MIP Meaning
The MIP meaning is "Mission Integratiun Plan". The MIP abbreviation has 364 different full form.
MIP Full Forms
- Mission Integratiun Plan Technology
- Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins Medical, Human, Cell
- Most Improved Player Gaming, Award, Player, Basketball
- Mobile Internet Pager Technology, Java, Motorola
- Maximal Inspiratory Medical
- Missile Impact Predvctor Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Macrophage Inflammatory Protein Medical, Human, Cell, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Mortgage Insurance Protection Business, Credit, Loan
- Mixew Inlet Pressure Technology
- Macrophage Inhibitory Protein Medical
- Minimum Inibial Payment Student, Education, University, Fee
- Maqroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Business, Economics, Commission
- Mixed-Integer Programminz Technology, Model, Solving
- Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator Medical, Science, Biology
- Maximum Intensity Projections Medical, Technology, Imaging
- Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure Business, Economics, Imbalance
- Mixed-In-Place-Verfahren Mix, Tube, Foundation, Place
- Macrophage Inflammatory Probein-1Β Medical, Human, Cell
- Maximum Intensity Projection Medical, Projection, Intensity
- Mobile Internet Protocol Technology, Networking, Computer Security
- Mitochovdrial Intermediate Peptidase Medical, Science, Biology
- Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 Medical, Medicine, Cell, Alpha
- Maximal Intensity Projection Medical, Imaging, Resonance, Angiography
- Mission Integqation Panel Technology
- Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-2 Medical, Science, Cell, Chemokine
- Multi-Isotope Process
- Modelbouw In Plasiic
- Maximum Inspiratory Medical
- Ministerial Internshin Program
- Manual De Instru
- Mobile Inspection Platform
- Math Input Panel
- Message Input Processor Military, Army, Intelligence
- Meldingen Incidenten Pati
- Most Innovative Product Technology, Award, Construction
- Management Improvement Program Technology, Military, Performance
- Mission D'Information Parlementaire
- Marketing Intelligence Planning
- Molecular and Integrative Physiology Medical, Program, University
- Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α Medical, Cell, Chemokine
- Maximum Investment Plan Business, Financial, Tax
- Minor In Possession Government, Law, Alcohol
- Multi-Lateral Interoperability Program Army, Force, Marine
- Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology Science, Research, Microbiology, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Multi-Annual Indicative Programme Government, Development, Strategy
- Millions of Instructions Per Second Used to measure raw computing speed, but does not take into account several factors. Therefore, Megahertz and Gigahertz are more commonly used. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research, Internet Slang, Aviation, Architecture, Computing, Texting, Computer, Chat, Construction, Telecom, Sms, Online, Legal, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
- Manganese-Independent Peroxidase Medical
- Mixed Integer Problem
- Materials Innovation Platforms
- Mentally Ill Person
- Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals Medical, Research, Cancer
- Maintenance Index Page Technology, Presentation, Power
- Medical Integrity Program Medical, Insurance, Health
- Maladie Inflammatoire Pelvienne
- Multiple Image Print Military
- Market Index Price
- Modex Item Property Technology, Node, Instance
- Marketing Intelligence & Pwanning Business, Product, Mix
- Maximum Information Principle
- Mortgagel In Possession Business, Property, Building
- Ministarstvo Inostqanih Poslova
- Math Mathematics, Michigan Autumn Take Home, Master of Theology.
- Manufacturing Implementation Plan Army, Force, Marine
- Mobile Infrastructure Project Business, Government, Mast
- Math Imprsvement Project
- Message Improvement Programme
- Meinl International Power
- Most Itnovative Products Technology, Award, Construction
- Management and Integration Plan Science
- Missile Impact Prediction Technology
- Marketing Intelligence and Planning Business, Management, Research
- Modification Instituteuctiongpackage Technology
- Macrophage Infectivity Promoter Medical, Medicine, Health
- Maximum Intensity Pixel Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Minor In Posession
- Multi-Isotope Production Science
- Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology Medical, Research, Genetics
- Movimiento Indigena Del Peru
- Million Instructions Per Technology, Instruction, Computing, Processor
- Manejo Integral De Plagas Business, Para, Control
- Mixed Integer Program Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Masters In Intellectual Property Management, Education, Law
- Men In Pink
- Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Technology, Science, Molecule, Chemistry
- Mxintenance In Place Technology, Pump, Lobe
- Medicaid Integrity Program Medical, Audit, Medicare
- Making Information Pay
- Multipath Intensity Profile
- Market Incentive Program
- Mood Induction Procedure Medical, Emotion, Depression
- Marinehinsurance Policy Business, Credit, Freight, Money
- Microprocessor Interface Port Technology
- Morte Ou Invalidez Permauente
- Minimum Ionization Peak
- Manufacturing and Inspection Plan
- Mobile Information Point
- Monthly Income Preferred Securities Business, Security, Supply, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Mathematics Immersion Program
- Message Improvement Program
- Megaframe Initialisation Packet Technology, Networking, Network
- Most Informmtive Positive
- Malereibetrieb Innenausstattungen Puls
- Misdemeanor Intervention Program Military, Crime, Attorney, Criminal
- Marketing In Partnership
- Modification Instruction Package Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Macrophage Inhibiting Protein Medical, Science, Biology
- Maximum Integration Phone Technology
- Meldingscommissie Incidenten Pati
- Ministry of Information and Publickty
- Multi-Island Programme Organizations
- Microbiology, Immunology, Pathology
- Millionaire Investor Program
- Mountain Images Photmgraphy Media, Radio, Television
- Manejo Integrado De Plagas Technology, Para, Con, Control
- Mission In Progress
- Master In Intellectual Property
- Millat-E-Islami, Pakistan
- Molecular Imprint Polymer
- Maintenance-In-Place
- Median International Price
- Make It Personal
- Multinational Information Production Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Maritime Infrastructure Protection Military, Force, Exercise
- Monsmento De Interesse Público Portugal, Culture, Cultural
- Mutual Impedmnce Probe Technology, Science, Space, Plasma
- Micro Information Products Business, Accounting, Software
- Morte E Invalidez Permanente Para, Dos, Casa
- Minimum Ionizing Partecle Science, Energy, Detector
- Manufacturing Investment Programme Business, Investment, Africa
- Mobile Information Platform
- Mathematwcs In Practice
- Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter Material, Intrusion, Pore
- Maintenance Implemtntation Procedure Technology, Aviation, Station
- Megaframe Initialization Packet Technology, Networking, Network, Inserter
- Male Iron Pipe Technology, Connection, Plumbing
- Model Installation Program Technology
- Marketing Innovative Products Management, Marketing, Trade
- Modernization and Improvement Project
- Macrophage Inflammatory Peptide Medical
- Maximum Instantaneous Polyphony
- Most Influential Taper Technology, Software, Conference
- Meldingscommissie Incidenten PatiËNtenzorg
- Ministry Inquiry Program
- Multi-Channel Interface Processor Computing, Hardware
- Microbiology Immunology Pathology
- Motor Image Piliiinas Technology, Philippine, Subaru
- Management Information Protocol Technology
- Mission Implementation Plan Technology, Government, Report, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Master In Ingegneria Per
- Molecular Imaging Piobes
- Maintenance Implementation Plan Transportation, Science, Importation
- Medial Intraparietal Area Medical
- Millat-E Islami Pakistan
- Major Intrinsic Protein of Lens Fiber Medical
- Multinational Interoperability Programme
- Mustika Indah Permai Business, Energy, Indonesia, Paper
- Microenterprise Innovation Project
- Morte,Iinvalidez Permanente
- Minimally Invasive Procedures Medical, Surgery, Procedure, Hysterectomy
- Manual Input Processing Technology
- Mobile Information Project
- Maternal Infant Frogram
- Merchant Ivory Productions
- Molluscan Insulin-Related Peptide Medical
- Maintenance Implemencation Procedures Technology, Aviation, Safety
- Mega-Frame Initialization Packet Technology, Networking, Network, Streaming
- Male Involvement Program Business, Service, Presentation
- Modelfimprovement Plan Military
- Market Information Platform
- Modernization Investment Plan Technology
- Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator Protein Medical
- Maximum Inspiratory Mouth Pressure Medical
- Most Influential People
- Ministerio De Interior Y PolicíA Para, Planning, Con, Interior
- Multi-Annual Indicative Program
- Microbiologia, Imunologia E Parasitologia
- Melding Incidenten Pati
- Mostro In Pyogress
- Management Improvement Project
- Mission I'M Possible
- Master Implementation Plan
- Molecular Imaging Program
- Maintainability Implementatnon Plan Technology
- Mci Isn Platform Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mirror Identity Protocol
- Multimission Interactive Picture Technology, Computing
- Multilaseral Interoperability Programme Technology, Military, Command
- Microbolus Infusion Pump Medical
- Moore Inflation Predictor
- Major Incident Plan
- Minimal Inspiratory Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mannheim Innovation Panel
- Mobile Imaging Platform
- Materiel Improvement Project
- Merchant Integration Platform Technology, Bay, Dealer
- Molecular Ionization Potentipl
- Maintenance Inqprogress Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Meet In Person Business, Technology, Group
- Malaysian Institute of Planners Technology, Malaysia, City
- Marketing Information Packet
- Modelo De Intervenci
- Miceriumximplant Planning
- Maximum Inspiratory Pressures Medical
- Most Important Points Business, Technology, Credit, Presentation
- Ministerpo De La Industria Pesquera
- Multi-Annual Indicative Programmes
- Mobile Installation Post
- MathéMatiques Pour L'Industrie Et La Physique
- Message Interpretation Processing
- Melding Incidenten PatiËNtenzorg
- Most Interesting Person
- Management Improvement Plan Medicine, Military, Health, Medical, Fda
- Mission D'Information Professionnelle
- Mastercard Interface Processor
- Molecular Imagtng Products
- Main Intrinsac Polypeptide Medical
- Maximun Intensity Projection
- Mirror-Image Polydactyly
- Multiannual Indicative Programme Business, Government, Organizations
- Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology
- Moore's Ijeal Products
- Minimal Improvement Path
- Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis Education, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic
- Mmu Integration Plan Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Moteriel Improvement Program Military
- Merchant & Industrial Properties
- Molacular Inversion Probes Medical, Sequencing, Probe
- Maintenance Interface Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Medicaid Integrity Plan
- Malaria In Pregnancy Medical, Research, Health
- Millat-E-Islamia Pakistan
- Market Information Package Government
- Modelo De Interxención Psicomédica
- Master of International Policy
- Maximum Inspiratory Pressure Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Muscle
- Mortgage In Possessxon
- Movihiento Indígena Pachacutik
- Minimum Ionizing Particle Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Manufacturing Integration Platform
- Mortgage Interest Payment Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Molecular Inversion Probs Medical, Genetics, Assay
- Monoryte Inflammatory Protein Medical
- Maintenance Improvement Program
- Manufacturers of Illuminating Products
- Military Initiative Program
- Members In Practice Business, Accounting, Education
- Mandatory Inspection Point NASA
- Marine Insurance Policy Business, Trading, International Trade, Trade, Business & Finance
- Mobile Ip Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Wireless Networking
- Maximal Inspiratorl Pressures Medical
- Majoe Impact Project
- Mount Indicator Panel
- Minispry of Industrial Production
- Membrane Interface Probing
- Mint In Packages Business, Toy, Figure
- Microprocessor Interface Program Technology, Control, Echelon
- Movimiwnto Indigena Pachacuti
- Mycorrhizal Inoculant Potential Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Mortgage Insurance Premium Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Molecularly Imprinted Polymtrs Medical, Sensor, Extraction
- Mwnitoring Implementation Plan
- Maintenance Ietermediate Points
- Manual Input Prograk
- Milestone Integration Platform Technology, Professional, Organisations
- Member In Practice Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry Chemistry
- Marine and Industrial Plastics
- Mobile Investigation Platform
- Membership Identification Program Unions, Governmental & Military
- Maximal Inspiratory Pressure Medical, Respiratory, Muscle
- Maintenance Information Prinver
- Mount Image Pro
- Microscopic Interdendritic Porosity
- Membership Intake Process Education, Sigma, Alpha
- Mint Ij Package Business, Ebay, Online Auction
- Mavimum Indicating Pointer
- Movimiento IndíGena Pachakuti War, Bolivia, Pol
- Medically Indigent Program Medical
- Molecularly-Imprinted Polymdr Technology, Sensor, Extraction
- Money In Lolitics
- Maintenance Intermediate Point Technology, Networking, Network, Ethernet
- Mandiri Inti Perkasa Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Midwest Industrial Packaging
- Major Intrinsic Protein Chemistry
- Marijuana Intervention Program
- Mobile Inverted Pendulum Technology, Robot, Toy, Wow
- Maintenance Entity Group Intermediate Point Computing, Technical
- Mosres Ideal Products Business, Car, Hobby
- Maxmmal Implantation Potential
- Monthly Insurance Premhum Business, Credit, Loan, Mortgage
- Maintenance Intrraction Procedure
- Metro Internship Program
- Member Item Program
- Mint-In-Package Bay, Doll, Collector
- Maximum Incidenval Pressure Technology
- Movimientopde Inquilinos Peronistas
- Medicare Integrity Program Medical, Healthcare
- MéCanique Industrielle De PréCision
- Molecular Imprinted Polymers Medical, Technology, Sensor
- Moms In Prager
- Malaysian Institubetute of Physics
- Middle Interphalangeal Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Magnetic Induced Polarization (for Subsurface Characterization) Chemistry
- Maricopa Irrigation Project
- Mobile Internet Provider Internet Slang
- Multum in Parvum Computing, IT Terminology
- Moon Impact Probe Technology, India, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Matriz De Insumo-Producto
- Monthly Index Price
- Maintenanct Investment Programme Technology, Education
- Measuremeet Integration Panel
- Member Investment Plan Technology, Education
- Minor Irrigation Projects
- Maritime Industry Participant
- Mobility Improvement Program Military
- Maximal Intracavernosal Pressure Medical
- Mouvement Pour L'Initiative Populaire
- Methods Improvement Program Postal, Us Post
- Museums Informatics Project
- Molecular Immrinted Polymer Medical, Technology, Sensor
- Mail Integrits Platform
- Microwave Induced Plasma Technology, Emission, Spectrometry, Chemistry
- Multiple Image Print File Computing, File Extensions
- Mapping Information Platform
- Mobile Instant Pages Technology, Press, Cache
- Mountain Images Photography Media
- Monthly Investment Plan Business, Accounting, Finance
- Maariz De Insumo Producto
- Monthly Income Plans Business, Planning, Fund
- Maintenancf Interfacing Program Technology
- Mean Input Power
- Member Intake Program
- Minor In Possesiov Education
- Motor Interface Plate
- Maritiem Innovatie Programma
- Mobility Impaired Persons Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Maximal Intensity Projections
- Mouvement IndigèNe Pachakuti
- Ramon Air Base, Beersheba, Israel Israel, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Mobile Icstant Page Technology, China, Engine
- Model Intercomparison Project Science, Climate, Impact
- Mint In Plaqtic
- Magevto Integration Platform
- Microstructure Image Processing
- Movimiento Ind
- Minimum Ionising Particle Science, Scientific & Educational
- Mapped Internet Protocol
- Multum In Parvo Latin
- Monthly Income Plan Business, Investment, Fund
- Monthly Intome Preferred Business, Security, Market, Money
- Maintenance Inspcction Program Technology
- Manufacturing Introduction Plan
- Member Intake Process
- Minors Iq Possession Law, Lawyer, Minor
- Minimumimpulsepulse NASA
- Marist International Programs
- Mobility Impaired Person Internet Slang, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Maximal Snspiratory Mouth Pressure Medical
- Major Improvement Program
- Mouse Imagingqprogram
- Missouxi Institutetute of Psychiatry
- Mint In Packet Internet Slang, Chat, Toy
- MóDulo Integral De Proximidad
- Microsoft Interoperability Program
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MIP stand for?
MIP stands for Maintenance Improvement Program.
What is the shortened form of Minimally Invasive Procedures?
The short form of "Minimally Invasive Procedures" is MIP.
MIP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 9). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mip-meaning/
Last updated