MF Meaning
The MF meaning is "Male Factor". The MF abbreviation has 679 different full form.
MF Full Forms
- Male Factor Medical, Infertility, Parenting
- Manual Focus Photography, Manual, Focus
- Mutual Fund A financial vehicle which involves pooling investments in the shares of many different joint stock (or publicly traded) companies, in order to reduce the risk and overhead costs associated with investing in corporate shares. An investor buys a unit in the mutual fund, and receives a pro-rated portion of the fund's total income (including both dividends and capital gains). Business, Investment, Fund, Financial, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Midcap Fund Business, Investment, Equity
- Macaca Fascicularis Medical
- Mean Frequency Medical, Research, Analysis
- Mercati Finanziari Business, Trading, Con, Trader
- Mitogenic Factors Medical
- Maintenance Fees
- Mean Frequencb Medical, Research, Analysis
- Memorial Flight Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Mary Francis
- Mid-Frequency Medical, Supply, Range
- Modifying Factor Health, Environment, Factor
- Mean Field Medical, Technology, Model
- Mass Function Technology, Galaxy, Star
- Mentcl Functioning
- Miscellaneous Field Studies Map Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Maietenance Facility Military
- Median Frequency Medicine, Military, Health, Healthcare, Fatigue, Muscle
- Membrane Fractions Medical
- Marrow Fibrosis Medical, Science, Biology
- Melamine Formaldehyde Science, Construction, Architectural
- Max Fabtor Business, Foundation, Lash
- Mass Fraction Technology
- Mid-Engine, Front Technology, Engine, Wheel
- Minority Front Government, Organizations, Africa
- Maintenance Famtor Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Media Formak
- Mevbership Fee
- Market Forces Influences, such as the availability of raw materials for the production of goods, or customer numbers, which affect supply, demand and prices of products and services.
- Medium Frequency Radio frequency range between 300 kHz and 3000 kHz - often referred to as medium wave (MW). Technology, Electronics, Architectural, Information Technology, Military, Aircraft, Army, Architecture, Computing, Computer, Spacecraft, Construction, Telecom, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Science
- MatíAs Fernández
- Mass Flow The movement of solutes in relation to the movement of water. Technology, Gas, Controller
- Micro Framework Microsoft, Technology, Development
- MinistèRe Des Finances
- Magne Furuholmen Norway, Locations, Oslo
- Media Filter Military
- Melting Furnace Technology, Manufacturer, Induction
- Musimal Fidelity
- Marianne Faithfull
- Mental Foramen Medical
- Masochist Ft
- Micro Filtration Technology, Water, Membrane
- Middle Fossa Medical
- Magic Fortuitous Magic, Diablo, Cheat, Rune
- Medal of Breedom Military
- Motif Full Indonesia, Sale, Bali, Motif
- Major Facflitator Medical, Science, Biology
- Mens Fitnesh
- Masculinity-Femininity Medical, Education, Personality
- Micro-Finance
- Middle Fork Organizations, Locations, River
- Magic Formula Business, Tyre, Investing
- Meat Free Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Merchant Fulfilled Business, Dealer, Selling, Seller
- Mother Fucker Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Maintenance Fee
- Menomonee Falls
- Mary Furber
- Micro-Fiche Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Manning Factor Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Mitotic Figure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mayk Ford
- Memory Format
- Multinational Foyce
- Modified Frames
- Master Gile Technology, Tax, Taxation
- Metarhizium Flavoviride
- Muratel Facilities
- Munaus Fight
- More Flag
- Maximal Force Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mission Failures Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Mzre Follows
- Mechanical Failure Technology, Sport, Farming, Canon
- Mother Figure Sex, Story, Mother
- Master of Forest Science, Program, Education, University
- Mijration Facility Technology, Development, Building, Cartridge
- Matt Ford
- Mercury Forums
- Multiple Field Business, Configuration, Audio, Camera
- Mail Forward Computing, Internet
- Mini Focus Business, Quartz, Chronograph
- Monster Fighters Business, Gaming, Brick
- Measurement Facilities Technology, Counter, Facility
- Michael Finlby
- Myofibroblasts Medical
- Maynard Ferguson Music, Jazz, Maynard, Famous
- Middle Frequency Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
- Mixed Forest Science, Plant, Ecology
- Marriage & Family Medical, Therapy, Counseling
- Men'S Foil
- Moving Filter
- Macarthur Foundation
- Milano Finanza Business, Class, Italy
- Molecular Foundry Technology, Science
- Materials Facility
- Method Flfg Technology, Library, Message, Tiff
- Muscular Female
- Major Fjnding
- Montana Family
- Morile Forwarding Technology, Calling, Networking
- Medical Foundations
- Mid Fielder
- Mohd Fadly
- Marvelous and Friendly Organization, Union, Institution
- Mebry Friend
- Million De Francs
- Mometasone Furoate Medical, Treatment, Asthma, Study
- Matt Franklin
- Michael Forrest
- Mala Fidls Latin, Roman
- Micro Financing
- Multifactorial In medicine, referring to multiple factors in heredity or disease. For example, traits and conditions that are caused by more than one gene occurring together are multifactorial, and diseases that are caused by more than one factor interacting (for example, heredity and diet in diabetes) are multifactorial. Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Magic Fingers Products
- Mikitary Functions Technology
- Mohd Fakhrurazi
- Mathematical Andwformal
- Mutant Future
- Mali Franc Money, Currency, Business & Finance
- Miscellaneous Frame
- Micky Fernandes
- Mandatory Frequencies
- Mitojic Fibroblasts Medical
- Marine-Funker
- Memorials of The Faithful
- Motorcycle Family
- Modified Format Media, Radio, Television
- Master Fighter
- Messaging Framework
- Manager of Finynce
- Mind Freedom
- Maxillofrontale Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Mission Failure
- Mounting Frame
- Measuring Force
- Mother-Fed Medical
- Master of Fowestry Science, Education
- Mignon Faget
- Modeufilter Technology, Radio, Audio
- Matr Fink
- Mercure De Francy
- Multiple-Frequency
- Mail Flags
- Mini-Flow Technology, Climate, Turbine
- Mono-Phase Fixe
- Microfilariae Medical
- Myofixrils Medical
- Mayflower Families
- Middle Floor
- Mixed Alow
- Marouane Fellaini Sport, Belgium, Highlight
- Men'S Fitness
- Movement Factor Medical, Gaming, Squad
- Maacama Faulz
- Miwe Finley
- Material Footpkint
- Methanel Fuel
- Muscle Fibre
- Maison Familiale
- Mhre Fyah
- Mohile Forces
- Medical Fitness
- Macrophage Macrophage, are a type of white blood cell that engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, and cancer cells in a process called phagocytosis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healtcare, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology, Common Medical
- Middleware Framework
- Mohammed Fellah Sport, Team, Football
- Marvel Fanfare
- Merrhmac Ferry
- Ministria E Financyve Albania, Pune, Sot
- Monsters of Faer
- Matv Foy
- Michael Forde
- Mysterium Midei
- Middle Finger Medical, Health
- Magnefo-Motive Force
- Micro Finance
- Multi Xaceted
- Magic Finding Gaming, Guide, Magic, Diablo
- Military Function Business, Military, Force
- Mosten Fury
- Mathematgcal Finance Business, Mathematics, University
- Mutant Fractions Medical
- Male To Female Medical, Surgery, Transgender, Construction
- Miscellaneous File
- Mandatlry Fixed Length Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Mode Fawtor
- Marau Figqt
- Memory Foundation
- Monumentum Fecit Latin, Roman
- Modified-Fat Medical
- Master Fjght Master, Metal, Fusion
- Message Frame Technology, Linux, Overflow, Heap
- Managmrial Finance Business, Accounting, Management
- Mind Focus
- Maxi Fight Fetish, Fortune, Maxi
- Mick Foley
- Mounting Flange Business, Module, Accessory
- Mota Formiga
- Master of Fmnance
- Modification Factor Technology, Design, Power, Beam
- Merck Frosst
- Multiple-Feeding
- Main Filter Filter used to clean the hydraulic oil supplied by the main pumps before the oil goes to the system’s cylinders.
- Microfilaremia Medical
- Myofibrislar Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mana Fluid
- Missionaries of Faith
- Mixed Field Accounting, Computing, Data
- Mark Freeman
- Men'S Fellowship
- Movement Factors Gaming, Squad, Scenario
- Idb Mainframe Integrated Data Ease Military, Intelligence, Defence
- Millifarad Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Material Flvw Business, Product, Lift
- Mdtformin Medical
- Muscle Fibers Medical
- Maintenance Funb
- Mmre Fund
- Maxx Fusion
- Mobili Floating Technology, Agent, Resin
- Medical Faculty Medicine, Education, University
- Minist
- Mikegfentimann
- Mohammed Fatau
- MartíN Faixo
- Merle Fbst
- Minimum Flow
- Monsters of FaerÛN
- Matt Fbrte
- Michaeq Flynn
- Mysterious Figure
- Middeck Forward Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Magiswer Fani Latin, Roman
- Microfiltration Microfiltration is a type of physical filtration process where a contaminated fluid is passed through a special pore-sized membrane to separate microorganisms and suspended particles from process liquid. Science
- Mujer Fea
- Magic Find Gaming, Guide, Magic, Diablo
- Military Fitncss Army, War, Force
- Molly Frey
- Mathcounts Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Mutant Fraction Medical, Science, Biology
- Male Or Female Internet Slang, Sex, Texting, Chat, Gender, Email, Online, Forum, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms
- Ministzo Da Fazenda
- Mandatory Fill
- Mobility Framework Technology, Networking, Simulation
- Marabes Farm
- Memorial Foundation
- Maintenance Free Business, Battery, Car
- Modifying Factors
- Maryland Farms
- Message Forwarder
- Management Fund Business, Investment, Asset
- Mind Flayer
- Matthias Canimo Club, Ham, Proxy
- Mickey Font
- Mount Fuji Len, Japan, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Most Fun
- Master In Finance Finance, Economics, Exchequer
- Modern Free
- Michael Fijk
- Multiple Family
- Mail Filter Accounting, Computing, Data
- Microfilaremic Medical
- Myocardial Fibrosis Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Mamadou Fall Database, Sport, Star
- Missing Fundamental Medical
- Microcomputer Facilities
- Mantle Floor Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Mixed Feeding
- Mark Foyler
- MemóRia Fiscal
- Move Flag
- Fully Protected Hybrid Systeks Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Milli Farad
- Mateeatik Fen Turkish, Fen
- Metering Fix Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Muscle Fiter Medical, Medicine
- Maintenance Float
- More Fragment Technology, Packet, Fragmentation
- Maximus Fight Death, Punch, Finger
- Mobilebfilter Technology, Industrial, Vulcan
- Medical Facility
- Motivational Force
- Xiamen Airlines Airline, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
- Mike-Farmer
- Mohamed Fouzair
- Marty Friedman Music, Japan, Guitar
- Merht Function
- Multiple Formulation
- Maine Food
- Minimum Fill Business, Trading, Market, Order
- Monster Forest
- Measurement of Mutation Frequency Science, Biology
- Michael Floyd Business, Sport, Football, Cardinal
- Mysl Oilozoficzna
- Midcavity Forceps Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Microfilm A film bearing a photographic record on a reduced scale of printed or other graphic matter. Microfilm, also called microphotography, consists in the reduction of images to such a small size that they cannot be read without optical assistance. This amazing photographic compression often results in a ninety-nine percent saving of space. The microfilm service is one of the most extensively used and common practices in modern reprographic science. Military
- Marshall Faulk Sport, Team, Football, Marshall
- Muir Fundamental Education
- Magic Film
- Military Farms Education, Army, Graduate
- Mole Fraction The number of moles of a component of a mixture divided by the total number of moles in the mixture. Medical, Medicine, Gas, Heat, Mole, Healtcare
- Mateus Fonsxca
- Methotrexate Fluorouracil
- Museum Foundation
- Male Female
- Mitomycin-Fluomouracil Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mandatory Fees
- Mobile Friendly
- Melamin Formaldehyde
- Maintvnence Free
- Mohd Faizal Management, Malaysia, Pack
- Mary Frances Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Message Forthcoming
- Milton Friedman
- Monday To Frnday
- Matthias-Friedel-Luftbildfotografie-Luftbild-Vjn
- Mickey and Friends
