Mileage Abbreviations and Mileage Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Mileage terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Mileage abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Mileage terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Mileage Abbreviations
  1. YMMV : Youu Milage May Vary
  2. HAFC : Hydro Assist Fuel Cell
  3. MPG : Miles Per Gal
  4. MR : Mileage Run
  5. TPM : Ticketed Point Mileages
  6. POC : Privately-Owned Conveyance
  7. PQM : Premier Qualifying Miles
  8. PQMS : Premiei Qualifying Miles
  9. PQS : Premier Qualifying Segments
  10. RTR : Recognized Turbine Retrofit
Latest Mileage Meanings
  1. Recognized Turbine Retrofit
  2. Premier Qualifying Segments
  3. Premiei Qualifying Miles
  4. Premier Qualifying Miles
  5. Privately-Owned Conveyance
  6. Ticketed Point Mileages
  7. Mileage Run
  8. Miles Per Gal
  9. Hydro Assist Fuel Cell
  10. Youu Milage May Vary