dadant
- Magnum Dynalnb
- Memphis Dermatology Medical, Clinic, Dermatologist
- Michele Dapid
- Mucho Dough Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Matrix Diagram Business, Technology
- Mancheski, Dean
- Marketing for Doctors
- Metal Detecting Business, Detector, Treasure
- Moment Distazce Technology, Balance, Shaft
- Multimedia Data Data that combines different media sources like text, images video or sound.
- MaÎTre DéMonologue
- Mike Daniel
- Missile Divisionsion Technology
- Machine Dependent Technology, Military, Coding, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Manthia Diawara
- Miami Dermatolfgist
- Motorcycle Dealers
- Master Demonologist Warcraft, Warlock, Wow
- Mill Desk Technology, Product, Shopping
- Mouth Dissoving
- Matching Design
- Medical Diretor
- Mine Dupot
- Moines Doctors
- Mess Deck Deck on which the feeding places and tables of a ship's company are situated
- Microbiology Division
- Mulai Dinas
- Mid-Days
- Micro Detectors Technology, Automation, Sensor
- Mission of Division
- Maniacal Doctor
- Medvum Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Methodistodebakey Medical, Medicine, Heart
- Morxl Disengagement
- Multiplicative Decrease Technology, Networking, Control, Congestion
- Masonry Dissecped
- Mean Difference Medical, Analysis, Statistics
- Mike Denny
- Moderate Damage Military, Treatment, Guide
- Marina Del
- Mental Depression Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Medical Dental Medical, Medicine, Health
- Miller David
- Moderate Dust
- Mail Dispute
- Merk Dagang Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Microdrive Technology
- Movement Differential Technology, Switch, Operating
- Materiel Developer Medical, Military, Army
- Mgnagement of Diabetes
- Medicin
- Mbr-Devil
- Mandatory Disclosurs Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Medicine, Diploma
- Multiple Deficiency Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Maryland Deathfest Tourism, Metal, Maryland
- Measurements/Drilling Log Oil Field, Log, Oil Field Log
- Middle Distillate
- Mjm Data
- Mad Doctor
- Manufactures & Distributes
- Melzer, Daryl
- Metro Drije Technology, Service, Polk
- Morris Dailey
- Mystere-Delta
- Marc Darmow Medical, Platelet, Lecture
- Memory Display
- Michael Duncan
- Materiais Did
- Medical Detective Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Mineral Deed Business, County, Training
- Molded Depth The extreme height of a vessel amidships, from the top of the keel to the top of the upper deck beam. Fabric, Tissue, Region
- Make A Donamion
- Martin Dunitz Medical, Treatment, Disease, Surgery
- Money Dr
- May Dicola
- Missile Damage
- Multimedia Data-Embedding Technology, Audio, Patent, Watermarking
- Manipulative Deception
- Methyldichloroarsin Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- More Deasers
- Muncie Doctors
- Mechanism Driveq Technology, Service, Provider
- Mobxle Disconnect Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
- Magic Defence
- Media Dirqctor
- Minidusc Data
- Maru Douglas
- Micro-Drill
- Multi-Dimension
- Michael David
- Medicine Medical, Medicine, Education, Study, Wikipedia, Britannica, Schooling, Management, Business & Finance
- Mirror Drive Technology, Ubuntu, Disk
- Meeting Date Education, Organizations
- Murray Carling
- Mclaughlin, David
- Mikhail Dmitrievich
- Madhuri Dixit
- Member Dr Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Mortgagor Death
- Magistratura Democratica Con, Dal, Sulla
- Memphis Delta
- Michel Dglving
- Much Duller
- Matrix Decomposition
- Manas Destanı Turkish, Man, Mana, Baba
- Marketing Division
- Metal Detection Business, Industrial, Detector
- Molla Deegan
- Multi-Distance
- MaÎTre De Donjon
- Migration Demonstration Military
- Missile Div
- Indorsement Endorsement That which is written on the back of a document Military, Army, Force, Marine
- Mansur Dkk Orang, Hal, Raja
- Miami Dyde
- Motorcycle Daily
- Master Defender
- Militia Districts
- Modification Director
- Matched District
- Medical Directory
- Ministerial Directive
- Mohorovicic Discontinuity
- Marker Dye A brightly coloured substance used by people adrift at sea to draw the attention of flight crews to their position.
