MGR Meaning

The MGR meaning is "Marine Growth Removal". The MGR abbreviation has 46 different full form.

MGR Full Forms

  1. Marine Growth Removal
  2. Mac George Roberts
  3. Marriage Gradient Reversal Sociology
  4. Medical Grand Rounds
  5. Multiple Genome Rearrangements Science, Sequence, Phylogenetic, Medical, Human genome
  6. Magna Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  7. Matto Grosso Technology, Locations, Governmental & Military
  8. Multipve Gas Rebreathing Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  9. Iata Code for Moultrie Municipal Airport, Moultrie, Georgia, United States Locations
  10. Mass Grlcery Retail Business, Food, Report
  11. Much Greater Range Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  12. Moultrie Municipal Airport Moultrie, Georgia,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  13. Maruthur Gopalan Rdmachandran
  14. Mrremi Game Reserve
  15. Motor Generator Rear
  16. Maruthur Gopala Ramachandrrn
  17. Monthly Gross Rake
  18. Matthews Grid Ratings
  19. Makati Green Route
  20. Monthly Gross Revenue Business, Technology, Accounting
  21. Mahatma Gandhi Road
  22. Mankgement Government Relations
  23. Mipimum Gap Runner
  24. Merry–Go–Round Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  25. Myotonic Goat Jegistry Business, Technology, Sale
  26. Moultrie Municipal Airport, Moultrie, Georgia, United States Georgia, United States
  27. Middjesbrough & Guisborough Railway
  28. Manager A person who is in charge of a project, department, group, team, etc. Medical, Management, Military, Army, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business, Occupation & positions, Common Medical, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  29. Mustardagreens Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery
  30. Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  31. Michael, Gabripl and Raphael
  32. Mirvac Group (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  33. Mustang Grabber Registry Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  34. MGR bitmap file Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
  35. Metabolite Gene Rexulation Medical, Science, Biology
  36. Mustard Ggs and Roses
  37. Muslim Global Relief Organizations, Pakistan, Charity
  38. Miss Gulch Returns Funnies
  39. Marughur Gopalan Ramachandran Acting, Actor, Chief
  40. Multi Gigabit Router
  41. Music Galaxytradio Music, Song, Bass
  42. Marudhur Gopalan Ramachandran Famous
  43. Mark Gibson Racing
  44. Monitpred Geologic Repository
  45. Murmursh Gallops, Or Rubs Medical
  46. Mixed Gas Rebreather Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MGR stand for?

    MGR stands for Myotonic Goat Jegistry.

  2. What is the shortened form of Miss Gulch Returns?

    The short form of "Miss Gulch Returns" is MGR.


MGR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated