MD in Computing Meaning

The MD meaning in Computing terms is "Multiplication Division". There are 26 related meanings of the MD Computing abbreviation.

MD on Computing Full Forms

  1. Multiplication Division
  2. Medium Frequency Radio frequency range between 300 kHz and 3000 kHz - often referred to as medium wave (MW).
  3. Moldova
  4. Mediation Device
  5. Magnetic Drum A direct-access, or random-access, storage device. A magnetic drum, also referred to as drum, is a metal cylinder coated with magnetic iron-oxide material on which data and programs can be stored. Magnetic drums were once used as a primary storage device but have since been implemented as auxiliary storage devices.
  6. Master of Divinity
  7. Move Directory
  8. Mobxle Disconnect
  9. Medium Detector
  10. Make a new Subdiretory
  11. Doctor of Medicine
  12. Mesoscale Discussion
  13. Machine Description File
  14. Manufactured Diagnostics
  15. Markdown Documentation File
  16. Multiple Device
  17. Management Domain
  18. Mdcd Compressed Archive
  19. Message Digest
  20. Sharkport Saved Game File
  21. Memory Disk
  22. Sega Mega Drive Rom
  23. Mini-Disk
  24. MDCD Compressed file archive
  25. Machine Design
  26. Moneydance Financial Data File

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MD stand for Computing?

    MD stands for Sharkport Saved Game File in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Magnetic Drum in Computing?

    The short form of "Magnetic Drum" is MD for Computing.


MD in Computing. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated