MGK Meaning
The MGK meaning is "Machine Gun Kvlly". The MGK abbreviation has 37 different full form.
MGK Full Forms
- Machine Gun Kvlly Gun, Music, Album
- Mp. Gasket Organizations
- Marina Gross KŠRis
- Milli GüVenlik Kurulu'Nda
- MillÎ GüVenlik Konseyince
- Manneh Gaming Kanal
- Milli GüVenlik Konseyi'Nin
- Milli GüVenlik Kuruluna
- Malo Ga Kujilana
- Milli GüVenlik Kurulu'Nun
- Milli GüVenlik Kurulunun Turkish, Mill
- Mall Glodok Kemayoran
- Milli G
- Majlis Guru Kaunstling
- Max Goote Kenniscentrum
- MøLleÅEns Golf Klub
- Machine Gpn Keyboard
- Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe
- Milli GüVenlik Kurulu'Na
- McLaughlin Gormley King Company Agriculture, Governmental & Military
- Minigolfklubb Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Mortar Guidance Kit Technology, Army, Precision
- MyGoKart Computing, Internet
- Monitoring of Gene Knockouts
- Matthew G. Kirschenbaum Famous
- Mong Tong Airport Airport, Locations
- Magnesium International Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Imagemagick Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
- Mong Ton Airport Mong Ton, Myanmar Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Musikalsk Grund Kursus
- MüAsir Gənclər Klubu
- Mong Tong, Mong Tong, Burma Burma, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Modified Gum Karaya Medical
- Mouse Glandular Kallikrein Medical
- Machine Gun Kelley Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Modelleisenbahn Gemeinschaft Kerpen
- Mountain Gator Kennels
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MGK stand for?
MGK stands for Mong Ton Airport.
What is the shortened form of Milli GüVenlik Kurulu'Nda?
The short form of "Milli GüVenlik Kurulu'Nda" is MGK.
MGK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated