MEPA Meaning

The MEPA meaning is "Massachusetts Environmental Protection Act". The MEPA abbreviation has 42 different full form.

MEPA Full Forms

  1. Massachusetts Environmental Protection Act Technology, Projection, Land
  2. Malaysian Energy Professionals Association
  3. Meteorological and Environmental Protection Administration
  4. Michigan Equine Practitioners Association
  5. Montana Environmental Policy Act Government, Legislation, Lawmaking
  6. Mesquite Educational Paraprofessional Association
  7. Malta Environmental Planning Authority
  8. Michigan Environmental Protection Act Environment
  9. Medium Energy Particle Analyzer Science
  10. Mercato Elettronico Pubblica Amministrazione Business, Design, Shopping, Cos
  11. Malta Environmental and Planning Authority
  12. Meteorology and Environmental Protection Agency
  13. Modified Extended Prony Analysis Science
  14. Medium-Energy Particle Analyzer Technology, Space, Explorer
  15. Malta Environment Planning Authority Technology, Service, Malta
  16. Meteorological and Environmental Protection Agency Education
  17. Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Massachusetts, Environmental, Wastewater
  18. Missouri Emergency Preparedness Association
  19. Malta Environment and Planning Authority Business, Development, Malta, Planning, Governmental & Military
  20. Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration Government, Weather, Arabian
  21. Missing and Endangered Person Advisory
  22. Malta Environment & Planning Authority Organizations, Malta, Report
  23. Meteorology & Environmental Protection Administration
  24. Minnesota Environmental Policy Act Technology, Projection, Minnesota
  25. Mass Environmental Policy Act
  26. Multi-Ethnic Placement Act Medical, Organizations
  27. Manitoba Exercise Professionals Association
  28. Massachusetts Equal Pay Act Business, Employment, Massachusetts
  29. Monthly Equity Payments Account
  30. Movimiento Por Una Educación Popular Alternativa
  31. Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency
  32. Montana Environmental Protection Act
  33. Master of Engineering In Public Administration
  34. Massachusetts English Proficiency Assessment Education, Learning, Language
  35. Marine and Estuarine Protected Area
  36. Marine Environmental Protection Authority
  37. Mast A tubular steel erection, which carries various items of navigational equipment and fittings, e.g. lights, radar, etc.
  38. Multiple Episode Protocol Analysis
  39. Marine Environment Protection Authority Government, National, Biology
  40. Master In Electoral Policy and Administration
  41. Multi Ethnic Placement Act Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System
  42. Marine Environment Protection Association Business, Education, Ship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MEPA stand for?

    MEPA stands for Malta Environmental and Planning Authority.

  2. What is the shortened form of Medium-Energy Particle Analyzer?

    The short form of "Medium-Energy Particle Analyzer" is MEPA.


MEPA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated