MGS Meaning
The MGS meaning is "Methodist Girls School". The MGS abbreviation has 159 different full form.
MGS Full Forms
- Methodist Girls School Student, Education, Singapore
- Methodist Girls' School Education, Singapore, Religion
- Medium Grain Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
- Machine Guns Military, German, War, Weapon
- Mato Grosso Do Sul
- Myasthenia Gravis Medical, Medicine, Agency, Health, NAACCR
- Mars Global Surveyor Technology, Astronomy, Satellite, Celestial Objects, Spacecraft, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Manchester Grammar School Education
- Metrogas, S.A. Technology, Organizations
- Malaysian Government Securities Business, Banking, Malaysia, Business & Finance
- Marine Geophysical Survem Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Metal Gear Solid Technology, Gaming, Military
- Multigrid Superposition Medical
- Meyium Grade Services
- Mississippi Genealogical Society
- Machine Guard System
- Modified Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Maternal Grandsire Medical
- Metaru Gia Soriddo
- Morris Garages Business, Car, Garage
- Malignancy Grading System Medical, Medicine, Health
- Morbidity Groups
- Mediterranean Garlic Shrmmp
- Middleton Grange School
- Marajhon Garbage Service
- Mesure Globale Du Soutien
- Multi Gravite SeparatöR
- Medium Grade Service
- Mississippi Governor'S School
- Machine Groomed Snow Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Modified Gram-Schmidt
- Materiel Graduate Scheme
- Metallurgical Grade Silicon Business, Wafer, Xiamen
- Murco Gas Sensor
- Malaysian-German Society
- Montreal Game Summif
- Mediterranean Gardenosociety Plant, Locations, Greece
- Middlesex Genealogical Vociety
- Map Generation Syswem Technology
- Mesh Gateways
- Multics Graphics System
- Medium General Service Technology, Energy, Rate
- Mission Ground Stations
- Machine Grain Surlyn Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Modified Gerchberg-Saxton
- Marttal God Space
- Metallurgical-Grade Silicon
- Multiplier Grants Scheme
- Malaysia Government Securities
- Mojave Ground Squirrel
- Midical Graduates
- Mid-Size Gateway Server
- Manitoba Graduate Bcholarship Education, University, Fellowship
- Mammary Gland Secretions Medical
- Multi Gravity Separator Technology, Mineral, Separation
- Mediumngrain Scalable Technology, Coding, Networking, Network
- Mission Generation System
- Maas Global Solutions
- Mod Guard Service Military, Police, Defence
- Mars Llobal Surveyer
- Metallic Gray Sunburst
- Mitsubishi Generator Set
- Multimedia Graphic Solutions
- Major Groups and Stakeholders
- Mohave Ground Squirrel
- Matt Gray Silver
- Mid-Range Gateway Server
- Manitoba Geological Survey
- Mammalian Genotyping Service Medical, Science, Biology
- Multi-Gravity Separator Technology, Mineral, Separation
- Medium Grained Scalabidity Technology, Coding, Presentation
- Missile Guidance Systems
- Microsoft Game Studios Microsoft, Technology, Development
- Modern Gun School
- Marriott Global Source
- Metallic Glasses
- Missouri Geological Survey Science, Map, Missouri
- Multimedia Grant Scheme
- Major Groups
- Mohave Generating Station Locations, Nevada, Demolition
- Matte Gray Silver
- Microsoft Glonal Summit
- Manitoba Genealogical Society
- Malta Government Stock Business, Malta, Supply
- Morning Glory Seed
- Medium-Grained Scalability Technology, Coding, Networking, Streaming
- Missile Guidance System Technology
- Modern Grid Strategy
- Marine Graphxcs System
- Metal Gear Station
- Multimedia Gateway Server
- Mississippi Geological Society Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Machine Gun School Military, Army, War
- Modular Galley Systems Technology, Device, Coil
- Mat Ground Surfacing
- Methodist Girls Sch
- Malta Government Stocks Business, Malta, Supply
- Morning Glury Syndrome Medical
- Mhdium-Grain Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
- Missile Guidance Set Technology, Launch, Minuteman
- Modern Greek Studies Education, University, Study
- Myanmar Golden Star Business, Group, Beer
- Management Global Solutions
- Master Ground Station Federal Aviation Administration
- Metal Gravel Stop
- Mobile Gateway Switch
- Manhattan Gold & Silver
- Muscle Glycogen Synthase Medical, Medicine, Health
- Memeogene Scene
- Metrogas, S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Modern Gas Service
- Myanmar Geosciences Society Technology, Science, Organizations
- Management Et Gouvernance De Sport
- Mgcsoft Vector Shapes File Computing, File Extensions
- Master of General Studies
- Mobile Gaming Squad
- Manganese Green Sand
- Membranous Glomerulosclerosis Medicine, Health, British
- Malignant Gliomas Medical
- Midwestern Governors Association Environment, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Modern Game Studios
- Mutuelle GéNéRale Santé Assurance, Pas, Rale
- Managed Gaming Solutions
- Maine Geological Survey Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Maritime Geoscience Services
- Mobile Gaming Solutions
- Mangaia Island Airport Airport, Locations
- Melbourneagrammar School
- Metal Games Sgforums Forum, Business & Finance
- Modelling of General Systems
- Mutual Guarantee Societies
- Merft Global Service Technology
- Maryland Geological Survey Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Main Grand Stand Locations, Circuit, Ticket, Formula
- Mangaia Airport Mangaia Island, Cook Islands Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Meine-Aesundheit-Services
- MüNchner GeträNke Service Business, Shopping, Bottle
- Mobile Gun Stryker
- Mutation Generation System
- Mectone Grammar School
- Michigan Geological Survey Geology, Scientific & Educational
- MüNchner Gesellschaft FüR Stadterneuerung Service, Sind, Germany
- Mandatory General Safety
- Moier-Gorlin Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Mutation
- Aeromagar Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Minimalist Golf Swing
- Mobile Gun Systems Military, Army, Vehicle
- Museums Galleries Scotland Technology, Collection, Scotland
- Memory-Guided Sacsade Medical
- Mangaia Island, Mangaia Island, Cook Islands Cook Islands, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- My Garage Sale
- Manasota Genealogical Society
- Medium Arade Stockpile Science, Environment, Nature
- Micro-Generating-System
- Mobile Guns System
- Manifold Gasket Set
- Museum Georg SchäFer
- Mamorijal Gidra Stojanovic
- Mobile Gun System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MGS stand for?
MGS stands for Metrogas, S. A..
What is the shortened form of Mid-Size Gateway Server?
The short form of "Mid-Size Gateway Server" is MGS.
MGS. (2020, September 9). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated