MET Meaning

The MET meaning is "Metallurgical Engineering". The MET abbreviation has 39 different full form.

MET Full Forms

  1. Metallurgical Engineering Education, Engineer, Career, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  2. Meteorological Research Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  3. metastasis Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells to new areas of the body, often by way of the lymph system or bloodstream. Medical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  4. Multipath Elimination Technique Federal Aviation Administration
  5. Modesto and Empire Traction Company Technology, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  6. Microbial Exploration Technology Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  7. Metropolitan Located within the boundaries of a metropolitan area. Ordnance Survey, Computing, Telecom, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Vehicle Makes
  8. Mission Elapsed Time Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  9. Metabolic Equivalent One metabolic equivalent (MET) is defined as the amount of oxygen consumed while sitting at rest and is equal to 3.5 ml O2 per kg body weight x min. The MET concept represents a simple, practical, and easily understood procedure for expressing the energy cost of physical activities as a multiple of the resting metabolic rate. Medical, Common Medical
  10. Amount of methionine infused NANP Modeling Commitee
  11. Metro Baltic Horizons Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  12. Multi-Environment Trials Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  13. Metalled Ordnance Survey
  14. Presentation Manager Metafile Computing, File Extensions
  15. Methionine Methionine is an α-amino acid with the chemical formula HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CH2SCH3. This amino acid is classified as nonpolar as it has a straight side chain that possess a S-methyl thio ether (that is C–S–C bonding) at the γ-carbon. It is an essential amino acid in all metazoa. This amino-acid is coded by the initiation codon AUG which also indicates mRNA's coding region where translation into protein begins. Medical, Biochemistry, Amino Acid, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Laboratory, NANP Modeling Commitee
  16. Dietary methionine NANP Modeling Commitee
  17. Multiple-Employer Trust Insurance, Business & Finance
  18. Master of Educational Technology Academic Degree, Degree, Master's Degree, Scientific & Educational
  19. Merchandising Execution Team Occupation & positions
  20. Emule Resource File Computing, File Extensions
  21. Moreton, Queensland, Australia Australia
  22. Mission Events Timer NASA
  23. Memtec Ltd t/over Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  24. Medical Evangelism Training Medical
  25. My Ego Trouble Funnies
  26. Meteorological Teams Weather, Scientific & Educational
  27. Meteorology Study of the atmosphere and its phenomena. The study dealing with the phenomena of the atmosphere including the physics, chemistry, and dynamics extending to the effects of the atmosphere on the Earth's surface and the oceans. Legal, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  28. Master Events Timer NASA
  29. Medicaid Eligibility Terminal Medical, Healthcare
  30. Material Energy and Toxicity Energy
  31. Medium Energy Telescope Physics, Scientific & Educational
  32. Meteorological Aviation, Navy, Governmental & Military
  33. Multichannel Eikonal Theory (in Atom Electron-impact Excitation) Chemistry
  34. Metalore Resources Limited Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  35. Medical Education and Telemedicine Medical, Common Medical
  36. Metal An element that tends to lose electrons, forming positive ions, and is a good electrical conductor. A metal is a special type of element. Scientists say something is a metal because of the way it acts in nature. Metals conduct electricity well. That's why they are used in wires. They also conduct heat well. That's why your pans are made of metal. A metal is a substance whose atoms are so close together that their outer shells overlap. Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  37. Microbial Electrochemical Technology Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  38. Multicast Expansion Table Computing, Cisco Wireless
  39. Many Electron Theory (for Singlet Ground State) Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MET stand for?

    MET stands for Methionine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Meteorological?

    The short form of "Meteorological" is MET.


MET. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated