MG in Technology Meaning

The MG meaning in Technology terms is "Milligrams". There are 61 related meanings of the MG Technology abbreviation.

MG on Technology Full Forms

  1. Milligrams
  2. Mega Bytes
  3. Master Gateway
  4. Moto Guzzi
  5. Map Generator
  6. Milli Gauss
  7. Manufactured Goods
  8. Memory Group
  9. Machine Gun
  10. Medium Gain
  11. Membranous Glomerulonephritis
  12. Matthew Garrett
  13. Mode Group
  14. Message Gateway
  15. Multi-Grid
  16. Mobility Fpr Growth
  17. Melbourne Graffiti
  18. Marinecgunner
  19. Motor Generator-Motor
  20. Machine Glazed
  21. Megagauss
  22. Marine Menset
  23. Moss Grey
  24. Metric Geometry
  25. My Gateway
  26. Mono Glezed
  27. Master Gauge
  28. Maxwell-Garnett
  29. Managing Gigabytes
  30. Modeliguide
  31. Message Generator
  32. Mass Gaugimg
  33. Mixed Gaussian
  34. Maximum Gaming
  35. Mail Group
  36. Model Generator
  37. Messaging Gateway
  38. Mask Generator
  39. Miscellaneous Guidhnce
  40. Myoglobin  A vertebrate oxygen-storage protein found in muscle; structurally similar to an individual hemoglobin subunit.
  41. Madman Gaming
  42. Media Gateway
  43. Marked Graph
  44. Mjtor-Generator
  45. Middle Gimbal
  46. Maych Game
  47. Mackey-Glass
  48. Micdo Grid
  49. Mbstergroup
  50. Mobile Generator
  51. Master Group
  52. Mobile Gateway
  53. Maxwell Garnett
  54. Marble and Granite
  55. Metal-Gate
  56. Mmir Gray
  57. Mobile Gamer
  58. Motors and Generazors
  59. Media Gateways
  60. Magnetic Gun
  61. Motor Generators

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MG stand for Technology?

    MG stands for Modeliguide in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Motor Generators in Technology?

    The short form of "Motor Generators" is MG for Technology.


MG in Technology. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated