MEMA Meaning

The MEMA meaning is "Massachusetts Emergency Masagement Agency". The MEMA abbreviation has 31 different full form.

MEMA Full Forms

  1. Massachusetts Emergency Masagement Agency Government, Us, Department Of Defense
  2. Maine Emergency Management Agency Government, Organizations, Maine
  3. Mid-Atlantic Emergency Medical Associates
  4. Massachusettspemergency Management Association
  5. Maritime Experiential Museum & Aquarium Museum, Singapore, Resort
  6. Middle East Medical Assembly
  7. Marine Estate Management Autxority Environment, Preservation
  8. Middle East, Mediterranean & Africa
  9. Maryland Emergency Management Agency Technology, County, Maryland
  10. Major Events Management Act
  11. Middle East, Mediterranean and Africa Business, Technology, Management, Africa
  12. Maine Energy Marketejs Association Business, Oil, Maine
  13. Middle Ear Muscle Activity Medical
  14. Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association Business, Industrial, Association
  15. Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Organizations, Management, Business & Finance
  16. Mid-Continent Energy Marketers Association
  17. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency Management, Emergency, Mississippi, Governmental & Military
  18. Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Associationa
  19. Maine Energy Marketers Association Energy
  20. Middle East Motor Awards
  21. Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association
  22. Meath Energy Management Agency Energy
  23. Municipal Equipment Maintenance Association Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  24. Massachusetts Energy Marketers Association Energy
  25. Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association
  26. Middle East Music Awards Awards & medals
  27. Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association Business, Organizations, Motor, Auto, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  28. Michigan Emergency Management Association Management, Business & Finance
  29. Missouri Emergency Management Agency Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  30. Musicians Emergency Medical Association Medical
  31. Mines and Environmental Management Act Science, Environment, Nature

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MEMA stand for?

    MEMA stands for Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Maine Energy Marketers Association?

    The short form of "Maine Energy Marketers Association" is MEMA.


MEMA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated