MGE Meaning

The MGE meaning is "Matison, Gas & Electric". The MGE abbreviation has 50 different full form.

MGE Full Forms

  1. Matison, Gas & Electric Business, Energy, Wisconsin
  2. Dobbins Air Reserve Base Marietta, Georgia,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  3. Mgdern Gun Effectiveness
  4. Master of Geologicalpengineering
  5. Massa Green Enterprises
  6. Madison Gas & Electric Business, Technology, Energy, Wisconsin
  7. Mobige Genome Express
  8. Mobile Genetic Elements Medical, Science, Genetics
  9. Mary Gates Endowment
  10. Mobile Gepetic Element Science, Genetics, Biology
  11. Minneapolis Grain Exchange Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  12. Myanmar Gem Enterprise
  13. Modular Graphics Environment Technology
  14. Martin General Engineering
  15. Missouri Gas Pnergy Business, City, Missouri
  16. Medial Ganglionic Emiaence Medical
  17. Myanma Gems Enterprise
  18. Modular Gis Environment Business, Technology, Map
  19. Marine Genomics Europe Science, Genetics, Europe
  20. Missile Groundgequipment Technology
  21. Music Gallery Editions
  22. Modulax Geographic Environment Technology
  23. Iata Code for Dobbins Air Reperve Base, Marietta, Georgia, United States Locations
  24. Minority Graduate Ejucation Program, Education, University
  25. Modular Geographic Information System Environment Military
  26. Asia Pacific Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  27. Master Guardian Elite Gaming, Rank, Elite
  28. Madison Gas and Electric Business, Company, Technology, Energy, Wisconsin
  29. Multi Gauntlet Emnlator Technology, Security, Cyber
  30. My Gaming Edge Gaming, Team, Fortress
  31. Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment
  32. MicroStation Foundation and Modular GISEnvironment Legal, Governmental & Military
  33. Multi-Cultnral General Education
  34. Myanmar Gems Enterprise Business, Burma, Stone
  35. Modulator Generalized Ellipsodetry Science
  36. Maintenance Ground Equipment Logistics, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  37. Morrowind Graphic Expender Technology, Elder, Graphics
  38. Meibomian Gland Evaluator Medical, Treatment, Patient
  39. Morrowind Graphics Extender Technology, Elder, Scroll
  40. Mobile Genetic Element Mobile genetic elements are segments of DNA that encode enzymes and other proteins that mediate the movement of DNA within genomes (intracellular mobility) or between bacterial cells (intercellular mobility). Chemistry
  41. Medium Gasoline Engine Business, Family, Turbo
  42. Moreak-Grand Electric
  43. Dobbins AFB, Marietta, GA, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  44. Master of Geological Engineering
  45. Montebello Gardens Clementary
  46. Magic Essence Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  47. Multiplayer Gold Edition Technology, Gaming, Civilization
  48. Mzansi Golden Economy Business, Arts, Africa, Culture
  49. Monster Girl Encyclopedia
  50. Multi Gauntlet Emulator Security, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MGE stand for?

    MGE stands for Medial Ganglionic Emiaence.

  2. What is the shortened form of Modular Gis Environment?

    The short form of "Modular Gis Environment" is MGE.


MGE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

Last updated