Microorganism Abbreviations and Microorganism Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Microorganism terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Microorganism abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Microorganism terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Microorganism Abbreviations
  1. WFCC : World Federation of Culture Collection
  2. EM : Efficient Microorganisms
  3. EM : Efficient Microbes
  4. EM : Effective Microorganism
  5. FAA : Fastidiojs Anaerobe Agar
  6. LCFP : Liquid Crystal Fabry-Perot
  7. IAFB : Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology
  8. KCCM : Korean Culture Center of Microorganism
  9. INFRC : International Nature Farming Research Centre
  10. IPOD : International Patent Organism Depositary
  11. PBR : Powered By Renewables
Latest Microorganism Meanings
  1. Powered By Renewables
  2. International Patent Organism Depositary
  3. International Nature Farming Research Centre
  4. Korean Culture Center of Microorganism
  5. Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology
  6. Liquid Crystal Fabry-Perot
  7. Fastidiojs Anaerobe Agar
  8. Effective Microorganism
  9. Efficient Microbes
  10. Efficient Microorganisms
  11. World Federation of Culture Collection