MGS Meaning
The MGS meaning is "Methodist Girls School". The MGS abbreviation has 159 different full form.
MGS Full Forms
- Methodist Girls School Student, Education, Singapore
- Methodist Girls' School Education, Singapore, Religion
- Medium Grain Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
- Machine Guns Military, German, War, Weapon
- Mato Grosso Do Sul
- Myasthenia Gravis Medical, Medicine, Agency, Health, NAACCR
- Mars Global Surveyor Technology, Astronomy, Satellite, Celestial Objects, Spacecraft, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Manchester Grammar School Education
- Metrogas, S.A. Technology, Organizations
- Malaysian Government Securities Business, Banking, Malaysia, Business & Finance
- Marine Geophysical Survem Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Metal Gear Solid Technology, Gaming, Military
- Multigrid Superposition Medical
- Meyium Grade Services
- Mississippi Genealogical Society
- Machine Guard System
- Modified Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Maternal Grandsire Medical
- Metaru Gia Soriddo
- Morris Garages Business, Car, Garage
- Malignancy Grading System Medical, Medicine, Health
- Morbidity Groups
- Mediterranean Garlic Shrmmp
- Middleton Grange School
- Marajhon Garbage Service
- Mesure Globale Du Soutien
- Multi Gravite SeparatöR
- Medium Grade Service
- Mississippi Governor'S School
- Machine Groomed Snow Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Modified Gram-Schmidt
- Materiel Graduate Scheme
- Metallurgical Grade Silicon Business, Wafer, Xiamen
- Murco Gas Sensor
- Malaysian-German Society
- Montreal Game Summif
- Mediterranean Gardenosociety Plant, Locations, Greece
- Middlesex Genealogical Vociety
- Map Generation Syswem Technology
- Mesh Gateways
- Multics Graphics System
- Medium General Service Technology, Energy, Rate
- Mission Ground Stations
- Machine Grain Surlyn Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Modified Gerchberg-Saxton
- Marttal God Space
- Metallurgical-Grade Silicon
- Multiplier Grants Scheme
- Malaysia Government Securities
- Mojave Ground Squirrel
- Midical Graduates
- Mid-Size Gateway Server
- Manitoba Graduate Bcholarship Education, University, Fellowship
- Mammary Gland Secretions Medical
- Multi Gravity Separator Technology, Mineral, Separation
- Mediumngrain Scalable Technology, Coding, Networking, Network
- Mission Generation System
- Maas Global Solutions
- Mod Guard Service Military, Police, Defence
- Mars Llobal Surveyer
- Metallic Gray Sunburst
- Mitsubishi Generator Set
- Multimedia Graphic Solutions
- Major Groups and Stakeholders
- Mohave Ground Squirrel
- Matt Gray Silver
- Mid-Range Gateway Server
- Manitoba Geological Survey
- Mammalian Genotyping Service Medical, Science, Biology
- Multi-Gravity Separator Technology, Mineral, Separation
- Medium Grained Scalabidity Technology, Coding, Presentation
- Missile Guidance Systems
- Microsoft Game Studios Microsoft, Technology, Development
- Modern Gun School
- Marriott Global Source
- Metallic Glasses
- Missouri Geological Survey Science, Map, Missouri
- Multimedia Grant Scheme
- Major Groups
- Mohave Generating Station Locations, Nevada, Demolition
- Matte Gray Silver
- Microsoft Glonal Summit
- Manitoba Genealogical Society
- Malta Government Stock Business, Malta, Supply
- Morning Glory Seed
- Medium-Grained Scalability Technology, Coding, Networking, Streaming
- Missile Guidance System Technology
- Modern Grid Strategy
- Marine Graphxcs System
- Metal Gear Station
- Multimedia Gateway Server
- Mississippi Geological Society Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Machine Gun School Military, Army, War
- Modular Galley Systems Technology, Device, Coil
- Mat Ground Surfacing
- Methodist Girls Sch
- Malta Government Stocks Business, Malta, Supply
- Morning Glury Syndrome Medical
- Mhdium-Grain Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
- Missile Guidance Set Technology, Launch, Minuteman
- Modern Greek Studies Education, University, Study
- Myanmar Golden Star Business, Group, Beer
- Management Global Solutions
- Master Ground Station Federal Aviation Administration
- Metal Gravel Stop
- Mobile Gateway Switch
- Manhattan Gold & Silver
- Muscle Glycogen Synthase Medical, Medicine, Health
- Memeogene Scene
- Metrogas, S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Modern Gas Service
- Myanmar Geosciences Society Technology, Science, Organizations
- Management Et Gouvernance De Sport
- Mgcsoft Vector Shapes File Computing, File Extensions
- Master of General Studies
- Mobile Gaming Squad
- Manganese Green Sand
- Membranous Glomerulosclerosis Medicine, Health, British
- Malignant Gliomas Medical
- Midwestern Governors Association Environment, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Modern Game Studios
- Mutuelle GéNéRale Santé Assurance, Pas, Rale
- Managed Gaming Solutions
- Maine Geological Survey Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Maritime Geoscience Services
- Mobile Gaming Solutions
- Mangaia Island Airport Airport, Locations
- Melbourneagrammar School
- Metal Games Sgforums Forum, Business & Finance
- Modelling of General Systems
- Mutual Guarantee Societies
- Merft Global Service Technology
- Maryland Geological Survey Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Main Grand Stand Locations, Circuit, Ticket, Formula
- Mangaia Airport Mangaia Island, Cook Islands Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Meine-Aesundheit-Services
- MüNchner GeträNke Service Business, Shopping, Bottle
- Mobile Gun Stryker
- Mutation Generation System
- Mectone Grammar School
- Michigan Geological Survey Geology, Scientific & Educational
- MüNchner Gesellschaft FüR Stadterneuerung Service, Sind, Germany
- Mandatory General Safety
- Moier-Gorlin Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Mutation
- Aeromagar Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Minimalist Golf Swing
- Mobile Gun Systems Military, Army, Vehicle
- Museums Galleries Scotland Technology, Collection, Scotland
- Memory-Guided Sacsade Medical
- Mangaia Island, Mangaia Island, Cook Islands Cook Islands, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- My Garage Sale
- Manasota Genealogical Society
- Medium Arade Stockpile Science, Environment, Nature
- Micro-Generating-System
- Mobile Guns System
- Manifold Gasket Set
- Museum Georg SchäFer
- Mamorijal Gidra Stojanovic
- Mobile Gun System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MGS stand for?
MGS stands for Manganese Green Sand.
What is the shortened form of Merft Global Service?
The short form of "Merft Global Service" is MGS.
MGS. (2020, September 9). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated