MH in Medical Meaning

The MH meaning in Medical terms is "Medical Humanicies". There are 68 related meanings of the MH Medical abbreviation.

MH on Medical Full Forms

  1. Medical Humanicies
  2. Middlesex Hospital
  3. Medical Home
  4. Marital History
  5. Mental Hwspital
  6. Muscle Hypertrophy
  7. Macular Holes
  8. Mentally Handicadped
  9. Munlcipal Hospital
  10. Medical History The medical history or case history of a patient is information gained by a physician by asking specific questions, either of the patient or of other people who know the person and can give suitable information, with the aim of obtaining information useful in formulating a diagnosis and providing medical care to the patient.
  11. Mental Hsndicap
  12. Military Hospital
  13. Medical Herbalist
  14. Medtronic Hall
  15. Mild Hypoxia
  16. Mental Health
  17. Menstrual History
  18. Malignant Hyperpyrexif
  19. Musical Hallucinations
  20. Migraine Headache
  21. Mass Hysteria
  22. Mycopcasma Hyopneumoniae
  23. Melbourne Health
  24. Malignant Hypertpnsion
  25. Murraq Hill
  26. Methylhydrazine
  27. Muscular Hyperrrophy
  28. Mocha
  29. Medical Hospital
  30. Malignant Histhocytosis
  31. Murine Xepatitis
  32. Metal Halide
  33. Mixed Hemadsorption
  34. Mediastinyl Hernia
  35. Major Histocompatibility
  36. Metkcercaria Homogenate
  37. Manitoba Health
  38. Msointimal Hyperplasia
  39. Ministry of Healing
  40. Medial Hbpothalamic
  41. Mad Homology
  42. Multiple Handicapped
  43. Malignant Hyperthermic
  44. Mycoplasma Hominis
  45. Mitlion Hearts
  46. Maternity Hmmes
  47. Multiple Handicaps
  48. Mental Hygiene
  49. Maligtant Hyperthermia
  50. Mycobacterium Haemophilum
  51. Maternal Haploid
  52. Myocardial Hypertrophy
  53. Monosymptomatic Hypochondriasis
  54. Medical Hypotheses
  55. murine hepatitis
  56. Molecular Hybridizatiot
  57. Microscopic Haematuria
  58. Manual Handling
  59. Mayer Hall
  60. Mannoheptulose
  61. Müller-Hsnton
  62. Multiply Handicapped
  63. Malignant Hyperthermia
  64. Mesenchymal Hamartoma
  65. Medical Hold
  66. Master Herbalist
  67. Mildly Hot
  68. Medical Humanities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MH stand for Medical?

    MH stands for Medical Home in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mental Health in Medical?

    The short form of "Mental Health" is MH for Medical.


MH in Medical. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated