MF in Oil Meaning

The MF meaning in Oil terms is "Mandatory Frequency". There are 2 related meanings of the MF Oil abbreviation.

MF on Oil Full Forms

  1. Mandatory Frequency A frequency designated at selected airports that are uncontrolled during certain hours only. Aircraft operating within the designated MF Area, normally 5NM radius of the airport, must be equipped with a functioning radio capable of maintaining two-way communications. Jeppesen charts list the MF frequency and the area when other than the standard 5NM.
  2. Marsh Funnel A funnel shaped device of specific volume and shape and outlet that is used to quickly estimate the viscosity of the drilling mud by the time it takes a funnel volume to flow out of the funnel. The Marsh funnel viscosity is reported as the number of seconds required for a given fluid to flow 1 quart through the funnel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MF stand for Oil?

    MF stands for Marsh Funnel in Oil terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mandatory Frequency in Oil?

    The short form of "Mandatory Frequency" is MF for Oil.


MF in Oil. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

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