MGN Meaning

The MGN meaning is "Membranous Glomerulonephritis". The MGN abbreviation has 49 different full form.

MGN Full Forms

  1. Membranous Glomerulonephritis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical, Kidneys
  2. Magellan Petroleum Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  3. Mosaix Global Netjork
  4. Iata Code for Harbor Springs Airport, Harbor Springs, Michigan, United States Locations
  5. Medical Grade Network Technology, Networking, Cisco
  6. Montreux Glion Naye
  7. Micro Gamers News Media, Radio, Television
  8. Baracoa Regional Airport Magangué, Colombia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  9. Medical-Grade Network Technology, Networking, Cisco
  10. Montreux-Glion-Rochers-De-Naye
  11. Miami Gay News
  12. Baracoa Airport Airport, Locations
  13. Medial Gastrocnemius Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Muscles
  14. Montreux-Glion-Rodhers De Naye
  15. Membranous Gn Medical
  16. Multi-Grounded Neutral Technology, Telecom, Ground
  17. Mature Gaming Network Gaming, Play, Pastime
  18. Membranous Glomerulonephropathy Medical
  19. Movimento Gay De Nanuque
  20. Mines Management, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  21. Marco Geoestad
  22. Mehr Geht Nicht
  23. Mouettes Genevoises Navigation
  24. Michigan Science, Organizations, Locations, State, Gpo, Michigan, Environment, Weather, Postal, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, List of All 50 State, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
  25. Machine Gun News
  26. Medisave Grant for Newborns
  27. Midland & Great Northern
  28. Multimedia Generation Network
  29. Mobile Gaming Now
  30. Magnotta Winery Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  31. Medial Geniculate Nucleus Medical, Thalamus, Auditory, Kidneys
  32. Multi Grounded Neutral Technology, Power, Ground, Grounding
  33. Mobile Gadget News
  34. margin A macro that is used to define a set of BMS maps. also map definition. Margin In printing, those portions of a page—top, bot-tom, and sides—outside the main body of text. Banking, Business & Finance
  35. Mulmicultural Graduate Network
  36. Mirror Group Newspaper
  37. Multi-Gaming Network Technology, Networking, Destiny
  38. Mirror Group Newspapers Hacking, Mirror, Trinity
  39. My Generation Next
  40. Montreux-Glion-Naye
  41. Baracoa, Magangué, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  42. Mils Grid North
  43. Music Game News
  44. Montgomery Guru Nanak College, Education, School, Jalandhar
  45. Marine Guidance Note Electrical
  46. Midland and Great Northern
  47. Muscle Gauge Gutrition
  48. Moda Girls Nice
  49. Mines Management, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange, Medical, Common Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MGN stand for?

    MGN stands for Moda Girls Nice.

  2. What is the shortened form of Montreux-Glion-Naye?

    The short form of "Montreux-Glion-Naye" is MGN.


MGN. (2020, October 20). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from

Last updated