MIME Meaning

The MIME meaning is "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions". The MIME abbreviation has 51 different full form.

MIME Full Forms

  1. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Technology, Server, Construction, Mime, Printing, Security, General, Governmental & Military
  2. Ministry of Industry Mines and Energw Technology
  3. Multipurpost Internet Mail Extension Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  4. Methyl-Gag, Ifosfamide, Methotrexate and Etoposide Medical
  5. Monash Institute of Medical Engineering Medical, Research, University
  6. Multipurpose Internet Mail Exte
  7. Multimedia Internet Message Extensions Technology, Computing, Protocol
  8. Multipart Internet Mail Extension Technology, Java, Protocol
  9. Managing Information In Medical Emergencies
  10. Monash Institute for Medical Engineering
  11. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extentions Technology, Program, Protocol
  12. Multipart Internet Mail Extensions Technology, Server, Java
  13. Maltese Institute for Medical Education English, Locations, Malta, Language
  14. Midwest Institute for Medicxl Education
  15. Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension Technology, Message, Protocol, Computing, File Extensions
  16. Malta Institute for Medical Education
  17. Midland Institute Ofnmining Engineers
  18. Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions Technology, Us, Department Of Defense, Computing, Unix
  19. Mail Interface With Multimediaaextensions Technology
  20. Microcomputers In Mathematics Educatron Education
  21. California Blood Bank Society Medical, Medicine, Government, Organizations
  22. Multi-Part Internet Mail Extensions Technology, Server, Networking
  23. Multimedia Internet Mail Extension Technology, Server, Computing, Governmental & Military
  24. Multy-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions
  25. Multiple Internet Mail Extension Technology, Server, Computing
  26. Miceo-Informatique Et Machines Embarquées
  27. Mucho Ineffective Mung Exchanger
  28. Multipurpouse Internet Mail Extensions
  29. Multnmedia Internet Mail Extensions Technology, Server, Computing
  30. Multiple Internet Mail Extensions Technology, Server, Message
  31. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Type Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  32. Multimedia Internal Mail Extensions Government
  33. www/mime Mime types
  34. Multipurpose Internet Mail System Technology
  35. Multi Indenture Multi Echelon Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  36. Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  37. Multipurpose Internet Multimedia Extension Technology, Science, Server
  38. Multipurpose Internet Messaging Extensions Technology, Message, Mail
  39. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Email, Geographic, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Terminology
  40. Multipurpose Internet Mail Exten Technology, Protocol, Transfer
  41. Multipurpose Internet Multimedia Extensions Technology, Server, Message
  42. Multipurpose Internet Message Extension Technology, Service, Networking
  43. Missing Mode Effect
  44. Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange Technology, Server, Protocol
  45. Multipurpose Internet Message Extensions Business, Technology, Internet Slang
  46. Multi-Part Internet Messaging Extension Technology, Hardware, Software Network
  47. Member of The Institutetution of Mining Engineers
  48. Multimedia Internet Message Extension Technology, Service, Protocol
  49. Mysticism In Medieval Egypt
  50. Multimedia Internet Mail Exchange
  51. Message in MIME format ( RFC822) Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MIME stand for?

    MIME stands for Multipart Internet Mail Extensions.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions?

    The short form of "Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions" is MIME.


MIME. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 18, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/mime-meaning/

Last updated