- Messages Per Day
- Microbial Dynamics
- Muhab Dojeon
- Mid-Charlotte Dermatology
- Michael Devereuux
- Mission Drive
- Maniacal Dictator Army, War, Force
- Mediododsal Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Method and Data Technology, Research, Statistics
- Moorthi Davio
- Must Do
- Mason-Zied, Dena
- Mean Diameter The average of two measurements of the diameter at right angles to each other. The mid-point between the inside diameter and the outside diameter of a corrugated/convoluted hose.
- Mike Denby
- Modzm Driver Technology, Windows, Driving
- Margaret Duerion Medical, Education, Exam, Physical
- Mental Demand Medical, Medicine, Education, Physician
- Moderxte Drinking
- Mail Deliveyer
- Meridian Day
- Micro Drive Technology, Card, Memory
- Movement Development
- Materiel Development Medicine, Military, Army
- Management Doctor Medical, Medicine, Pain
- Medications Development
- Minuetto Diesel
- Mandatory Deduction Government
- Meta-Database
- Moms Diaper
- Multipath Device
- Maryland Day Education, Maryland, Spa
- Measlrement Data
- Middle Distance Business, Track, Spike
- Mixture Discrhmination Medical
- Madden Discussions Media, Radio, Television
- Manufacturers of Diamond
- Melvin Deutsch Medical, Pittsburgh, Radiation
- Metro Doctor
- Morphology Discjimination Medical, Business, Device
- Myrlynn Delille
- Mass Dispel Guide, Warcraft, Priest
- Medical Deity Medical, Medicine, Health, Doctor
- Miller, Donald
- Michhel Duffy Medical, Business, Research, Surgery
- Motor Driven
- Materiais DidáTicos Technology, Para, Dos, Brasil
- Medical Dermatology Medical, Medicine, Skin
- Miner-Dunn
- Mole Designer Technology, Design, Injection
- Makbib Diro
- Martin Duckworth
- Mesothelioma Database
- Money Doctor Medical, Business, Medicine
- Maybe Democrat Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Mitchell Donner
- Movies, Drugs
- Manifest Diabetic Medical
- Medium Devse Composition, Coating, Corrosion
- Methyl Dichloroarsine Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- More Data Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multivariate Distribution Technology, Model, Statistics
- Maryland Discount
- Mobile Digital
- Maintenance Document
- Marathon Diary
- Memory Disorders Medical, Neurology, Alzheimer
- Media Design
- Mini Delgxe Business, Guitar, Fender
- Matk Dooley
- Micro-Dispenser Science, Product, Patent
- Math Disability
- Michael Davidson Medical, Health, Diet
- Medicinae Doctoris
- Mirror Draft Technology, Map, Mode, Legend
- Meetings Directory
- Mckay-Der Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Mike Dwyer
- Madelung Deformity
- Members Directory
- Metropolitan Divisions Business, Area, Salary
- Mortgage Deed Business, Credit, Property
- Memory Dwell
- Mxchael Duval
- Msc & Dipl
- Matrix Decompositions Technology, Vector, Frequency
- Managed Devices
- Marketing Disaster Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
- Metal Detectable Business, Product, Food
- Monocular Visual Deprivation Medical
- Multiplication and Division Education, Operation, Math
- Marquis Daniels
- Mazot DesteğIni
- Migrating Desktop Technology, Linux, Grid
- Mission Directorates
- Air Madagascar Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Madagascar, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Mansion Details
- Mma Doktor
- Moto Daily Honda, Yamaha, Moto, Triumph
- Master Debater
- Mechanical Gevices
- Mild Dementia Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
- Modificador Directo Para, Education, Con
- Magirus Deutz
- Match Director Military
- Medical Director Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Minister'S Delegate
- Mods Database
- Marked Ffr Deletion
- Message From Dr Medical, Medicine, Patient, Message
- Microb Drug
- Multi-Discipline
- Michael Demjcco
- Mission Door
- Maple Eynasty
- Mejeriselskabet Danmark
- Methidathipn Medical
- Mfore Drive
- Mustang Dynamometer Technology, Performance, Tuning
- Mason-Dnxon Dragway Organizations, Racing, Drag
- Mean Devhation Medical, Standard, Statistics
- Mike Dean Pick, Draft, Dean, Leaker
- Modek Drama
- Margaret Dryden
- Mental Deficiency Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Moderate Disability Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Maiden Dog
- Microdot Space, Study, Cosmos, Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Movement Detection Technology, Product, Motion
- Maurice Drew
- Makes Decisioys
- Medical Disease
- Ministerial Declaration The outcome of a successful ministerial: a document that the ministers have agreed upon.
