MER Meaning

The MER meaning is "Managing Electronic Records". The MER abbreviation has 192 different full form.

MER Full Forms

  1. Managing Electronic Records Technology, Education, Conference
  2. Management Economie En Recht
  3. Mars Explorer Rzver Technology, Science, Space
  4. Macro Editor Rejident Technology, Military, Software
  5. Mars Exploration Rovers Technology, Science, Opportunity
  6. Caatle Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  7. Mars Eiploration Rover Technology, Astronomy, Celestial Objects
  8. Meridian  Great circle that passes through both the north and south poles, also called line of longitude. Technology, Space, Cosmos, ICAO Aircraft Codes, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  9. Market Exchange Rate Business, Military, Economics
  10. Manpower Estimate Report Military, Army, Marine
  11. Movimientodestudiantil Revolucionario
  12. Millwalk Extension Railway
  13. Manned Earth Reconnaissance
  14. Minpmum Eligibility Requirement Technology, Horse, Eventing
  15. Medical Expense Reimbursement
  16. Maria Elizabeth Rothmann
  17. Marketing Expense Raoio
  18. Multimedia Event Recounting
  19. Mechanical Engineer of Record Occupation, Position, Job
  20. Messaging Event Repository
  21. Minnesota Educational Radio
  22. Material Evaluation Reactor Science
  23. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reswarch Business, Management, Monitoring
  24. Management Employee Relations Military
  25. Mean Ejection Rate Medical, Medicine, Health
  26. Mid-Engine Rider
  27. Marine Engineers Review Technology, Science, Engineer
  28. Misool Eco Resort Indonesia, Locations, Raja
  29. Movement for European Reform Government, Group, Party
  30. Milk Ejection Reflex Medical
  31. Managing Environmental Resources
  32. Minimum Eligibility Jequirements Business, Management, Horse, Eventing
  33. Medical Eeaminer Report Business, Medicine, Death
  34. Multiple Ejector Rack Military, Aircraft, Model
  35. Marketing Education Review Student, Education, University
  36. Multilateral Ecooomic Relations
  37. Merchant For cargo carried under the terms and conditions of the Carrier's Bill of Lading and of a tariff, a merchant describes any trader or persons (e.g. Shipper, Consignee) and including anyone acting on their behalf, owning or entitled to possession of the goods. Technology, Ship, Vessel
  38. Message Event Repository
  39. Ministry of External Relations Science, Government, Soviet
  40. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
  41. Management Efficiency Rating Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  42. Materials Electrochemical Research Technology, Education, Fullerene
  43. Mcdaniel Executive Recruiters
  44. Mid East Realities
  45. Marine Engines & Rdpair
  46. Miscellaneous Expense Report
  47. Most Efficient Recovery Technology
  48. Managementt Expence Ratio Business
  49. Minimum Educational Requirements
  50. Medical Examination Report
  51. Middle East Review
  52. Market Exchange Rates Technology, Economics, Rate
  53. Multi Engine Wating Technology, Education, Aviation
  54. Message Error Ratio Information, Network, Computer
  55. Ministry of Education and Research Science, Education, Norway
  56. Molecular Epidemiology Resource
  57. Melamine Ether Resins
  58. Management and Employment Relations
  59. Materials and Electrochemical Research Technology, Education, Composite
  60. MaÎTre D'Enseignement Et De Recherche
  61. Middle East Realities
  62. Maximum Energy Recovery
  63. Miscarea Ecologista Din Rom
  64. Materials Examination Report Military
  65. Momitoring Evaluation & Research Technology, Management, Pakistan
  66. Management Expense Ratios Business, Investment, Fund
  67. Minimum Education Requirements
  68. Medical Evidence Required
  69. Middle East Research
  70. Market Ewvironment Research
  71. Multi-Engine Ratiigs Education, Aviation, Pilot
  72. Message Erasure Rate
  73. Ministere De L'Energie Et Des Ressources Geography, Location, System, Geographic
  74. Medium Reiteration Frequency Medical
  75. Hobart Mercury Australia, Press
  76. Materials & Electrochemical Research Technology, Corporation, Metal
  77. Maximum Event Retention
  78. Mid-East Realities
  79. Maximum Element Recovery
  80. Miscarea Ecologista Din RomÂNia
  81. Materials and Energy Recovery
  82. Monitoring Evaluation and Research Business, Health, Nigeria
  83. Management Expense Ratio Business, Finance, Fund, Stock, Mortgage, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
  84. Minimum Educytional Requirement
  85. Medical Evidence of Record
  86. Middle East Reporter
  87. Marine Event Recordez
  88. Multi-Engpne Rating Education, Aviation, Pilot
  89. Merseburg, Sachsen-Anhalt
  90. Minimum Envrgy Requirements Technology, Networking, Network
  91. Mythiof The Eternal Return
  92. Medixation Error Report Medical
  93. Expense Ratio Business, Finance, Stock, Investing
  94. Material and Electrochemical Research Business, Technology, Composite
  95. Maximum Error Rate NASA, Governmental & Military
  96. Mid-Eastern Region Organizations, Model, Railroad
  97. Minor Equipment Requirement Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  98. Materials & Energy Recovery
  99. Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Business, Management, Monitoring
  100. Management Evaluation Report
  101. Molecular Ecology Resources Technology, Genetics, Journal
  102. Medical Evacuation Aud Repatriation
  103. Middle East Record History, Politics, Syria
  104. Maritime Environmental Response
  105. Multi-Echelon Reporting Military
  106. Merrill Lynch and Co., Inc. Technology, Organizations
  107. Minimum Enclosing Rectangxe
  108. Medication Erbor Reporting Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  109. Marie Elisabeth Rothmann
  110. Markets Equity Sesearch
  111. Meriline Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  112. Multipath Exploitation Radar
  113. Meropenem Medical
  114. Metabolic Energy Requirements
  115. Minor Element Ratio
  116. Material Exception Report
  117. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Business, Management, Evaluation
  118. Management Entry Route
  119. Module Entrgy Rating
  120. Mechanical Equipment Room Floor, Footage, Reporter
  121. Middle East Report Press, Israel, News
  122. Marine Environmental Responss Military, Coast, Vessel
  123. Mathematics and Education Reform
  124. Modelo Entidade Relacionamento Technology, Para, Presentation, Dado
  125. Mediated Electrochemical Reaction
  126. Month End Restructure Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  127. Middle English Romances
  128. Maximum Effective Rate Energy, Power, Intensity
  129. Maputo Elephant Reserve
  130. Membrano Estrogen Receptor Medical
  131. Methow Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  132. Milieu-Effect Rapport
  133. Music Education Research
  134. Mathematicians and Education Reform Education, Mathematics, Teaching
  135. Master of Energy Rebources
  136. Mears Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  137. Middle East Response
  138. Modelo Entidade-Relacionamento Technology, Para, Presentation, Dado
  139. Maximum-Efficient-Rate Technology, Petroleum, Reservoir
  140. Mapas EstratéGicos De Ruido
  141. Member and External Relations Business, Association, Transport
  142. Ricardo de Tomasi International, Mercedes, Uruguay Uruguay, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  143. Milieu Effect Rapportage
  144. Museum Educatioq Roundtable Organizations, Association, Professional
  145. Materials for Energy Recovery
  146. Merchandisiag Execution Report Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  147. Myofascial Energetic Relelse Training, Massage, Release
  148. Marketing Expense Ratio Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  149. Modelo De Entidade E Relacionamento Technology, Para, Tube, Dado
  150. Maximum Economic Recovery
  151. Manx Electric Railway
  152. Mission Evaluation Room NASA, Governmental & Military
  153. Mileu-Effect Rapportage
  154. Multiple Ejection Racks Military
  155. Merchandising The practice of promoting and selling goods. Commercial products which are associated with a film, pop group, TV show, celebrity, etc., such as toys, clothing, food products, household items, etc.
  156. Market Exchanges Rates
  157. Mutuelle Epargnv Retraite
  158. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols, Computing, Nyse symbols
  159. Mitigated Emergency Receiver
  160. Maximising Economic Recovery
  161. Manpower Estimate Reports Management, Service, Military
  162. Mémoire Et Espoigs De La Résistance Organizations, France, Moire, Guerre
  163. Mars Exploration Rover Astronomy, Spacecraft, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  164. Milestone Exit Review
  165. Multiple Ejector Racks Technology, Military, Aircraft
  166. Mercado EléCtrico Regional
  167. Roberto Merhi Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Roberto Merhi. It is referred to as MER on the race result screen. Formula 1
  168. Mutual Evaluation Review
  169. Microeconomic Reform Economics
  170. Mission Evaluation Rooms Technology
  171. Mathematics Education Research
  172. Manpower Estimate Relationship
  173. Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) Computing, File Extensions
  174. Midwest Electronic Recovery
  175. Multiple Ejection Rack Military
  176. Marine Ecosystem Response
  177. Mercado El
  178. Rsview Development Runtime File Computing, File Extensions
  179. Mutual Evaluation Report Business, Money, Laundering
  180. Medication Errors Reporting Medical, Medicine, Drug, Medication
  181. Mission Essential Requirement
  182. Mathematics Education Reform
  183. Manpower Estimating Relationship Military
  184. Modelo Entidad Relación
  185. Maximum Efficient Rate The maximum rate that a field can be produced or drawn down in pressure without undue stranding of oil that could be lost during more rapid production. Setting the MER required knowledge of fluid and rock properties and well design throughout the formation. Energy, Electrical
  186. Midterm Election Results
  187. Mar Exploration Rover Technology, Opportunity, Mars
  188. Mental Emotionaz Release
  189. Medical Education Resources Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  190. Music Emotion Recognitioi
  191. Medical Engineering Resources
  192. Mission Essential Requirements Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MER stand for?

    MER stands for Membrano Estrogen Receptor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Metabolic Energy Requirements?

    The short form of "Metabolic Energy Requirements" is MER.


MER. (2022, January 27). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated