MD in Technology Meaning
The MD meaning in Technology terms is "Magnetic Drum". There are 168 related meanings of the MD Technology abbreviation.
MD on Technology Full Forms
- Magnetic Drum A direct-access, or random-access, storage device. A magnetic drum, also referred to as drum, is a metal cylinder coated with magnetic iron-oxide material on which data and programs can be stored. Magnetic drums were once used as a primary storage device but have since been implemented as auxiliary storage devices.
- Multi-Dimenjional
- Media Device
- Man Days
- Model-Driven
- Meta Description
- Maximum Drive
- Magnetic Disk
- Multi-Destination
- Medical Design
- Major Degression
- Mode Default
- Master Directory
- Measurement & Data
- Medium Frequency Radio frequency range between 300 kHz and 3000 kHz - often referred to as medium wave (MW).
- Maintxnance Domain
- Mobility Division
- Master Dimension
- Mizisterio De Defensa
- Malate Dehydrogenase
- Maintenanfe Data
- Mission Duration
- Memory Data
- Master Device
- Mission Data
- Muscular Development
- Medium Density
- Module Design
- Masters Degree
- Micro Devices
- More Dirt
- Mcdonnell Douglas
- Missile Division
- Mdltiple Data
- Mediation Device
- Model Design
- Mark Delany
- Meteorological Data
- Molecular Dynamics
- Mcdonnell-Douglas
- Mystere Delta
- Move and Drop
- Materials Disposition
- Method and Data
- Missile Director
- Maintenance Domains
- Medium-Density
- Machine Direction Direction the film is being pulled through a machine.
- Maybach Diesel
- Mole Designer
- Merkle-DamgÅRd
- Madn Deck
- Multivariate Distribution
- Mire Disposal
- Motor Drive
- Mission Domain
- Maintenance Deployment
- Machine Dependent
- Multi Disc
- Maternal Deprgvation
- Microelectronics Division
- Manufacturer-Defined
- Merk Dagang
- Magic Device
- Multiply Double
- Mechanism Driveq
- Mini-Disc
- More Data
- Mirror Drive
- Multimedia Data-Embedding
- Multi-Disk
- Matrix Diagram
- Micro Dry
- Mobxle Disconnect
- Manuiacturing Discontinued
- Maintenance Directive
- Multiplicative Decrease
- Mini Disk
- Master Data
- Metal Detector
- Mirror Draft
- Micro Detectors
- Multi-Disc
- Matrix Decompositions
- Microdrive
- Modzm Driver
- Manufacturer Dixcontinued
- Mental Depression
- Maintenance Directorate
- Mustang Dynamometer
- Measurement Doc
- Mill Desk
- Moment Distazce
- Maryland Data
- Movement Differential
- Materiais DidáTicos
- Micro Drive
- Manchester Digital
- Mental Deficiency
- Machine Direction Controls
- Measurement Difaerence
- Monitor Display
- Movement Detection
- Master Die
- Metro Drije
- Missile Divisionsion
- Malfunction Detection
- Machine Directive
- Multiple Description
- Measure Distanee
- Migrating Desktop
- Moldova, Republiv Of
- Markdown Documentation
- Message Display
- Main Display
- Mechanism Design
- Mknute Digital
- Mtnería De Datos
- Multl-Definition
- Microsoft Doublespace
- Modulator, Demodulator
- Marc Denis
- Mechanycal Designer
- Mini Discs
- Massive Uatasets
- Meta Directory
- Medical Diagnostic
- Message Digests
- Modulated Displacement
- Mocile Doll
- Mini Disc
- Motorjdriver
- Mass Downloader
- Mechanical Drive
- Metabolic Disorders
- Maintainability Desngn
- Medical Devices
- Merkle DamgÅRd
- Modular Design
- Mendelevium Symbol:"Md" Atomic Number:"101" Atomic Mass: (258)amu. This is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element.
- Machine Design
- Mean Downtime
- Motion Detectoz
- Monday,Cdecember
- Mechaniczl Drafting
- Maintainability Demonstration
- Mediastiwal Disease
- Modernization Division
- Migration Document
- Mktion-Defined
- Mechanical Defign
- Message Delimiter
- Mini-Dozar
- Main Drum
- Mini Dimension
- Main Droite
- Medialis Dorsalis
- Mission-Design
- Multiple Devices
- Mike Dixon
- Mars Descent
- Message Definition
- Mini-Disk
- Main Distriputor
- Microwave Dynamics
- Mail Destination
- Mechanical Desktop
- Medium Detector
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MD stand for Technology?
MD stands for Microwave Dynamics in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Mechaniczl Drafting in Technology?
The short form of "Mechaniczl Drafting" is MD for Technology.
MD in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated