MHCV Meaning

The MHCV meaning is "Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles". The MHCV abbreviation has 8 different full form.

MHCV Full Forms

  1. Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles Business, Vehicle, Market
  2. Manifold Heat Control Valve A valve placed in the exhaust manifold, or in the exhaust pipe, that deflects a certain amount of hot gas around the base of the carburetor to aid in warmup.
  3. Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicle Business, Industrial, Market
  4. Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles Business, Vehicle, Market
  5. Mixed Hockey Club Venray
  6. Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle Business, Industrial, Market, Tyre
  7. Medium Heavy Commercial Vehicle
  8. Medium Heavy Commercial Vehicles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MHCV stand for?

    MHCV stands for Manifold Heat Control Valve.

  2. What is the shortened form of Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle?

    The short form of "Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle" is MHCV.


MHCV. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated