Medicament Abbreviations and Medicament Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Medicament terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 6 different Medicament abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Medicament terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Medicament Abbreviations
  1. CBIP : Centre Belge D'Information PharmacothéRapeutique
  2. DCI : DéNomination Commune Internationale
  3. SMR : Service MéDical Rendu
  4. SNIP : Syndicat National De L'Industrie Pharmaceutique
  5. NRC : Non Rinse Conditioner
  6. IMAO : Inhibiteur De La Mono Amine Oxydase
Latest Medicament Meanings
  1. Inhibiteur De La Mono Amine Oxydase
  2. Non Rinse Conditioner
  3. Syndicat National De L'Industrie Pharmaceutique
  4. Service MéDical Rendu
  5. DéNomination Commune Internationale
  6. Centre Belge D'Information PharmacothéRapeutique