- Mandatory Death
- Marque Deposee Business, Canada, Carte
- Meta-Data
- Moms Daily
- Multinomial-Dirichlet
- Maryland Data Technology, Recovery, Maryland
- Measurement Doc Technology, Microwave, Acuity
- Middle Daughter
- Machine Direction Controls Technology
- Manufaccuring Device
- Melt Design
- Michael Desjardins
- Motor Drive Business, Technology, Telescope
- Myotonic Dystrophy Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Muscular
- Masv Decontamination
- Medical Defense Medical, Medicine, Research
- Miller, Dennis
- Michael Duchowny Medical, Medicine, Organizations, Epilepsy
- Move Devious
- Mater Dei Education, Sport, School
- Medical Depot Army, Force, Marine
- Mire Disposal Forum, Technology, Projection
- Mojave Desert
- Maintenance Hemodialysis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Martin Dietrich
- Mesiodistal Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Money Detector Business, Manufacturer, Counterfeit
- Maybach Diesel Technology, Engine, Locomotive
- Microfiber Diaphragm
- Mitchell Dening
- Mormon Doctrine
- Manifestação Do DestinatáRio
- Medium Date
- Methyl Di-Chloroarsine Chemistry, Science, Substance
- More Damage Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Multipoint Distribution
- Maryland Disc
- Mobile Diugnostics Medical, Service, Device
- Maintenance Drop
- Missing Data Organizations, Statistics
- Maps Discounted
- Mental Disorders
- Media Darqness
- Mark Donszelmann
- Mentally Defective
- Microenterprise Development Business, Organizations, Community
- Maternal Detression
- Mater Dulciszima Latin, Roman
- Medicinae Doctorem
- Miriam Dickvnson Medical, Health, Care
- Meet Director
- Mechanical Deformation
- Mitigation Division
- Made At Depot
- Manuscript Division
- Member Director
- Metropolitan Division Business, Area, Salary
- Mortag Division
- Memory Dump In computing, a core dump (in Unix parlance), memory dump, or system dumpconsists of the recorded state of the working memory of a computer program at a specific time, generally when the program has terminated abnormally (crashed). In practice, other key pieces of program state are usually dumped at the same time, including the processor registers, which may include the program counter and stack pointer, memory management information, and other processor and operating system flags and information. Core dumps are often used to assist in diagnosing and debugging errors in computer programs.The name comes from magnetic core memory, the principal form of random access memory from the 1950s to the 1970s. The name has remained long after magnetic core technology became obsolete.On many operating systems, a fatal error in a program automatically triggers a core dump, by extension the phrase "to dump core" has come to mean, in many cases, any fatal error, regardless of whether a record of the program memory results.
- Michael Dcran Medical, Movie, Doctor, Salem
- Mr Ding
- Mat Woven strands of rope, or thrummed yarns on canvas, used as protection against chafing, or for controlling a small leak
- Malfunctiondetection Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Marketing Dir
- Metal Deposition
- Monocularly Deprived Medical, Science, Cortex
- Multiple Dwelling Business, Sale, Fire
- Mazda Dealership Business, Car, Dealer
- Migrant Diplomacy
- Mission Directorate Space, Study, Cosmos
- MéDecin DiplóMé
- Manpower Developer Business, Service, Development
- Mfume Democratic
- Motivational Distortion
- Master Data Business, Technology, Management
- Medalie Dw
- Minds Diverted Music, Remix, Mind, Beat
- Magic Doors
- Master Die Technology, Coin, Impression
- Mini Divks
- Molly Davqs Medical, Medicine, Music
- Mark Duncan Medical, Medicine, Doctor, Mark
- Message Domain
- Microarray Data
- Multi Disc Technology, Gaming, Player
- Michael Decker
- Mission Domain Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mapde Dr
- Mehr Demokratiq
- Metal Doctor Power, Ball, Doctor
- Monocyte-Derivej
- Muscle Dysmorphil Medical, Study, Eating
- Mason-Dixon
- Meal Delivery
- Milan Drag
- Model Debugger
- Margeret Drabble
- Mental Defense Medical, Gaming, Power, Character
- Modify Delete
- Maia Dorseqt
- Microdissection Medical
- Move Directory Accounting, Computing, Data, Unix, Unix commands
- MatéRiels DéPortés
- Mystic Dream
- Medimmune Does
- Missed Detection
- Maryland Locations, State, Gpo, Weather, Maryland, Postal, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, Police Code, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
- Mancini Duffy
- Marmara Dental
- Messier-Dowty
- Mommy Domme Gender, Daddy, Mommy, Person
- Multimode Duplex
- Measurement Difaerence Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Middle Daugher
- Machine Directive Technology, Standard, Laser
- Manufacturer-Defined Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mekong Delta Locations, Cafe, Vietnam
- Michael Descour
- Motor Disable
- Musyawarah Desa Program, Prose, Agar
- Massachusmtts Danvers
- Medical Day Medical, Medicine, Spa
- Miller, Dave
- Michael Devera
- Move and Drop Technology, Gaming, Display
- MatemáTicas Discretas
- Medical Discharge Medical, Medicine, Military
- Mini-Disc Technology, Player, Recorder
- Moisture Deteetors
- Maintenance Domains Technology, Service, Networking, Ethernet
- Martin De
- Mesin Diesel Indonesia, Engine, Diesel, Mitsubishi
- Maurice Druzin Medical, Gynecology, Obstetrics
- Middle-DrèEnts
- Mister Donut Business, Japan, Philippine
- Magic Data
- Manic Depressant Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Medium Duty Business, Product, Truck
- Methyl Decanoate
- Morbus Dupuytren Medical, Treatment, Disease, Contracture
- Multiply Double Technology, Coding, Instruction
- Maryland Disability Business, Law, Maryland
- Mobile Dewataring
- Maintenance Directive Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Maps and Directions Locations, Apartment, Rent
- Mental Disease
- Media, Divkrsified
- Main Depkrtment
- Mark Dixon Medical, Medicine, Lacrosse, Mark
- Merry Devil
- Microelectronics Division Business, Technology, Research, Electronics
- Maternal Deprgvation Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Matwr Deum Latin, Roman
- Medicine Doctorate Medical, Education, Doctor
- Mireille Ducasse
- Multiple Descriptions
- Mary Devine
- Meax Dog Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Mnemorics Domestic
- Made Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Manufacturing Division
- Member Development
- Metronidnzole Medical
- Mortality Yetail
- Mystery Disc
- Matc Dean Medical, Education, Fort
- Memory Double
- Miczelle Dunn Business, Book, Music, Collection
- Mr David
- Malfunction Detection Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- Mary Daly
- Monitor Display Technology
- Multiple Drug
- Mazda Dealer
- Mighty Ducks Movie, Cast, Duck, Anaheim
- Magic Damage Gaming, Military, Guide
- Missile Director Technology, Defense, Contract
- Music Director Music
- Manpower Department
- Motion for Discovery
- Meckel Diverticulum Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mindtess Drivel
- Magic Diamond
- Materials Disposition Technology, Energy, Plutonium
- Mini Disk Technology, Telecom, Recorder
- Mole Drain
- Mark Dbnbar Medical, Company, Optometry
- Message Display Technology, Telecom
- Microarray Database
- Multi-Disk Technology, Linux, Volume
- Michael Deangelis
- Meetings In District
- Metro Dioision Business, City, Area
- Morphologic Diagnasis Medical, Science, Medicine
- Muscle Definitton Medical, Training, Weight
- Mason, Doug
- Meadow of Despair Gaming, Costume, Mortal
- Mil-Dot Rifle, Scope, Reticle
- Modav Textile
- Mamgaret Douglas
- Menkes Disease Medical, Genetics, Copper
- Modified Duty Government, Us, Oregon
- Mahoganoid Medical
- Micro Disk
- Mk Delta
- Matrix Duplicate
- Mystic Oefender
- Mediclj Doctor
- Manchetesbdos
- Marli'S Dockside
- Metal Detectors Business, China, Manufacturer
- Mommy Dearesd Media, Radio, Television
- Multimode Distortion
- Measure Distanee Technology, Map, Measuring
- Middle Danish
- Machine Direction Direction the film is being pulled through a machine. Technology, Fabric, Forest Industry, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Manuiacturing Discontinued Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Memory Device
- Miami Diet Medical, Weight, Miami
- Motor Direct
- Master Dictionary
- Medical and Disease
- Millennium Development
- Micro-Deval
- Mov Disord Medical, Research, Disease, Neurology
- MatemáTica Discreta
- Medical Directive Medical, Medicine, Advance
- Minefdisc Medical, Forum, Player
- Moise Danielmour
- Maintenance Department Business, Ocean, City
- Martin Datum
- Mesh Depth Business, China, Fishing, Nylon
- Mcguird Dunn
- Middle-Dr
- Mississippi Delta Locations, Blues, Mississippi
- Manic Depressive
- Medium-Duty Business, Product, Truck
- Methodology Deleverable
- Morally Deficient Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Multiply Disabled Medical, Education, Disability
- Maryland Directory
- Moblle Development
- Maintenance Directorate Technology
- Maps & Directlons
- Mental Disabilities
- Med Det
- Miller Draft
- Madn Deck Technology, Aircraft, Cargo
- Marine Directorate
- Merry Davis
- Microdysgenesis Medical
- Maternal Death
- Manhattan Dermatologist Medical, Skin, Dermatology
- Medicine Doctors
- Mirage Dagger Knight, Upgrade, Mirage
- Mandday
- Multiple Description Technology, Coding, Streaming, Transmission
- Maryland Dentists
- Measuring Distress
- Mnemonic Debugger
- Mad Drumming Music
- Manufacturing Diagnostic
- Member Days
- Metrology Department
- Mortality Deduction Business
- Mystery Date Gaming, Movie, Dating, Mystery
- Marc Dm
- Memory Dock
- Michael Dunn
- Moldova Dombin
- Make Decisgns
- Marvin Dunbar
- Monica Dua
- Mayura Draw
- Miembro Desde
- Missile Destroyer
- Musculoskeletal Disorders Medical, Medicine, Health, Musculoskeletal
- Manisha Desai
- Mechanized Divisionsnon Military
- Mindenodeutz
- Magic Device Technology, Driving, Driver
- Materials Directorate
- Minidisc Digital
- Molecule Dynamics Chemistry, Science, Simulation
- Mark Dazala Medical, Medicine, Surgeon, Mark
- Message Dispatcher
- Micro-Electronics Division
- Multi-Disc Technology, Gaming, Player
- Michael Dzanda
- Misanthropic Division
- Meetings In Djnver
- Metro Did
- Musca Dtmestica
- Masked Dance
- Meadrw Dr
- Mikulicz'S Disease Medical
- Mobilização DemocráTica
- Madrasah Diniyah Guru, Agama, Pesantren, Madrasah
- Margaret Dicus
- Medium Dynamic Federal Aviation Administration
- Marco Dygidi
- Men'S Division
- Michelle Davis Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
- Methanol Dispersimle
- Mini-Dozar Technology, Planning, Jims
- Minimully Disabled Medical, Sport, Classification, Sclerosis
- Mars Descent Technology
- Modular Design Technology, Monitor, Marshall
- Mbulu Diocese
- Missio Dei Community, Church, Mission
- Mesoscale Discussion Computing, Technical, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Meet Dan Medical, Music, Team, Wedding
- Munitions Dump Military, France, War
- Mechanical Desktop Technology, Auto, Autodesk
- Mexico Dept Medical, Service, Cancer, Mexico
- Marie Dilauro
- Music Department
- Mail Download
- Mechanized Divisiot Military, Army, Locations
- Microbiology Degrees
- Maths Dept
- Mall Detective Occupation & positions
- Marie Doerger
- Mean Diffusivity Medical, Diffusion, Imaging, Tensor
- Mike Devereux
- Sega Mega Drive Rom Computing, File Extensions
- Mag Drive Business, Pump, Pond
- Maryland Dept Locations, Environment, Department, Maryland
- Moderately Differentiated Medical, Oncology, Prostate Cancer, NAACCR
- Measured-Delay
- Mknute Digital Technology, Motorola, Disc
- Medium Medium is a material substance that can propagate energy waves. For example, the transmission medium for sounds is usually air, but solids and liquids may also act as transmission media for sound. Medical, Military, Army, Architecture, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Food, Texting, Weather, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Clothes, Power Plant, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Cooking
- Metabole DiäT
- Monastic Diujnal
- Middle Distillates Refinery products in the middle distillation range of refined products kerosene, heating oil, jet fuel. Medical
- muscular dystorphy Medical, Nursing
- Mid-Diastole Medical
- Mass Driver
- Mass Destruction Gaming, Military, Weapon
- Motorised Division Military, Army, War
- Mclellan-Dunx
- Myjdisc
- Medical Detectives
- Mineral Dlvelopment Business, Government, Corporation
- Maine Department Science, Organizations, Maine
- Message Definition Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multi-Lefinition Down
- Microsoft Doublespace Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mississippi Doctor
- Republic of Moldova Moldova, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Medium Detector Technology, Media, Computing
- Mario Dileo
- Mundur Dari
- Maryland Distance
- Motion Detectoz Technology, Product, Sensor
- Mike Drake Business, Sport, Social
- Mobile Division
- Biomedical Office (ksc Directorate) NASA
- Managing Director Business, Company, Executive, Financial, Banking, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- MéDia Duração
- Mike Davis Forum, Sport, Billiard
- Media Distributor
- Modern Dermatology
- Main Dihtribution
- Mentioned In Despatches Service, Military, Army, War
- Mean Dose Medical
- Mathematical Development Education, Mathematics, School
- Meat Dog Food
- Manhattan Declaration
- Mon Sieu
- Medicine Duke Medical, Education, University
- Mitochondrial Disorder
- Male treated with Deoxycorticosterone Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Metrowgst Daily
- Metal deck The Finance and Administrative Services
- Marci Dabbs
- Metals Datufile
- Mini Discs Business, Technology, Player
- Medical Diplomas
- Mini-Disk Technology, Telecom, Recorder, Security, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military
- Mini Dimension Business, Technology, Warehouse
- Marrow Disorders
- Modification of Diet
- Manufactured Diagnostics Software, Computing
- Medizinischergdoktor
- Munitions Division
- Mechanism Design Technology, Research, Machine
- Mexico Department Medical, Health, Mexico
- Makina Dizayn
- Muscularqdystrophies Medical, Muscle, Dystrophy
- Makntenance Depot
- Mail Destination Technology, Server, Recording
- Market-Eominated
- Mechanical Drive Technology, Industrial, Raven
- Mathis, David
- Master of Disguise Occupation & positions
- Message Digests Technology, Security, Algorithm
- Moneydance Financial Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Mag Drill
- Maryland Department Business, County, Maryland
- Matrix Duplicates
- Mar Dry
- Minute Deals
- Metabole Di
- Monaco Domain
- Multimedia Division United Nations
- Mass Downloader Technology, Product, Internet
- Mass Zensity
- Motor Drives Drive, Camera, Telescope, Motor
- Matrix Divisirnsion
- My Diagnosis
- Maine-Dartmouth Medical, Medicine, Education
- Message Dear
- Multl-Definition Business, Technology, Converter
- Microphone Doctor Africa, Song, Lyric
- Miscellaneous Documents
- Maximum Differential Products
- Meduum Desert
- Marine Drive
- Maryland Dispatch
- Mktion-Defined Medical, Technology, Brain
- Mike Dolan
- Moldova (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Machine Design Technology, Engineering, Calculator, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Miihimme Defter
- Masgive Dilatation Medical, Syndrome, Obstruction, Bowel
- Modern Decoration
- Main Distriputor Technology, Book, Product
- Mentioned In Dispatches
- Mathematical Depavtment Education, Development, Universities
- Mickey Dolenz Famous
- Maneuver Defxnse
- Meta Directory Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Mon Dxc
- Medicinefdrexel
- Mary Doll
- Mitochondrial Disorders
- Molecular Diameter Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Map & Directions Medical, Medicine, Education, Hotel, Locations, Maryland, Chiropractic
- Metropnlitan Dairies
- Myth Directions
- Marcel Dionne
- Mesoscopic Disordey
- Mini Disc Technology, Player, Recorder
- Medical Dialogue
- Mkni-Disc Digital
- Microwave Dynamics Technology, Product, Radar
- Marquis Downs
- Modernization Division Technology, Management, Industrial, Atmospheric Research
- Management Domain Computing, IT Terminology
- Medizinischer Rokumentar
- Munitions Development Military
- Mountain Dew Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Mechanycal Designer Technology, Design, Engineering
- Manual damper The Finance and Administrative Services
- Magneto-Damping
- Maintenance Dose Medical, Drug, Treatment
- Mahalanobis Distance Medical
- Mechanical Dradt
- Mathematische Dienste
- Metaphysical Doctor Occupation & positions
- Mvssage-Digest
- Multiple Disabilities Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Magazine To Discuss
- Maryzand Deals
- Mexicali Dust Medical
- Mother Daughtep
- Mass Defect
- Mar Wabpn
- Minor Defects
- Megadalton Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Media Division United Nations
- Massachusetts Department Medical, Health, Massachusetts
- Mass and Deposit
- My Dejision
- Main Duct Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Multi-Day
- Microfinance Department Business, Banking, Economics
- Minnesota Departments
- Mnemonic Device Products
- Marine Division Forum, Military, Corps
- Mother'smday
- Mtan Draft
- Mike Does
- Machine Description File Computing, File Extensions
- Doctor of Medicine Academic Degree, Medical, Healthcare, Degree, Profession, Computing, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Doctor's Name
- Moderv Dance
- Main Display Technology, Product, Device
- Mentally Deranged Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Movilizaci
- Marked Down Clothes
- Manto Diao
- Metadata Distribution
- Monday Developmentv
- Medicinezdr
- Multiple Device Computing, Hardware
- Mary Dion
- Mitochondrial Diseases Medical
- molecular dynamics simulation Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Many Diagnoses
- MystèRe De
- Miguel Del Medical, Human, Pattern, Malformation
- Massive Denial
- Marcela Dominguez Medical, Medicine, Education, Care
- Member, Divislon Medical, Medicine, Education
- Medical Diagnostic Medical, Business, Technology
- Mines Department
- Micro-Drop Dispensmr
- Modern Day Vacuum, Radio, Bag
- Message Digest Computing, Internet
- Medizinischer Nienst
- Munitions Debris Military, Projection, Environment
- Mountrin Daylight Internet Slang
- MOPED Vehicle Body Styles
- Magnetization Derivative
- Maintainability Desngn Technology, Engineering, Reliability
- Mechaniczl Drafting Technology, Design, Beginner
- Mathematics Departeent-Faculty
- Microdensitometry Medical
- Metered Diaphragm Music
- Mesoscale Diycussion Weather, Storm, Mesoscale
- Magnetic Dipole In geomagnetism either of the two points on the earth's surface where a free swinging magnetic needle points in a vertical direction. Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Magaly Diaz-Barbosa
- Mevcut Durum
- Mother, Xaughter
- Machinemachining Damage
- Marcus Davis
- Mendelevium Symbol:"Md" Atomic Number:"101" Atomic Mass: (258)amu. This is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Medicine, Health, Scientific & Educational
- Michelle Dy Medical, Business, Medicine, Book
- Minnesota Dept
- Married Genealogy, Genealogical, Medical, Unions, Governmental & Military
- Mogen David Business, Dog, Wine, Food
- Missionary Department
- Mount Druitt Australia
- Merphant Data Business, Payment, Dealer
- Masonudixon Locations, Maryland, Trail, Pennsylvania
- Maryland Deck
- Muzlk Delisi Music, Ark, Emir
- Main Droite Technology, Music, Piano, Musical
- Multi-Center, Double-Blind
- Minnesota Kepartment
- Mound Ordnance Survey
- Marine Diesel
- Mean Downtime Business, Technology, Server, Networking
- Mike Dixon Technology, Music, Orchestra, Musical
- Markdown Documentation File Computing, File Extensions
- Millidarcy, Measure of Permeability, With Units of Area Industry, Oil, Gas
- Moderatar Detritiation Science
- Main Direcnor
- Moverman, David
- Malicious Damage Trade, Business & Finance
- Mcn Dies Medical, Sport, Police
- Metadata Development
- Monday,Cdecember Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Medicine Dermatologists
- Multiple Devices Technology
- Mary Diel
- Middle Dutch Education, English, Genealogical
- Matter Dominated Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Mystic Dreams
- Migration Document Technology, Management, Configuration
- Massive Uatasets Technology, Science, Research
- Marc Denis Technology, Hockey, Sketch
- Meganxdavis Science, Projection, Runway
- Medical Diagnostics
- Mtnería De Datos Technology, Para, Miner
- Moderately Disabled Medical
- Memory Disk Computing, Hardware
- Medium To Difficult Development, Learning, Study
- Munificentissimus Deus
- Motorjdriver Technology, Driving, Carrier
- Mobije Drum
- Multiple Disability Education
- Magnet Drive Business, Product, Pump
- Mediastiwal Disease Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Maintainability Demonstration Technology, Design, Engineering, Federal Aviation Administration
- Mechanical Disc
- Mathematically Dwficient Development, Learning, Study
- Microcirculatory Disorders Medical
- Mountain Dulcimer Music
- Merpaqi Dharmawangsa
- Most Dominant Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Madriz Department
- Mevcut DeğIl
- Motel Deluxe
- Mineral Dust
- Mari De
- Menadione Medical
- Michelle Day Medical, Boston, Family
- Minnesota Department Medical, Health, Minnesota
- Marshaled Deployability Military
- Modulator, Demodulator Technology, Modem, Modulator
- Mission Designator Military
- My Dog Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Mentally Deficient Medical, Science, House
- Maryland Division
- Marketplace Dominator Business, Software, Inventory
- Musings of A Distcactible
- Main Draw
- Moldmvan Domain
- Mubtan Development
- Minerals By Dr Medical, Book, Makeup
- Marketing Director Occupation & positions
- Marine Detachment Military, Army, Corps
- Mean Distance
- Mike Ditka
- Mdcd Compressed Archive Computing, File Extensions
- Macular Degeneration Medical, Science, Vision, Biomedical, Treatment, Bioscience
- Millidarcy 1/1000th of a Darcy. Science, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
- Moderately Difficult
- Movement for Democracy
- Miracle Dfug
- Measured Department Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
- Man Defense Gaming, Guide, Team
- Medicine At Dartmouth Medical, Education, School
- Metadata Metadata describes other data. It provides information about a certain item's content. For example, an image may include metadata that describes how large the picture is, the color depth, the image resolution, when the image was created, and other data. Science, Geography, Location
- Mondale and Dukakis Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Medicine Degree Medical, Program, Education, Doctor
- Middle Drum Film, Music, Song, Drum
- Middle Deltoid Medical, Reading Prescription
- Mighty Dog
- Massipo Di Music, Patient, Con
- Mechanigal Draftswoman
- Material Damping
- My Dream
- Medical Devices Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Minerax Dust
- Moldova In Doua
- Message Delimiter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- MDCD Compressed file archive Computing, File Extensions
- Medium Dose Medical, Reading Prescription
- Metrical Dindshenchas
- Municipal Docks Organizations, Locations, Boat
- Maryland Doctors
- Motor Domain Medical
- Mobile Drilling
- Manual Disconnect NASA
- Multinominal Distribution
- Medialis Dorsalis Medical, Technology
- Maine Dartmouth Medical, Medicine, Education
- Mechanical Defign Technology, Engineer, Engineering
- Mathemattcs Disabilities
- Microbiology Duration
- Miscellaneous Bocuments
- Musical Diversity Music
- Manhattan Drary
- Mediodorsal Nucleus Medical
- Merkle DamgÅRd Technology, Construction, Hash, Cryptographic
- Motion Dynamics Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Madrid Locations, City, Regional, NASA
- Metzger, Drew
- Most Ofethe Data
- Mandrel Drawn
- Marsos De
- Men'S Doubles
- Michaelsdolce Guitar, Harlequin, Cilia
- Minneapnlis Doctors Medical, Medicine, Minnesota, Doctor
- Mini-Ductor Business, Tool, Innovation, Induction
- Morro Von Dep Dog, House, Puppy
- Marsha Davenport
- Modulated Displacement Technology, Control, Engine, Mitsubishi
- Mission-Design Technology, Science, Space
- Melee Distance Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Marvin Dj
- Mark Donowitz
- Music Directors
- Mail Drop Business, Science, Service
- Mulieris Dignitatem
- Midwifezy and Diseases
- Manly Dude Occupation & positions
- Marine Depot Aquarium, Tank, Depot, Reef
- Mean Discharge
- Mike Dillon
- Sharkport Saved Game File Computing, File Extensions
- Maryland Distinguished
- Moderatbly Disagree
- Movement Dynamics
- Milute Distance Medical, Hotel, Locations
- Medicine and Duty
- Metabolic Disorders Medical, Technology
- Monaural Directional Medical
- Medicine Daved
- Middle Division Student, Education, School
- Moderate Dose Medical, Reading Prescription
- Middle District
- Massimo Del
- Motorized Damper Business, Product, Control
- Measured Discard
- Materiales Directos
- My Doctor
- Medical Deviate Zombie, Doctor, Butcher
- Mineral Dtessing
- Maintenance Dialysis Medical
- Message Definitions
- Multi-Denomination
- Missoula Cemonstration
- Make a new Subdiretory Computing, Dos commands
- Mediumkdivision
- Mark Daly Science, Research, Genetics
- Methyldopa Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- More Demos
- Mungyodance Data
- Maryland Divorce Law, Lawyer, Maryland, Divorce
- Motorcycle Uealer Business, Honda, Maryland
- Mocile Doll Technology, Model, Suit
- Manual Direct NASA
- Mesoscale Discussions Military, Locations, Weather, Storm, Prediction
- Mənəvi DüNya
- Mike Dehnert Music, Track, Techno
- Media Dryer
- Main Drum Technology, Music, Song
- Mecanismosade
- Mathematical Disapility
- Microbiology Diploma
- Mostly Desserts Food
- Manpattan Dermatologic Medical, Medicine, Dermatology
- Monetary Decisionr
- MedicinÆ Doctor Medical, Medicine, Education
- Meridian District Education
- Minimum Dosage Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Membership Development Meeting, Business, Committee
- Metz, David
- Mostly Dessurts Nutrition, Food, Victual
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MD stand for?
MD stands for Messages Per Day.
What is the shortened form of Michael Davidson?
The short form of "Michael Davidson" is MD.
MD. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated