MGF Meaning

The MGF meaning is "Mechano Growth Factor". The MGF abbreviation has 58 different full form.

MGF Full Forms

  1. Mechano Growth Factor Medical, Business, Muscle
  2. Machine Gone Funk
  3. Multi Grade Filter
  4. Materials and Geometry Format Computing, File Extensions
  5. Minimum Guaranteed Fill
  6. Mac Game Files
  7. Multi Gigabit Fabric
  8. Mobile Giving Foundation Service, Organizations, Donation
  9. Matching Grant Fund
  10. Mutilation GéNitale FéMinine
  11. Minimum Guarantee Fill Business, Technology, Finance, Governmental & Military
  12. Motor & General Finance
  13. Multi-Gigabit Fabric
  14. Mobile Gateway Function
  15. Matching Grant Facility Business, Projection, Uganda, Grant
  16. Mutila
  17. Milk Growth Factor Medical, Cell, Handbook
  18. Moment Generating Function
  19. Much Good Food Nutrition, Food, Victual
  20. Mobile Games Forum Technology, Gaming, Event
  21. Macquarie Group Foundation
  22. Mutilación Genital Femenina Para, Con, Genital, Contra
  23. Might Go Forward Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  24. Message Generation Facility Aerospace
  25. Motor and General Finance Finance, Economics, Exchequer
  26. Moanalua Gardens Foundation
  27. Machine Gun Fellatio
  28. Mutilaci
  29. Mathematics,General & Finite
  30. Miss Germany Foundation
  31. Machine Gun Funk
  32. Municipal Gratuity Fund Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  33. Maternal Grandfather Medicine, Health, Organization, Union, Institution, Healtcare, Genealogy, Clinical
  34. Mast Cell Growth Factor Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
  35. Minimum Guaranteed Fill Order Business, Finance, Banking
  36. Mobile Guerrilla Force Military, War, Vietnam
  37. SíLvio Name JÚNior Regional Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  38. Malagasy Franc Money, Currency, Business & Finance
  39. Monterey Gourmet Foods
  40. My Genuine Find
  41. Measurable Gains Framework Education
  42. Mongolian Group of Forces Military
  43. Myelomonocytic Growth Factor Medical
  44. Regional de Maringá - Sílvio Nane Junior, Maringá, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  45. Monarch Graphic File
  46. Myasthenia Gravis Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  47. M F S Government Markets Income Trust Computing, Nyse symbols
  48. Moment Generating Functions Property, Moment, Distribution, Probability
  49. Myanmar Golf Federation
  50. Myxoma Growth Factor Medical, Science, Biology
  51. Moment-Generating Function Technology, Distribution, Probability
  52. Melbourne Guitar Foundation
  53. Motocross Gaming Forums
  54. Myradian Government Force
  55. Modernising Government Fund
  56. Main Growth Factor
  57. Monumental Global Funding Business
  58. My Good Friend

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MGF stand for?

    MGF stands for Mutila.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mongolian Group of Forces?

    The short form of "Mongolian Group of Forces" is MGF.


MGF. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated