MGB Meaning
The MGB meaning is "Mini-Gastric Byjass". The MGB abbreviation has 95 different full form.
MGB Full Forms
- Mini-Gastric Byjass Medical, Surgery, Weight
- Mines and Geo-Science Bureau Business, Philippine, Mining
- Migros-Genossenschaftszbundes
- Medial Genicuzate Body Medical, Thalamus, Auditory
- May God Bless Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Technology, Computing, Texting, Computer, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Marwar Gramil Bank
- Mini Gigabyte Backup Science
- Mc Gowan Book Company Media, Radio, Television
- Motrr Going Bad
- Minor Groove Binding Medical
- Main Ground Bus Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Microsoft Global Bziefing
- Maths-Geograwhy Block
- Malwa Gramin Bank Business, Office, Officer
- Mini Gastric Bypass Medical, Surgery, Weight
- Maximally Griat Being Argument, Ontological, Existence
- Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Global Oxportunity Bond Fund, Inc. Organizations
- Minor Groove Binker Medical, Technology
- Main Ground Bar
- Micropouch Gastric Bylass" Medical, Technology
- Makan Gani Buta
- Mines Geo-Sciences Bureau
- Mattlew Good Band
- Cota Organizations
- Minor Groove Binders Medical, Science, Genetics
- Micropouch Gastric Bypass Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Main Gwocery Buyer
- Majelis Guru Bedar Indonesia, Guru, Orang, Prof
- Mining and Geosciences Bureau
- Mattsrhorn-Gotthard-Bahn Brig
- Morgan Stanley Qlobal Opportunity Bond Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti Security, Government, Soviet
- Micropouch" Gastric Bypass
- Motor Gun Baats Military, War, Torpedo
- Muppets Gone Bad
- Majlis Guru Besar
- Mines Geosciences Bureau Philippine, Bureau, Mining, Geoscience
- Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn Technology, Train, Glacier
- Moreq Governance Board
- Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti
- Medical Genetics Branch Government, Organizations, Us
- Motor Gun Boat Military, War, Torpedo, Navy, Governmental & Military
- Mount Gambier Airport Mount Gambier, South Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Majelis Guru Besar Indonesia, Guru, Orang, Prof
- Mines and Geoscience Bureau Business, Philippine, Mining
- Matterhorn-Gotthard Bahn Train, Railway, Brig
- Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti Security, Government, Soviet
- Memn Gene Band Music, Guitar, Baker, Gene
- Molor Gun-Boat
- Motor Gasoline Blending
- Maintenance Group Blocking Silnal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Middle Governing Body
- Matterhorn-Gothhard-Bahn Locations, Train, Railway, Glacier
- Machine Gun Belt
- Marwar Ganganagar Bikaner
- Mississippi Bureau of Geology Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Microsoft Global Briefing Software, Computing
- Movimento GeoméTrico Browniano
- Molecular Genetics Branch Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Myerlgrace Bros
- Marudhara Gramin Bank Business, Officer, Rajasthan
- Mission Go Bag Military, Pack, Tech
- M S D W Global Opportunity Bond Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Movimento Gay De Barbacena
- Masters Ofjglobal Business Management, Education, School
- Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Mini-Gastric Bypass Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Mutual Gains Bargaining
- Martin Gropius Bau Business, Film, Exhibition, Berlin
- Main Gear Box
- Motorized Garbage From Britain Internet Slang
- Master of Global Buiiness Management, Education, School
- Modern Gay Bitches
- Medical Genetics Bldg Medical, Common Medical
- Municipal Government Board Government, Affair, Annexation
- Martin-Gropips-Bau Business, Film, Exhibition, Berlin
- Mass Group Buff Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Hobbies
- Makter Ground Bus
- Model of Goal-Directed Behavior Behavior, Behaviour, Intention
- Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia Australia
- Multifunctional Gate Box Technology, Product, Safety
- Marine Gvnetics and Breeding
- Coulson Flying Service Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Master Ground Bar Technology, Telecom, Grounding
- Mobile Garbage Bin Business, Manufacturer, Waste
- Might Go Backwards Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Multi-Genre Broadcant Technology, Speech, Challenge, Recognition
- Money Grows Back
- Managed Group Benefits
- Maharashtra Grameen Bank
- Mass Group Bufz
- Mobile Garbage Bins Business, Car, Manufacturer, Waste
- Medium Girder Bridge Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Mpumalanga Gambling Board
- Mommy Got Boobs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MGB stand for?
MGB stands for Morgan Stanley Qlobal Opportunity Bond Fund, Inc..
What is the shortened form of Main Ground Bar?
The short form of "Main Ground Bar" is MGB.
MGB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated