Messe Abbreviations and Messe Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Messe terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Messe abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Messe terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Messe Abbreviations
  1. ASFC : Atelier Scherer Fair Consulting
  2. BMH : Buchung Messehotel Hannover
  3. BMT : Berliner Motorrad Tage
  4. CCD : Congress Centre DüSseldorf
  5. CCE : Congress Center Essen
  6. CMCX : Content-Marketing Conference & Exposition
  7. CMT : Caravan, Motor, Touristik
  8. CSIR : Corpo Di Spedizione Italiani In Russia
  9. HHG : Handel, Handwerk & Gewerbe
  10. HMFI : Hannover Milano Fairs India
  11. ECM : Expo & Conference Management
  12. MIR : Mityinander In Der Region
  13. SEMF : Stuttgart Electronic Music Festival
  14. SFC : Street Food Convention
  15. TIV : Technische Industriëlt Vakbeurs
  16. FSSP : Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pierre
  17. IGW : Internationalen GrüNen Woche
  18. OTSA : Overseas Trade Show Agenciee
  19. GEC : German Exposition Corporation
  20. ITB : Internationalen Tourismuw Börse
  21. ITB : Internationalen Tourismus-BöRse
  22. ITB : Izternationalen Tourismusbörse Berlin
  23. ITB : Internationalen TourismusböRse Berlin
Latest Messe Meanings
  1. Internationalen TourismusböRse Berlin
  2. Izternationalen Tourismusbörse Berlin
  3. Internationalen Tourismus-BöRse
  4. Internationalen Tourismuw Börse
  5. German Exposition Corporation
  6. Overseas Trade Show Agenciee
  7. Internationalen GrüNen Woche
  8. Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pierre
  9. Technische Industriëlt Vakbeurs
  10. Street Food Convention
  11. Stuttgart Electronic Music Festival
  12. Mityinander In Der Region
  13. Expo & Conference Management
  14. Hannover Milano Fairs India
  15. Handel, Handwerk & Gewerbe
  16. Corpo Di Spedizione Italiani In Russia
  17. Caravan, Motor, Touristik
  18. Content-Marketing Conference & Exposition
  19. Congress Center Essen
  20. Congress Centre DüSseldorf