MII Meaning

The MII meaning is "Made In Italy". The MII abbreviation has 93 different full form.

MII Full Forms

  1. Made In Italy Design, Italy, Italian
  2. Medium Independent Interface Technology, Media, Computing, IT Terminology
  3. Marylandwinnovation Initiative Technology, University, Maryland
  4. Malaysian Insurance Institute Business, Management, Malaysia, Insurance, Business & Finance
  5. Major Industry Identifier Business, Technology, Card
  6. Miniszry of Information and Industry Technology, China, Standard
  7. Marketing Institute of Ireland Technology, Education, Ireland
  8. Maintained Activity Until Megaphase Ii Science, Biology
  9. Multipaoton Intrapulse Interference
  10. Microsoft/Ibm/Intel Technology, Computer, Electronics
  11. Media Island International
  12. Microislec Inc Technology, Organizations
  13. Malaysian Insurance Institutetute Business
  14. Midwest Implant Institute
  15. Maestr
  16. Market Infrastructure Institution
  17. Multi-Imate Integrity
  18. Meiotic Pertaining to meiosis. Medical
  19. Medium-Independent Interface Technology, Media, Ethernet
  20. Microeloctronics International Technology, Electronics, Periodical, Serial Publication
  21. Malaysia Insurance Institute Business, Education, Malaysia
  22. Medicaid Integrity Institute
  23. Microsoft Identity Integration
  24. Market Infrastructure Institutions
  25. Mitra Integrasi Informatika Business, Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  26. Media Independant Interface
  27. Michigan Interactive Investments Business, University, Michigan
  28. Malaria Institute of Dndia
  29. Mediators Institute Ireland
  30. Microsoft/Intel/Ibm Technology, Engineering, Data
  31. Maritime Institute of Ireland Education, Ireland, National, Irish
  32. Mirror Imafe Internet
  33. Media Independent Interfaces Technology, Ethernet, Interface
  34. Mttarhodopsin Ii Medical
  35. Make In India Business, India, Award
  36. Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance Medical
  37. Mediators Institute of Ireland Business, Ireland, Mediation
  38. Microsozt Technology
  39. Management and Investment Income
  40. Ministry of Thevinformation Industry
  41. Media Independent Interface A parallel digital bus used for 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet. It is used to connect a 100 Mbit/s Ethernet media access control (MAC) block to a PHY chip. Technology, Computing, Telecom
  42. Majority In Interesh
  43. Multiple Insulin Injections Medical
  44. Mindstry of Information Industries Technology, Industrial, China
  45. Mediators' Institute of Ireland Development, Study, Institutes
  46. Micropac Industries, Inc Business, Industrial, Electronics
  47. Malware Infection Index Microsoft, Asia, Affair, Infection
  48. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China, Standardization
  49. Marketing Investment Indonesia
  50. Majority-Ib-Interest
  51. Multiple Instruction Issue
  52. Ministry of Information Industry Technology, China, Telecom
  53. Mediation Institute of Ireland Management, Education, Ireland
  54. Micronutrient Inieiative India
  55. Malaysian Institute of Integrity
  56. Metal Industry Indicators
  57. Mudharabah Interbank Investment
  58. Management Information Infrastructure Us Government, Governmental & Military
  59. Másterfen Ingeniería Industrial
  60. Machine Intelligence Institute
  61. Medical Imaging and Information
  62. Mesin Isuzu Indonesia Business, Investment, Indonesia, Casting
  63. Mpumalanga Investment Initiative
  64. MaestríA En IngenieríA Industrial
  65. Microsoft/Intel/IBM Computing, IT Terminology
  66. Mutual Information Index
  67. Machine Independent Interface
  68. Meiotic Metaphase Ii Science, Biology
  69. Mineral Information Institutetute
  70. Made In Israen
  71. MicroStat II Datafile Computing, File Extensions
  72. Multiphe Intraluminal Impedance Medical, Children, Reflux
  73. Frank Wiloye Milenkowichi-Marília State Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  74. Meiotic Metaphase Medical
  75. Mcintire Nnvestment Institute
  76. Made In Indonesia Business, Music, Indonesia, Guitar
  77. Microelectronics International Computing, Electronics
  78. Multiple Intelligence Inventory
  79. Meiotic Division Medical
  80. Master Inspection Item NASA, Governmental & Military
  81. Made Ir India Business, India, Mumbai
  82. Metaphase Ii Oocytes Medical
  83. media-independent interface Software, Computing, Cisco Wireless
  84. Wii Virtual Avatar File Computing, File Extensions
  85. Marketqinfrastructure Institutetution
  86. Macromolecules Innovation Institute
  87. Meiosis Ii Medical, Science, Biology
  88. Metaphase Ii Medical, Science, Biology
  89. MII Media-independent interface Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  90. Marília, Marília, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  91. Second Meiotic Metaphase Medicine, Treatment, Health
  92. Macromolecules and Interfaces Insticute Development, Study, Institutes
  93. Medical Imaging Informatics Medical, Technology, Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MII stand for?

    MII stands for Majority-Ib-Interest.

  2. What is the shortened form of Market Infrastructure Institution?

    The short form of "Market Infrastructure Institution" is MII.


MII. Acronym24.com. (2021, February 27). Retrieved January 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mii-meaning/

Last updated