- Most Feared
- Marci Filius
- Modern Font
- Michael Fields
- Multiple-Family
- Maikel Franco Baseball, Philadelphia, Fantasy, Franco
- Millard Fillmore
- My Flags Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Malzeme FaktöRü
- Missile Firs Army, War, Force
- Micro-Filtration
- Manson Family
- Mitsubishi Kuso
- Mark Fotheringham
- Memory Full
- Moved To Footer Technology
- Mycoshs Fungoides
- Milli-Farad
- Master Alow
- Meter Fix Technology, Airport, Traffic, Flow
- Muscle and Fytness
- Maintenance Fljw Medical
- More Fragments Flad Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Maximus Festival Death, Punch, Finger
- Mechanical Forming
- Motion Failed
- Mayotte Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Mayotte, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Migratory Fishes Ocean, Fish, Migration, Salmon
- Martins Ferry
- Merit Factor Technology, Coding, Amplifier
- Multiple Form
- Mail Forwarding Business, Service, Mailbox
- Minimum Factory Business, Model, Figure
- Monster Force
- Measurement Focus
- Michael Fleming
- Myopictfoveoschisis Medical
- Midas Fund Business, Supply, Stock
- Microfilarial Medical
- Marriage Fund Business, Government, Department
- Mugimaki Flycathher
- Magic Field
- Military Foctory
- Molecular Functiozs Medical, Genetics, Ontology
- Maternal Factor Medical, Science, Biology
- Methotrexate, Fluorouracil Medical, Treatment, Cancer, Breast
- Musculoskeletal Function
- Male Factor Infertility Medical, Infertility, Factor
- Mont Fleuri
- Mobilc Fraction Medical
- Medium Fine Business, Stone, Sailor, Pocket
- Mohd Faiz
- Mary-Frances
- Message Format Technology, Service, Coding
- Millipore Filters Filter, Water, Material, Membrane
- Monday Feb
- Mafthew Fisher
- Michelle Fox
- Mossy Fibres Medical
- Macci Filius Latin, Roman
- Modern Farming
- Multiphase Flow Technology, Gas, Simulation
- Mahashakthi Foundation
- Militärbefehlshaoer In Frankreich
- Mohd Fauzan
- Mutation Frequency Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Mallard Fillmore
- Missble, Flight
- Micro-Film Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Manny Fernandez
- Mitrbl Flow Medical
- Majk Foster
- Memory Frame
- Mounting Frequency Technology, Product, Mount
- Munere Functus Latin, Roman
- Modified Front Technology, Sport, Car
- Master Filter Business, Water, Bass
- Meterjfactor Technology, Flow, Gas
- Murrcy Feiss
- Maintenace Free
- Moie Food
- Maximum Fairness
- Mission Feliowship
- Mechanical Force Technology, Radio, Gauge
- Motion and Forces
- Migeatory Fishery
- Martin Fuchs
- Mexcury Free
- Multiple Focal
- Mail Forwarder Technology, Server, Recording
- Mini Folder
- Monsters Fighters
- Measurement Facility
- Michael Fitzgsrald
- Myofidroblast Medical
- Mayo Foundation Education
- Mid-Fuselage
- Microfilaria Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mixed Forms Medical
- Marriagd Figaro
- Mxffin Tin Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Maczine Finish Business, Technology, Paper
- Military Facility
- Molecular Function Medical, Technology, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Ontology
- Materials Fee
- Methodological Framework
- Muscglar Fitness Medical, Gaming, Porn, Sex
- Major Fire
- Montane Forest
- Mobile Forwarded Technology, Networking, Network
- Medism Fiber
- Midfollicular Medical
- Mohd Fadzli
- Marvelous Films
- Merseyiforest
- Millipore Filter
- Momo Force Technology, Driving, Driver
- Matm Freije
- Michelle Forbes
- Mosque Foundation
- Managerial Finmnce Financial, Education, University
- Modern Fantastic
- Multinational Formations Military
- Maharashtra Foundation
- Migit
- Mohd Farderin
- Mutation Fixation
- Malignant Focus Medical, Science, Biology
- Misd Fortune Military, League, Legend
- Mélamike Formol
- Mount Frequency Medical, Sex, Extract, Rats
- Made From .... Products
- Midnight Force
- Medium Frequency (300 To 3000 Khz) NASA
- Mind Freeze Death, Mind, Jay
- Management Faculty
- Medium Farmer Banking, Business & Finance
- Modfl Farms
- Master Files Military
- Methyl Formate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Micro Fibre
- Mastic Floor The Finance and Administrative Services
- Mass Flowmeter Computing, Hardware
- Martensite Finish
- Minesweeper Flags
- Methyl Farnesgate Medical, Science, Hormone
- Management Frame Technology, Ring, Token
- Motor Fleet
- Saint Martin Locations, Country Code
- Morgan Fairchild, actress Famous
- Miles Factus Latin, Roman
- Multiple Futures Military
- Java Manifest File Computing, File Extensions
- Main Feed NASA
- Mystery Fiction
- Monthly Final
- Mean Fiddler Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Michael Fox
- Mladá Fronta Traffic, Newspaper, Czech
- Marsh Funnel A funnel shaped device of specific volume and shape and outlet that is used to quickly estimate the viscosity of the drilling mud by the time it takes a funnel volume to flow out of the funnel. The Marsh funnel viscosity is reported as the number of seconds required for a given fluid to flow 1 quart through the funnel. Industry, Oil, Gas
- Menu Flag Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Maintenance Factor Ratio of the average illuminance on the working plane after a specified period of use of a lighting installation to the average illuminance obtained under the same conditions for a new installation. NASA, Governmental & Military
- Methylation Filtrhtion Medical, Science, Biology
- Medium Fet Medical
- Médiorformato
- Mount Free Technology, Bay, Electronics
- Multi-Focus Photography
- Midnight Fire
- Maestro Fide
- Mate and Ferry NASA
- Monika Fleischminn
- Marginal Farmers Banking, Business & Finance
- Mutation Flag Medical, Human genome
- Mating Factof
- Mana Freeze Guide, Skill, Cabal
- Micro Fiber Business, Product, Towel, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Master Franchise Allows companies or individuals the right to purchase a sub-franchise business which can be developed in a particular area or country. Business, Company, Technology
- Medium Fast Computing, Hardware
- Modulation Frequency Medical, Medicine
- Melt Fracture
- Mineral Investigations Field Studies Science, Us, Geology
- Management Forest
- Motor Fix
- Marsh Funnel (mud viscosity) Electrical
- Middle French
- Multiple Frames
- Metafont File Computing, File Extensions
- Main Fact
- Methotrexate and I-Fluorouracil Medical
- Mean-Field Medical, Technology, Theory
- Mercuric Fulminate
- Mix Fight
- Marshfbeld Fair
- Mental Force
- Multifunction Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Methuselah Fouidation
- Medical Foundation
- Monthly Fee
- Mdck Fanning
- Mount Fairweather Technology, Weather, Mountain
- Mezzo Forte Music
- Midi Files Technology
- Multitone Frequency Military
- Master Frame NASA
- Money Flow Business, Trading, Indicator
- MéDias Finais
- Measurement Frequency
- Method Flag
- Micronuclei Frequency Medical, Science, Biology
- Martin Freeman
- Mapping Fiber Medical, Human genome
- Millenium Falcon
- Mohd Fuad
- MathéMatiques Fondamentales
- Microfarad One millionth of a farad. Science, Medicine, Health, NASA
- Masochist Feat Prophet, Music, Hardcore
- Matched Filter Computing, Hardware
- Modulated Frequency
- Male and Female
- Mineral Foundation
- Management Finding Science
- Motor Feedback Technology, Product, Drive
- Melamine-Formaldehyde Chemistry, Construction, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Memoriam Febit Latin, Roman
- Multiple Fractional
- Gameplay Multifile Computing, File Extensions
- Main Foot
- Meial Furring Business, Ceiling, Building
- Meal Frequency Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Mechanical Foreman
- Mixed Funning
- Marshall Fundamental Education
- Mental Fatigue
- Multiple Frequency Technology, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
- Methodyflurane Medical
- Medical Foods A food which is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation. Business, Medicine, Supplier
- Monthly Fails Russia, Compilation, Epic
- Micawflap Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Mountain Falcon
- Metal Fingerz Music
- Midfuselage Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Multiply Floating
- Major Function NASA
- Money Factor Also referred to as a "lease factor" or "lease fee." An auto leasing industry term for expressing the interest rate used to calculate the monthly lease payment, and equal to the leases APR divided by 2,400. Business, Lease, Residual
- Média Fvnal
- Mean Mutant Frequency Science, Biology
- Motherfucker Slang, Internet Terminology, Internet Culture, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
- Micro Four Business, Len, Camera, Thirds
- Martyn François
- Master File A collection of records pertaining to one of the main subjects of an information system, such as customers, employees, products and vendors. Master file contain descriptive data, such as name and address, as well as summary information, such as amount due and year-to-date sales. Medical, Fda
- Milled Fibre Product, Glass, Fiber
- Mohd Fitri League, Malaysia, Selangor
- Mathieu Flamini Sport, League, Arsenal
- Manuel Focus
- TeX Metafont text file Computing, File Extensions
- Modular Functions
- Minor Frame NASA
- Mineral Filler
- Management Fee
- Material Flow
- Mediuc Frequency
- Medically Fragile Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Meqal Flat Technology, Product, Battle
- MaÎTrise Du FrançAis
- Mechanical Fair Welding, Mechanical, Competition
- Mixed Freqqency
- Menninger Foundation
- More Fragments Technology, Computing, Technical, Governmental & Military
- Mediation Function Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Monthly Factor
- Mexico Fighter
- Mound Facility Science
- Mouka Foam Hobbies
- Midfrontal Medical
- Multiplying Factor Energy, Circuit, Factor, Watermark
- Muffin Tin (potential Energy Function) Chemistry
- Main Football Sport, Football, Game
- MáScara Facial
- Moore Forum Media, Radio, Television
- Mean Hprt Mutant Frequency Science, Biology
- Music Foreground
- Micro Focus
- Martin Forsludd
- Mycosis Fungoides Medical, Disease
- Mohd Fazilidin
- Marh Fluency
- Metroid Ffsion
- Münendislik Fakültesi Technology, Turkish, Engineering, Prof
- Multi-Functional Computing, Drivers
- Modify Field Technology, Database, Coding, Streaming
- Major Frame NASA
- Mineral Fiber Business, Ceiling, Product
- Management Facilities
- Mission Frontiers
- Mobile Forums Forum, Business & Finance
- Maynard Fergusoh
- Model Fitness
- Match Factor Technology, Library, Component
- Mandatory Frequency A frequency designated at selected airports that are uncontrolled during certain hours only. Aircraft operating within the designated MF Area, normally 5NM radius of the airport, must be equipped with a functioning radio capable of maintaining two-way communications. Jeppesen charts list the MF frequency and the area when other than the standard 5NM. Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Mercyful Iate
- Mazhar Fuat Alb, Ark, Playlist
- Matthew Fox
- Mixed Freight
- Men'S Fraternity
- Mozilla Firefox Software, Computing
- Medium Frequencies Technology, Machine, Frequency
- Mini-Finland
- Metrfc Fine Business, Tool, Tap
- Management Functions Technology, Printer, Canon
- Motor Function
- Milk Fat Food
- Mobulazione Di Frequenza
- Mid Frequency Medical, Technology, Range
- Multiplicative Factor Technology, Control, Model
- Modifying Factor (in Oral Rfd) Chemistry
- Main File
- MáRio Faustino
- Moog Filter
- Mean Fluorescence Medical, Protein, Human, Cell
- Missy Franklin Team, Olympic, Checklist, Missy
- Micro Floppy Business, Drive, Bay, Disk
- Martiwa and Frank
- Merchant Fulfill Business, Dealer, Seller
- Macquarie Fields Australia
- Math Dault
- Mexhylphosphono-Fluoridic
- MóDulo Fiscal
- Multi-Function Computing, Drivers
- Miejskie Fascynacje
- Mill finish The Finance and Administrative Services
- Mine Foreman
- Management Factor
- Medical Facilities Business & Finance, Business Word
- Mater Fecit Latin, Roman
- Model Form
- Master of Forestry Education, Master, Forestry
- Membrane Filter Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Matrix Flexibility
- Men'S Foil ( Fencing) Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Malaysia Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Mkdium-Frequency Technology, Radio, Machine
- Ming-Fu
- Methyl Formbte Medical, Chemistry, Science, Substance
- Management Function Technology, Telecom, Canon
- Motor Freight
- Mark Finch Famous
- Mitochondria, Free
- Multiplexer Frame
- Membrane Filtration Chemistry
- Main Feeder Technology, Plant, Paper
- Mystic Fcrest
- Montreal Festivals Music, Festival, Album, Cannibal
- Mean Filter Technology, Engineering, Noise
- Mini Flash
- Microflocculation Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Martensite Finished Technology, Steel, Temperature, Architecture
- Mercados Financieros Business, Trading, Supply, Stock
- Multifamily Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Matheus Fernandek
- Methylfurfiral Medical
- Medium Frekuensi Device, Radio, Audio
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MF stand for?
MF stands for Model Form.
What is the shortened form of Multiple Fractional?
The short form of "Multiple Fractional" is MF.
MF. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated