MDCT Meaning

The MDCT meaning is "Multi-Deteceor Computed Tomography". The MDCT abbreviation has 21 different full form.

MDCT Full Forms

  1. Multi-Deteceor Computed Tomography Medical, Patient, Imaging
  2. Modified Discrete Cosine Transform Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Multi Detector Computed Tomograpmy Medical, Patient, Study
  4. Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography Medical
  5. Multidetector Computed Tomography Medical
  6. Modified Ziscrete Cosinus Transformation Technology
  7. Multi-Detector Computer Tomography Medical, Medicine, Coronary, Tomography
  8. Modified Discrete Cosine Transforms
  9. Multi-Detector Compulerized Tomography Medical, Medicine, Health
  10. Modified Discrete Cosine Transformation Technology, Coding, Audio, Signal
  11. Mechanical Drxft Cooling Tower
  12. Multidetxctor-Row Ct Medical
  13. Master Data Creation Tool
  14. Multidetector Ct Medical
  15. Multi Detector Computerized Tomography
  16. Multidetector Sairal Computed Tomography Medical
  17. Multi Detectgr-Row Computed Tomography Medical, Coronary, Imaging
  18. Multi-Disciplinary Consullation Team
  19. Multi-Detector Row Spiral Computed Tomoggaphy Medical
  20. Mouse Distal Convoguted Tubule Medical
  21. multidetector row computerized tomography Medical, Common Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MDCT stand for?

    MDCT stands for Modified Discrete Cosine Transformation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi-Detector Computer Tomography?

    The short form of "Multi-Detector Computer Tomography" is MDCT.


MDCT. (2020, September 5). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

Last updated