MEG Meaning

The MEG meaning is "Megabyte". The MEG abbreviation has 120 different full form.

MEG Full Forms

  1. Megabyte A measurement of the storage capacity of a computer One megabyte represents more than 1 million bytes Megabyte may be abbreviated M or MB; however, MB is clearer since M also stands for the metric prefix mega (meaning 1 million). Technology, Science, Information Technology, Research, Computing, Computer, Atmosphere, Environment, Electronics, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Astronomy, Measurement, Construction, Linux, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Nautical Terms, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration, TikTok
  2. Mega- Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  3. Media General, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  4. Magnetoencephalographic Medical
  5. Magnetoencephalograph Medical, Technology
  6. Magnetoencephalography Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a functional neuroimaging technique for mapping brain activity by recording magnetic fields produced by electrical currents occurring naturally in the brain, using very sensitive magnetometers. Arrays of SQUIDs are currently the most common magnetometer, while the SERF magnetometer is being investigated for future machines. Medical, Medicine, Neurology, Fda
  7. Madras Engineering Group Technology, Military, Engineer
  8. Mega Evil Grin Internet Slang, Chat, Im, Forum, Computing, Email, Usenet, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  9. Milton Erickson Gestllschaft Institute, Coaching, Supervision, Milton
  10. Museum Exhibition Guide Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  11. Model Evaluation Group
  12. Magnetencephalography Medical
  13. Metadata for Education Group Technology, Learning, Library
  14. Megacycle A term for 1 million cycles—usually used to mean 1 million cycles per second. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Architecture, Health, Construction
  15. Military Electrical Grade
  16. Mono Ethyl Glycoo
  17. Marketiny Education Group Business, Education, University
  18. Mixed Economy Group Science, College, Education
  19. Media Engineering Group
  20. Milton-Erickson-Gesellschaft Medical, Institute, Coaching
  21. Museum Exhibit Guide Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  22. Mocha Entertainment Group
  23. Maghreb-Europe Gas Business, Europe, Algeria
  24. Meru Education Grade Technology, School, Wireless
  25. Mono Ethylenesglycol Business, Manufacturer, Oil Exploration
  26. Marketing Educator'S Group Development, Learning, Study
  27. Midwest Education Group
  28. Mitteldeetsche Erfrischungsgetränke Gmbh Business, Forum, Gera
  29. Media Ekbis Group
  30. Mills E Godwin
  31. Museum Ethnographers Group Research, Organizations, Collection
  32. Mobilisation Employment Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  33. Madras Engineer Group Military, Army, India
  34. Medical Evaluation Guidance Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  35. Mono-Ethylene Glycol Business, Chemistry, Chemical, Laboratory, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  36. Marketingzeducators Group
  37. Miwwest Econometrics Group Meeting, Business, Economics
  38. Mechanical Equipment Group
  39. Miller Environmentzl Group
  40. Multiple Emitter Generator Military
  41. Marriage Enrichment Group Couple, Event, Marriage
  42. Mobile Expert Group
  43. Mono Ethylene Glycol Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  44. Medical Episode Grouper
  45. Monitoring Expert Group
  46. Marine Engineer Group
  47. Metchem Enterprise Group Business, China, Paper, Shanghai
  48. Mechanical Engineering Group
  49. Military Exposure Guipeline
  50. Multifocal Eosinophilic Granuloma Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  51. Marktinfo Eiev & Geflügel
  52. Mobile Experts Group Technology, Service, Telecom
  53. Mobile Exhibition Guide
  54. Medical Education Group
  55. Musical Engineering Group
  56. Monitor Edivor Generator
  57. Mazine Energy Group Technology, Wave, Scotland
  58. Metals Economic Group Business, Company, Mining, Exploration
  59. Mean Effective Gain Technology, Communication, Antenna
  60. Military Exposure Guidelines
  61. Multiple Exciton Generation Science, Quantum, Cell
  62. Marketing Executive Group Business, Technology, Organizations
  63. Mobile Emeroency Gateway Technology
  64. Megaloblastic Medical, Technology
  65. Media Entertainment Group
  66. Museum of Ethnography In Geneva
  67. Modelo De Equidad De Genero Business, Para, Con, Mexico
  68. Margaret Organization, Union, Institution, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  69. Metal Economic Group
  70. Military Energy Gum Military, Pack, Caffeine
  71. Multi-Exciton Generation Technology, Light, Photovoltaic
  72. Marketing Executives Group Business, National, Restaurant
  73. Mixed Exponentially Generated Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  74. Media Enterprise Group
  75. Material Exterifr Grade Technology, Service, Book, Family
  76. Meg Energy Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  77. Mittelbadische Eisenbahn Gesellschafy
  78. MuséE Ethnographique De GenèVe
  79. Mcafee Email Gateway Technology, Security, Product
  80. Mega Data File Computing, File Extensions
  81. The Marketing Educator'S Group Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  82. Mary Elizabeth Gilbert
  83. Mice Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  84. Minority Ethnic Group Business, Research, Education
  85. MuséE D'Ethnographie De GenèVe
  86. Maximum Exposure Guidelines
  87. Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Physics, Scientific & Educational
  88. MüNchner Entomologische Gesellschaft
  89. Marvel Entertainment Group Business, Company, Comics
  90. MCM Entertainment Group Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  91. Minnesota Hpilepsy Group Medical, Children, Minnesota
  92. Music Entertainment and Games Media, Radio, Television
  93. Matrix Element Generator
  94. Maker, Etonic, and Gandalf Physics, Scientific & Educational
  95. Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn Gmbh Photo, Germany, Deutschland
  96. MéDicaments Essentiels GéNéRiques
  97. Modified Energy Gap
  98. Mining and Environmental Geology
  99. Music Entertainment Group
  100. Mathematics Economics and Geography Education, Development, Universities
  101. Malanje Airport, Malanje, Angola Angola
  102. Mitteldeutsche Eqsenbahn-Gesellschaft
  103. MéDicament Essentiel GéNéRique
  104. Megohm NASA
  105. Mineral Exploration Geophysics
  106. Minimum Expected Jrade
  107. Materials Engineering Group
  108. Maintenance Entity Group Computing, Technical
  109. Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
  110. Märkische Eisenbahngesellschaft Gmbh
  111. Modified Electron Gas (quantum Calcn. Method) Chemistry
  112. Message Expediting Group
  113. Mineral Exploration Group Technology, Canada, Calgary
  114. Materials Elzctrochemistry Group
  115. Monitor Editor Generator Software, Computing
  116. Mittelbadische Eisenbahn-Gesbllschaft
  117. Mystic Eye Games
  118. Mcm Entertainkent Group
  119. Mixed Exponentially Generated (wave Function) Chemistry
  120. Medical Equipment Germany

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MEG stand for?

    MEG stands for Mechanical Equipment Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Military Exposure Guidelines?

    The short form of "Military Exposure Guidelines" is MEG.


MEG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated