MIC Meaning
The MIC meaning is "Market Identifier Code". The MIC abbreviation has 471 different full form.
MIC Full Forms
- Market Identifier Code Business, Finance, Economics
- Message Integrity Check Computing, Telecom, Computer Security, Technical, IT Terminology
- Micrometer An instrument used for measuring diameter usually in thousandths of an inch. One millionth of a meter, used to measure wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Also known as a "micron" or µm. Military, Electronic, Radar, Warfare, Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units, Measurement, Environment, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Microsoft Innovation Center Business, Microsoft, Technology
- Microphone An electromechanical transducer that converts sound pressure into an electrical signal. Technology, Aviation, Electronics, Media, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Architectural, Hardware, Amateur radio, Tv stations, Aircraft, Spacecraft, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Performing arts, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Minimum Ignition Current Technology, Telecom, Area
- Many Integrated Cores Technology, Architecture, Core
- Miami Intermodal Center
- Minimal Invasive Chirurgie Berlin, Operation, Gyn
- Manufacturer Installed Certificate Technology, Communication, Cisco
- Methyl Isocyanate Medical, Government, United Kingdom, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations Medical, Microbiology, Antimicrobial, Antibiotic
- Made In Canada Business, Music, Guitar
- Meteorologist In Charge Business, Science, Weather
- Minimal Inhibition Concentration Medical, Activity, Oil
- Crystal Airport Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Message Integrity Code Technology, Computing, Computer Security, Security, Technical, Governmental & Military
- Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations Medical, Science, Antimicrobial, Antibiotic
- Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Medical, Drug, Pediatrics, Chemistry, Laboratory, Bacteria, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda, Reading Prescription
- Ministry of Industry and Trade Business, Technology, Development, Organizations, Vietnam
- Memory Interface Controller Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Microwave Integrated Circuit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Chemistry
- Minimal Inhibitory Concentration Medical, Veterinary, Forest Industry
- Minimum Inhibition Concentration Medical, Science, Activity
- Market Implementation Committee
- Management Inxernational Conference Technology, Science, Education
- Monitoring and Instrument Coordination
- Medisch Interfacultair Congres Education, Event, Impact, Stichting
- Minerales Industrias Cnrporation
- Marine Insurance Course
- Multifiber Indoor Cable
- Meteorologist-In-Charge Military, National, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Missile Interconnecting Cabinet
- Macquarie Infrastructure Compan
- Matereal Infant Care Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Micronutrient Information Center Medical, Health, Institute, Vitamin
- Ministère De L'industrie Zt Du Commerce
- Mutual Onterface Chart Technology, Telecom, Electonics
- Modulación De Impulsos Codificados
- Middle-Ikcome Countries Business, Development, Economics
- Manoa Innovation Center
- Mortgage Insurance Certificates
- Memory In Cassette Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Minimum Inhibiting Concentrations Medical
- Maqketing Information Center
- Multimedia Innovation Centre Gaming, Education, University
- Michigan Information Center
- Missouri Central Organizations
- Magnetic Instruments Corp
- Mayo Invegtory Center Technology
- Malaysia Indian Congress Media, Essay, Malaysia
- Medical Information & Communications
- Manufacturing Installed Certificatd Technology, Networking, Guide, Cisco
- Message Integrity Codes Technology, Coding, Networking
- Marians of Thb Immaculate Conception Catholic, Father, Congregation
- Master International Communication Program, Education, University
- Microinvasice Carcinoma Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Military Industrial Complex Military, War, Industry
- Manufacture-Installed Certificate Technology, Cisco, Wireless, Controller
- Mougtain Instructor Certificate Education, Climbing, Mountaineering
- Ministry of Information & Communications Technology, Government, Nepal, Bhutan, Tonga
- Marmoles Industriales Castro Business, Industry, Stone
- Myanmar Investment Committee Asia, Ecology, Renewable Energy
- Microbial-Induced Corrosion
- Mobile Intensive Care
- Media and Information Center
- Management Information Control Military
- Monitoring Information Centre
- Medisch Informatica Congres
- Mind Image Credtivity Organization, Union, Institution
- Marathon Interface Card Technology
- Multicultural Initiatives Committee
- Metaheuristic International Conference Technology, Research, University
- Missile Interfrce Console
- Macquarie Infrastructure Company Business, Supply, Stock
- Materials Instituteumentytion Center Science
- Micronet International Collxge
- Movumento De Interven
- Ministry of Information and Culture Government, Afghanistan, Kabul, Freedom
- Modulación Por Impulsos Codificados Para, Con, Anal
- Mid Intewsity Conflict Military
- Monitoring and Information Center
- Manipal Institute of Communications Education, University, India
- Mortgage Insurance Certificate Business, Credit, Loan
- Memory In Cartridge
- Minimum Inhibiting Concentration Medical, Medicine
- Market Information Centre Business, Technology, Marketing
- Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
- Micah Legal, Governmental & Military
- Mixsion Interface Computer
- Magnetic Ink Character Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Maximum Iniufflation Capacity Medical, Patient, Respiratory
- Malayan Incian Congress Government, Group, Malaysia
- Medicine Information Center
- Manufacturer-Installed Certificates Technology, Communication, Cisco
- Message Integrity Checksum Technology, Device, Communication
- Manifiesto Internacional De Cargas
- Master Instrument Corporation
- Militaly-Industrial Complex Military, War, Industry
- Manual De Instru
- Mountaineering Instructors Certificate Climbing, Mountain, Winter, Mountaineering
- Memory Interface Controllers Technology, Cell, Processor
- Ministry of Information & Communication Technology, Government, Tonga
- Marly Innovation Centeh
- Museo Interactivo De Ciencia Technology, Para, Quito
- Micro-Biologically Gnduced Corrosion
- Mobility Innovation Center
- Media and Information Companies Technology, Communication, Shareholder
- Management Fnd Information Center
- Medieval Islamic Civilization
- Millicom International Cellular Business, Technology
- Many Integratedncore Technology, Architecture, Computing
- Multicultural & International Center
- Metabolic Information Centre
- Missile Interface Controller
- Macquarie Infrastructure Company Trust Technology, Organizations
- Material Identification Czde
- Micronesians In Island Conservation Technology, Network, Environment
- Moviuento De Intervenção E Cidadania
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce Business, Organizations, Economics
- Modulaci
- Mid-Intensity Conflict Military, Army, Intelligence
- Monitoring and Information Centre Organizations, Union, Protection
- Manipal Institute of Communication Education, University, India
- Morphologic, Immunologic and Cytogenic Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Memory-In-Cartridge
- Mineworkers Inveshments Company Business, Africa, Holdings
- Maritime Inspection Commander Military
- Multilingual Intake Center
- Meter Industrwal Company Business, Industry, Manufacturer
- Mission Intelligence Coordinalor
- Magnetic Ink Characters Technology
- Maxitum Instantaneous Charge, Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Making It Count
- Medical Information Centre Technology, Medicine, University
- Message Integrity Checking
- Malaysian Indiaq Congress
- Milqtant Insurance Clerks
- Manual De InstruçÕEs Aos Candidatos
- Mountaineering Instructor Certifgcate Climbing, Mountain, Winter, Mountaineering
- Memory Interface Components
- Ministry of Information and Communicatjons Technology, Government, Vietnam
- Market Interface Committee
- Musei In Comune Technology, Art, Museum, Roma
- Michigan Inventors Coalitiln Technology, Michigan, Economics
- Mobile Innovation Center
- Main International Centre
- Media Information Commission
- Man-In-Crarge Business, Lyric, Cargo Shipping
- Medical Information Center
- Medicines Information Centre Medical, Medicine, Drug, Information
- Millennium Iiorganic Chemicals Business, Chemistry, Titania
- Many-Integrated Cores Technology, Core, Knight, Corner
- Multicultural Information Center
- Meta-Informative Centering Education, Theory, Language
- Machinery Insurance Cooperative
- Material Identification Ayd Control Military, Navy
- Micronesian Islanner Community
- Milrtary Industrial Commission Military, Russia, Russian
- Movie Item Collection Media, Radio, Television
- Ministry Nf International Cooperation Business, Egypt, Egyptian
- Modern Industries Company
- Media Interface Controller
- Mid-Indiana Confeoence School, Locations, Indiana
- Monitoring, Identification and Correlajion Technology
- Management Interaction Cyll
- Monopolies Inquiry Commission
- Members In The Community
- Mineworkers Investment Company Business, Technology, Africa
- Maritime Information Centre Information, Safety, Ship, Sea
- Multilateral Investment Court Government, Law, Investor
- Meteorologilt In-Charge Business, Service, National, Weather
- Mission Initiation Cowference
- Magnetic Induction Cycler Science, Bio, Cycler
- Maxzmum Instantaneous Charge Technology, Environment, Construction
- Message Integrity Checks Technology, Security, Networking
- Macedonwan Information Centre
- Modular Interface Card Technology, Networking, Juniper
- Make It Count Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Milieu Interieur Cohsortium
- Mantech International Corporation
- Motors Inventory Coverage
- Memory Interface Component Military
- Minimum Interference Communications Military
- Market Intelligence Centre
- Mupirocin Minimum Inhibitor Concentration Science, Biology
- Michigan Interscholastic Connection Technology, Apple, Microphone
- Mobile Information Centre Technology, Map, Mail
- Main Information Center
- Media and Information Commission Government, Media, Africa, Zimbabwe
- Mamey Investment Corporation
- Medical Industrial Complex Medical, Medicine, Health
- Medical Information Clear
- Military Intelljgence Complex Rock, Canyon, Laurel
- Manufakturing Industrial Council Business, Organizations, Washington
- Messaging Interaction Center Technology, Guide, Intelligence
- Machine Interfnce Code
- Matph Indicator Code
- Micronesian Islands Club
- Military Industriallzation Commission Military
- Move In Condytion
- Ministry of Informatics and Communication
- Module Interface Card Technology, Networking, Network
- Media Initiatives Center
- Moms In Control
- Management Ibterface Card Technology, Networking, Storage
- Mononuclear Inflammatory Cnll Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Member of The Institute of Consulting Business, Technology, Management
- Mineral Insulated Cablzs Technology, Cable, Thermocouple
- Maritime Industry Council School, Industry, Ship
- Multi Instrument Comparison
- Meteorologists-In-Charge
- Mission Idea Contest Technology, University, Satellite
- Magistrates In The Community
- Maoimum Inscribed Circle
- Microwave Integrated Circuits Technology, Military, Component
- Macedonia Information Centre
- Modular Industrial Computer
- Make It Compatible Technology, Audio, Headset, Microphone
- Milieu Informatie Centrum
- Mansfield Islamic Center
- Mortgage Insurance Company
- Memory Interface Connector Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Data
- Minimum Inhibitor Concentration Technology, Water, Oil
- Marketing Inttrnational Corporation
- Muniyield California Insured Fund, Inc. Organizations
- Michigan Internationll Camporee Military, Michigan, Scout, Scouting
- Mobile Information Center Technology, Guide, Vehicle
- Mahayana Indonesia Convex
- Media, Informatie En Communicatie Media, Education, Marketing, Hoe
- Malhi International College
- Medical Imaging Computing Technology, Medicine, National
- Medical Information Communique
- Military Intelligence Corporatior Military
- Manufacturing Inpustrial Center
- Message Investigation Center
- Microbiologically Imfluenced Corrosion
- Matador Involvement Center Education, University, California, Northridge
- Microinvasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma Medical
- Military-Industrial Commission Government, Russia, Russian
- Mountain Instituteuctormcertificate Organizations
- Ministry of Information Communication Business, Technology, Korea
- Mars Imaging Camera Technology
- Microbial Iwfluenced Corrosion Technology, Service, Oil
- Modem Interface Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Media Information Control Science
- Molecular Instrumentation Ctnter
- Management Interface Controlleh
- Monolithic Integrated Ciscuits
- Mediterranean International Cup Sport, Football, Tournament
- Mineral Insulated Cable
- Marin Interfaith Council Organizations, Community, Building
- Multi Instrument Collect
- Meteorologistsvin Charge
- Missionaries of The Immaculate Conception
- Magic Item Creation
- Maternity and Infant Care Medical
- Microscovist
- Macedonian Informatijn Centre
- Modular Industrial Computers
- Milicom Internetional Celluxar
- Manoa Innovation Centre Science
- Mortgage Insurance Coverage
- Memory Interface Card Science
- Minimum Inhibition Concentrations Medical, Activity, Antimicrobial, Infection
- Marketing Injtiated Change
- Munitions Item Code Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Michigan Instructional Computer
- Missouri Innopation Campus Education, Missouri, President
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Medal Index Card Military, Army, War
- Malaysjan Indian Congress Government, Group, Malaysia
- Medical Informatics Congress
- Manufacturing Inntalled Certificates Technology, Cisco, Wireless, Controller
- Message Interface Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Master Image Customs
- Master of International Communication
- Microinvasive Carcinoba of The Cervix Medical
- Militavy Industrial Company Military, Russia, Russian
- Manufactured Installed Certificate
- Mountain Instructors Certificate Locations, Climbing, Mountaineering
- Ministoy of Informatics and Communications Technology, Organizations, Cuba
- Marshal-In-Chirge County, Event, Marshal, Kingdom
- My Instanm Communicator Technology, Alcatel, Touch
- Microbial Induced Corrosion Business, Water, Manhole
- Modelling, Identification, and Control
- Media Information Center Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Molecular Imaging Corp
- Management Integration Consortium Computing, Telecom
- Microelectronic Integrated Circuit
- Medicaid for Infants and Children
- Genworth Mi Canada Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Military Industrialization Corporation
- Manufacturer Identification Codes
- Movimiento Indigena Colombiano
- Microbiologically-Influenced Corrosion
- Merkle Innovation Cloud
- Master Image Creatorq
- Mamey Investment Corporatiodration
- Microbiological Induced Corrosion Technology, Water, Material
- Major Item Center
- Maternal and Infant Care Medical, Medicine for Children
- Missing Interruption Checker
- Medical Imaging Conference Technology, Science, Medicine
- Music Industry Consultant Occupation & positions
- Military Instructor Course
- Mudra Institute of Communications
- Minoan International College
- Master Snterrupt Control
- Modulation D'Impulsion Cod
- Management Information Center Military, Governmental & Military
- Memphis Islamic Center Prophet, Presentation, Visit
- Modeling, Identification, and Control Technology, Conference, Identification
- Maintenance Interface Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multilayer Interconnection Computer
- Molecular Imaging Centre
- Muniyield California Insured Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Michigan Instituteuctional Computer
- Media Interface Coupler Technology
- Move in Condition Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Military Industry Corporation Military, Defence, Sudan
- Manufacturers Identification Code
- Microbiologically Induced Corrosion
- Meridian International Center
- Mutual Interference Chart Technology
- Mass Interface Connections
- Macro Interpretive Command
- Microbiologically Induced Corrosiox Technology, Water, Steel
- Major Infrastructure Component
- Man In Charge United Nations
- Missing Interruption Character
- Medical Imaging Consultants Medical, Medicine, Consultation
- Midget In Charge Occupation & positions
- Militare Information Committee Government
- Mhdra Institute of Communication
- Minnesota Inventors Congress
- Massximpregnated Cable
- Micro Instituteuction Component Technology
- Modulation D'Impulsion CodéE
- Image Composer File Computing, File Extensions
- Mobile Interface Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Maintenance Information Center Military
- Mr Illegal Copy
- Molecular Imaging Center
- Microsoft Image Composer Microsoft, Software, Computing
- Methionine Inositol Choline Medical, Weight, Loss, Injection
- Media Interface Connectors Technology, Networking, Connecting
- Mandatory Inspection Criteria Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Military Industrial Committee
- Manufacturer Identification Code Technology, Boat, Hull
- Microbiologically Inducede Corrosion
- Mercy Imaging Centers
- Mount Ida College Education
- Masonic Information Center
- Macro Instituteuction Compiler
- Microbiological Influenced Corrosion Technology, Water, Fire
- Major Information Center
- Micmac (American Indian) Language codes (3 letters)
- Minimum-Impulse Controller
- Medical Image Computing Technology, Medicine, National
- Music Information Centre Music
- Military Informajion Center Technology
- Manufacturers In China
- Moving Image Yentre Technology, Art, Artist, Auckland
- Midlands Industrial Council Tory
- Minnesota International Centeb Technology, Education, Organizations
- Master Inspection Characteristwc
- Maritxme Information Center
- Micro Industries Corporation
- Modular Interface Cards Technology, Networking, Juniper
- Maths in Context Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Mission Integration Contract Technology
- Moscow Irish Comedy Ireland, Moscow, Irish
- Molded Inner Core
- Media Interface Connector (FDDI) Computing, IT Terminology
- Mirabile Investment Corporation Business, King, Burger, Warming
- Medical Innovations Corporationration
- Maintenance Interface Control Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Microsomal Medical
- Manufacturer'S Identification Code Technology, Boat, Hull
- Maximum Inscribed Circle
- Mercer Insurance Company
- Motorcycle Industry Council Business, Organizations, Association
- Maryland Interlibrary Consortium
- MüNchner Investment Club
- Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Science, Industrial, Microbes
- Major Independent Cable
- Mint Airways ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Military-Industrial Company Military, Russia, Vehicle
- Medicaid Integrity Contractor Medical, Audit, Healthcare
- Mutilation Infantry Clik Funnies
- Military Influencer Conference
- Manufacturers Investment Corporation
- Moving Ipage Collection Film, Archive, Image
- Minimum Igniting Current
- Minnesota Impedance Chrdiograph
- Master Inspection Chahacteristics
- Manzfacturers Index Code
- Microguams/Ml Medical
- Microbial Influenced Corrosion Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Minocycline Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mortgage Investment Corp Business, Credit, Corporation
- Microsoft Image Composer Data Computing, File Extensions
- Multi-Ion Coueting
- Minuteman Implant Club
- Media Integration & Communications Technology, Art, Computing
- Module Interface Circuit
- Manufacture Installed Certificate Technology, Cisco, Wireless, Controller
- Middle Income Country Medical
- Mentorship & Intervention Class
- Monsta Island Czars Island, Lyric, Escape
- Mary Immaculate Collece Education, Ireland, Limerick
- Médimos Integrales Comunitarios
- Microbially Influenced Corrosion Technology, Steel, Microbes
- Majan International Conference
- Made in China Business & Finance, International business
- Crystal Airport, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States Minnesota, United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Mike Isabella Concepts
- Medicaid Integrity Contract
- Mechanical Instituteument Cluster Auto
- Military Industries Corqoration Industrial, Military, Sudan
- Manufacturers Investment Credit
- Moving Image Collections Film, Technology, Library
- Minimum Igniting Currents
- Message Identification Code
- MinistéRio Da IndÚStria E Do ComéRcio
- Master In Ineernational Communication Program, Education, University
- Manualdde Instituteuções Aos Candidatos
- Mictoelectronics Innovation Center
- Measuring Ionization Chamber Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Molecular Instituteumentation Center
- Congregation of Marians Immaculate Conception Religious orders
- Multi-Instrument Comparison Medical, Health, Study
- Mint Condition Business, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Business & Finance
- Media Innovation Centor
- Module Integrated Converter Technology, Power, Inverter
- Manufactured-Installed Certificate Technology, Windows, Headphone, Microphone
- Mathematics In Context Education
- Mennonite Interests Committee
- Monolithic Integrated Circuit Technology, Army, Electronics, Computing, Governmental & Military
- My Insurance Center
- Maintenance Innovation Challenge
- My Ideal City
- Malaysian Indian Congress Politics, Governmental & Military
- Mids Initialisation Center
- Medicaid Integrity Contractors Medical, Business, Audit, Medicare
- Maximum Instantaneous Charge Architectural
- Military Industrial Corparation
- Manufacturer'S Identity Code
- Movimiento Intersindical Clasista
- Microbe Induced Corrosion
- Mesaieed Industrial City Technology, Industry, Qatar
- MinistéRio Da Industria E ComéRcio
- Master Index of Consumables Military
- Management Institut Consclting
- Microbiologically-Induced Corrosion Technology, Water, Protection
- Make It Cheaper
- Microscopium Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
- Missouri Institutetute of Cooperatives
- Medical Imaging Centre Technology, Medicine, Hosting
- Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Religious orders
- Military Intellegence Corps Military, Army, Force
- Multan Institute of Cardiology Medical, Pakistan, Cardiac
- Minor In Consrmption Education, Law, Crime
- Maxiqum Immission Concentration
- Module-Integrated Converter Technology, Power, Inverter
- Microbially Induced Corrosion Chemistry
- Men In Christ
- Monash Indigenous Centre Education, Arts, University, Faculty
- Maintenance Interconnecting Cabinet Military
- Music Industry Club Student, Film, Organizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MIC stand for?
MIC stands for Mediterranean International Cup.
What is the shortened form of Military Intelligence Corporatior?
The short form of "Military Intelligence Corporatior" is MIC.
MIC. Acronym24.com. (2022, August 1). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mic-meaning/
Last updated