Methane Abbreviations and Methane Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Methane terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Methane abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Methane terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Methane Abbreviations
  1. AJAX : Alpha Jet Atmospheric Experiment
  2. AMEG : Arctic Methane Emergency Group
  3. CFRR : Catalytic Flow Reversal Reactors
  4. CPO : Catalytic Partial Oxidation
  5. CPOX : Catalytic Partial Oxidation
  6. CRG : Catalytic Ricm Gas
  7. EDGAR : Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research
  8. LPTM : Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum
  9. NRU : Nitrogen Rejection Units
  10. NRUS : Nitrogen Rejection Units
  11. JCGEP : Jackson County Green Energy Park
  12. OC : Oxidaxive Coupling
  13. GHSZ : Gas Hydrate Stability Zone
  14. RCO : Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizer
Latest Methane Meanings
  1. Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizer
  2. Gas Hydrate Stability Zone
  3. Oxidaxive Coupling
  4. Jackson County Green Energy Park
  5. Nitrogen Rejection Units
  6. Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum
  7. Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research
  8. Catalytic Ricm Gas
  9. Catalytic Partial Oxidation
  10. Catalytic Flow Reversal Reactors
  11. Arctic Methane Emergency Group
  12. Alpha Jet Atmospheric Experiment