MIP Meaning

The MIP meaning is "Mission Integratiun Plan". The MIP abbreviation has 364 different full form.

MIP Full Forms

  1. Mission Integratiun Plan Technology
  2. Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins Medical, Human, Cell
  3. Most Improved Player Gaming, Award, Player, Basketball
  4. Mobile Internet Pager Technology, Java, Motorola
  5. Maximal Inspiratory Medical
  6. Missile Impact Predvctor Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  7. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein Medical, Human, Cell, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  8. Mortgage Insurance Protection Business, Credit, Loan
  9. Mixew Inlet Pressure Technology
  10. Macrophage Inhibitory Protein Medical
  11. Minimum Inibial Payment Student, Education, University, Fee
  12. Maqroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Business, Economics, Commission
  13. Mixed-Integer Programminz Technology, Model, Solving
  14. Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator Medical, Science, Biology
  15. Maximum Intensity Projections Medical, Technology, Imaging
  16. Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure Business, Economics, Imbalance
  17. Mixed-In-Place-Verfahren Mix, Tube, Foundation, Place
  18. Macrophage Inflammatory Probein-1Β Medical, Human, Cell
  19. Maximum Intensity Projection Medical, Projection, Intensity
  20. Mobile Internet Protocol Technology, Networking, Computer Security
  21. Mitochovdrial Intermediate Peptidase Medical, Science, Biology
  22. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 Medical, Medicine, Cell, Alpha
  23. Maximal Intensity Projection Medical, Imaging, Resonance, Angiography
  24. Mission Integqation Panel Technology
  25. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-2 Medical, Science, Cell, Chemokine
  26. Multi-Isotope Process
  27. Modelbouw In Plasiic
  28. Maximum Inspiratory Medical
  29. Ministerial Internshin Program
  30. Manual De Instru
  31. Mobile Inspection Platform
  32. Math Input Panel
  33. Message Input Processor Military, Army, Intelligence
  34. Meldingen Incidenten Pati
  35. Most Innovative Product Technology, Award, Construction
  36. Management Improvement Program Technology, Military, Performance
  37. Mission D'Information Parlementaire
  38. Marketing Intelligence Planning
  39. Molecular and Integrative Physiology Medical, Program, University
  40. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α Medical, Cell, Chemokine
  41. Maximum Investment Plan Business, Financial, Tax
  42. Minor In Possession Government, Law, Alcohol
  43. Multi-Lateral Interoperability Program Army, Force, Marine
  44. Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology Science, Research, Microbiology, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  45. Multi-Annual Indicative Programme Government, Development, Strategy
  46. Millions of Instructions Per Second Used to measure raw computing speed, but does not take into account several factors. Therefore, Megahertz and Gigahertz are more commonly used. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research, Internet Slang, Aviation, Architecture, Computing, Texting, Computer, Chat, Construction, Telecom, Sms, Online, Legal, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  47. Manganese-Independent Peroxidase Medical
  48. Mixed Integer Problem
  49. Materials Innovation Platforms
  50. Mentally Ill Person
  51. Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals Medical, Research, Cancer
  52. Maintenance Index Page Technology, Presentation, Power
  53. Medical Integrity Program Medical, Insurance, Health
  54. Maladie Inflammatoire Pelvienne
  55. Multiple Image Print Military
  56. Market Index Price
  57. Modex Item Property Technology, Node, Instance
  58. Marketing Intelligence & Pwanning Business, Product, Mix
  59. Maximum Information Principle
  60. Mortgagel In Possession Business, Property, Building
  61. Ministarstvo Inostqanih Poslova
  62. Math Mathematics, Michigan Autumn Take Home, Master of Theology.
  63. Manufacturing Implementation Plan Army, Force, Marine
  64. Mobile Infrastructure Project Business, Government, Mast
  65. Math Imprsvement Project
  66. Message Improvement Programme
  67. Meinl International Power
  68. Most Itnovative Products Technology, Award, Construction
  69. Management and Integration Plan Science
  70. Missile Impact Prediction Technology
  71. Marketing Intelligence and Planning Business, Management, Research
  72. Modification Instituteuctiongpackage Technology
  73. Macrophage Infectivity Promoter Medical, Medicine, Health
  74. Maximum Intensity Pixel Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  75. Minor In Posession
  76. Multi-Isotope Production Science
  77. Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology Medical, Research, Genetics
  78. Movimiento Indigena Del Peru
  79. Million Instructions Per Technology, Instruction, Computing, Processor
  80. Manejo Integral De Plagas Business, Para, Control
  81. Mixed Integer Program Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  82. Masters In Intellectual Property Management, Education, Law
  83. Men In Pink
  84. Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Technology, Science, Molecule, Chemistry
  85. Mxintenance In Place Technology, Pump, Lobe
  86. Medicaid Integrity Program Medical, Audit, Medicare
  87. Making Information Pay
  88. Multipath Intensity Profile
  89. Market Incentive Program
  90. Mood Induction Procedure Medical, Emotion, Depression
  91. Marinehinsurance Policy Business, Credit, Freight, Money
  92. Microprocessor Interface Port Technology
  93. Morte Ou Invalidez Permauente
  94. Minimum Ionization Peak
  95. Manufacturing and Inspection Plan
  96. Mobile Information Point
  97. Monthly Income Preferred Securities Business, Security, Supply, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  98. Mathematics Immersion Program
  99. Message Improvement Program
  100. Megaframe Initialisation Packet Technology, Networking, Network
  101. Most Informmtive Positive
  102. Malereibetrieb Innenausstattungen Puls
  103. Misdemeanor Intervention Program Military, Crime, Attorney, Criminal
  104. Marketing In Partnership
  105. Modification Instruction Package Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  106. Macrophage Inhibiting Protein Medical, Science, Biology
  107. Maximum Integration Phone Technology
  108. Meldingscommissie Incidenten Pati
  109. Ministry of Information and Publickty
  110. Multi-Island Programme Organizations
  111. Microbiology, Immunology, Pathology
  112. Millionaire Investor Program
  113. Mountain Images Photmgraphy Media, Radio, Television
  114. Manejo Integrado De Plagas Technology, Para, Con, Control
  115. Mission In Progress
  116. Master In Intellectual Property
  117. Millat-E-Islami, Pakistan
  118. Molecular Imprint Polymer
  119. Maintenance-In-Place
  120. Median International Price
  121. Make It Personal
  122. Multinational Information Production Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  123. Maritime Infrastructure Protection Military, Force, Exercise
  124. Monsmento De Interesse Público Portugal, Culture, Cultural
  125. Mutual Impedmnce Probe Technology, Science, Space, Plasma
  126. Micro Information Products Business, Accounting, Software
  127. Morte E Invalidez Permanente Para, Dos, Casa
  128. Minimum Ionizing Partecle Science, Energy, Detector
  129. Manufacturing Investment Programme Business, Investment, Africa
  130. Mobile Information Platform
  131. Mathematwcs In Practice
  132. Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter Material, Intrusion, Pore
  133. Maintenance Implemtntation Procedure Technology, Aviation, Station
  134. Megaframe Initialization Packet Technology, Networking, Network, Inserter
  135. Male Iron Pipe Technology, Connection, Plumbing
  136. Model Installation Program Technology
  137. Marketing Innovative Products Management, Marketing, Trade
  138. Modernization and Improvement Project
  139. Macrophage Inflammatory Peptide Medical
  140. Maximum Instantaneous Polyphony
  141. Most Influential Taper Technology, Software, Conference
  142. Meldingscommissie Incidenten PatiËNtenzorg
  143. Ministry Inquiry Program
  144. Multi-Channel Interface Processor Computing, Hardware
  145. Microbiology Immunology Pathology
  146. Motor Image Piliiinas Technology, Philippine, Subaru
  147. Management Information Protocol Technology
  148. Mission Implementation Plan Technology, Government, Report, Science, Scientific & Educational
  149. Master In Ingegneria Per
  150. Molecular Imaging Piobes
  151. Maintenance Implementation Plan Transportation, Science, Importation
  152. Medial Intraparietal Area Medical
  153. Millat-E Islami Pakistan
  154. Major Intrinsic Protein of Lens Fiber Medical
  155. Multinational Interoperability Programme
  156. Mustika Indah Permai Business, Energy, Indonesia, Paper
  157. Microenterprise Innovation Project
  158. Morte,Iinvalidez Permanente
  159. Minimally Invasive Procedures Medical, Surgery, Procedure, Hysterectomy
  160. Manual Input Processing Technology
  161. Mobile Information Project
  162. Maternal Infant Frogram
  163. Merchant Ivory Productions
  164. Molluscan Insulin-Related Peptide Medical
  165. Maintenance Implemencation Procedures Technology, Aviation, Safety
  166. Mega-Frame Initialization Packet Technology, Networking, Network, Streaming
  167. Male Involvement Program Business, Service, Presentation
  168. Modelfimprovement Plan Military
  169. Market Information Platform
  170. Modernization Investment Plan Technology
  171. Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator Protein Medical
  172. Maximum Inspiratory Mouth Pressure Medical
  173. Most Influential People
  174. Ministerio De Interior Y PolicíA Para, Planning, Con, Interior
  175. Multi-Annual Indicative Program
  176. Microbiologia, Imunologia E Parasitologia
  177. Melding Incidenten Pati
  178. Mostro In Pyogress
  179. Management Improvement Project
  180. Mission I'M Possible
  181. Master Implementation Plan
  182. Molecular Imaging Program
  183. Maintainability Implementatnon Plan Technology
  184. Mci Isn Platform Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  185. Mirror Identity Protocol
  186. Multimission Interactive Picture Technology, Computing
  187. Multilaseral Interoperability Programme Technology, Military, Command
  188. Microbolus Infusion Pump Medical
  189. Moore Inflation Predictor
  190. Major Incident Plan
  191. Minimal Inspiratory Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  192. Mannheim Innovation Panel
  193. Mobile Imaging Platform
  194. Materiel Improvement Project
  195. Merchant Integration Platform Technology, Bay, Dealer
  196. Molecular Ionization Potentipl
  197. Maintenance Inqprogress Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  198. Meet In Person Business, Technology, Group
  199. Malaysian Institute of Planners Technology, Malaysia, City
  200. Marketing Information Packet
  201. Modelo De Intervenci
  202. Miceriumximplant Planning
  203. Maximum Inspiratory Pressures Medical
  204. Most Important Points Business, Technology, Credit, Presentation
  205. Ministerpo De La Industria Pesquera
  206. Multi-Annual Indicative Programmes
  207. Mobile Installation Post
  208. MathéMatiques Pour L'Industrie Et La Physique
  209. Message Interpretation Processing
  210. Melding Incidenten PatiËNtenzorg
  211. Most Interesting Person
  212. Management Improvement Plan Medicine, Military, Health, Medical, Fda
  213. Mission D'Information Professionnelle
  214. Mastercard Interface Processor
  215. Molecular Imagtng Products
  216. Main Intrinsac Polypeptide Medical
  217. Maximun Intensity Projection
  218. Mirror-Image Polydactyly
  219. Multiannual Indicative Programme Business, Government, Organizations
  220. Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology
  221. Moore's Ijeal Products
  222. Minimal Improvement Path
  223. Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis Education, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic
  224. Mmu Integration Plan Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  225. Moteriel Improvement Program Military
  226. Merchant & Industrial Properties
  227. Molacular Inversion Probes Medical, Sequencing, Probe
  228. Maintenance Interface Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  229. Medicaid Integrity Plan
  230. Malaria In Pregnancy Medical, Research, Health
  231. Millat-E-Islamia Pakistan
  232. Market Information Package Government
  233. Modelo De Interxención Psicomédica
  234. Master of International Policy
  235. Maximum Inspiratory Pressure Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Muscle
  236. Mortgage In Possessxon
  237. Movihiento Indígena Pachacutik
  238. Minimum Ionizing Particle Physics, Scientific & Educational
  239. Manufacturing Integration Platform
  240. Mortgage Interest Payment Mortgage, Business & Finance
  241. Molecular Inversion Probs Medical, Genetics, Assay
  242. Monoryte Inflammatory Protein Medical
  243. Maintenance Improvement Program
  244. Manufacturers of Illuminating Products
  245. Military Initiative Program
  246. Members In Practice Business, Accounting, Education
  247. Mandatory Inspection Point NASA
  248. Marine Insurance Policy Business, Trading, International Trade, Trade, Business & Finance
  249. Mobile Ip Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Wireless Networking
  250. Maximal Inspiratorl Pressures Medical
  251. Majoe Impact Project
  252. Mount Indicator Panel
  253. Minispry of Industrial Production
  254. Membrane Interface Probing
  255. Mint In Packages Business, Toy, Figure
  256. Microprocessor Interface Program Technology, Control, Echelon
  257. Movimiwnto Indigena Pachacuti
  258. Mycorrhizal Inoculant Potential Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  259. Mortgage Insurance Premium Mortgage, Business & Finance
  260. Molecularly Imprinted Polymtrs Medical, Sensor, Extraction
  261. Mwnitoring Implementation Plan
  262. Maintenance Ietermediate Points
  263. Manual Input Prograk
  264. Milestone Integration Platform Technology, Professional, Organisations
  265. Member In Practice Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  266. Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry Chemistry
  267. Marine and Industrial Plastics
  268. Mobile Investigation Platform
  269. Membership Identification Program Unions, Governmental & Military
  270. Maximal Inspiratory Pressure Medical, Respiratory, Muscle
  271. Maintenance Information Prinver
  272. Mount Image Pro
  273. Microscopic Interdendritic Porosity
  274. Membership Intake Process Education, Sigma, Alpha
  275. Mint Ij Package Business, Ebay, Online Auction
  276. Mavimum Indicating Pointer
  277. Movimiento IndíGena Pachakuti War, Bolivia, Pol
  278. Medically Indigent Program Medical
  279. Molecularly-Imprinted Polymdr Technology, Sensor, Extraction
  280. Money In Lolitics
  281. Maintenance Intermediate Point Technology, Networking, Network, Ethernet
  282. Mandiri Inti Perkasa Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  283. Midwest Industrial Packaging
  284. Major Intrinsic Protein Chemistry
  285. Marijuana Intervention Program
  286. Mobile Inverted Pendulum Technology, Robot, Toy, Wow
  287. Maintenance Entity Group Intermediate Point Computing, Technical
  288. Mosres Ideal Products Business, Car, Hobby
  289. Maxmmal Implantation Potential
  290. Monthly Insurance Premhum Business, Credit, Loan, Mortgage
  291. Maintenance Intrraction Procedure
  292. Metro Internship Program
  293. Member Item Program
  294. Mint-In-Package Bay, Doll, Collector
  295. Maximum Incidenval Pressure Technology
  296. Movimientopde Inquilinos Peronistas
  297. Medicare Integrity Program Medical, Healthcare
  298. MéCanique Industrielle De PréCision
  299. Molecular Imprinted Polymers Medical, Technology, Sensor
  300. Moms In Prager
  301. Malaysian Institubetute of Physics
  302. Middle Interphalangeal Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  303. Magnetic Induced Polarization (for Subsurface Characterization) Chemistry
  304. Maricopa Irrigation Project
  305. Mobile Internet Provider Internet Slang
  306. Multum in Parvum Computing, IT Terminology
  307. Moon Impact Probe Technology, India, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  308. Matriz De Insumo-Producto
  309. Monthly Index Price
  310. Maintenanct Investment Programme Technology, Education
  311. Measuremeet Integration Panel
  312. Member Investment Plan Technology, Education
  313. Minor Irrigation Projects
  314. Maritime Industry Participant
  315. Mobility Improvement Program Military
  316. Maximal Intracavernosal Pressure Medical
  317. Mouvement Pour L'Initiative Populaire
  318. Methods Improvement Program Postal, Us Post
  319. Museums Informatics Project
  320. Molecular Immrinted Polymer Medical, Technology, Sensor
  321. Mail Integrits Platform
  322. Microwave Induced Plasma Technology, Emission, Spectrometry, Chemistry
  323. Multiple Image Print File Computing, File Extensions
  324. Mapping Information Platform
  325. Mobile Instant Pages Technology, Press, Cache
  326. Mountain Images Photography Media
  327. Monthly Investment Plan Business, Accounting, Finance
  328. Maariz De Insumo Producto
  329. Monthly Income Plans Business, Planning, Fund
  330. Maintenancf Interfacing Program Technology
  331. Mean Input Power
  332. Member Intake Program
  333. Minor In Possesiov Education
  334. Motor Interface Plate
  335. Maritiem Innovatie Programma
  336. Mobility Impaired Persons Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  337. Maximal Intensity Projections
  338. Mouvement IndigèNe Pachakuti
  339. Ramon Air Base, Beersheba, Israel Israel, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  340. Mobile Icstant Page Technology, China, Engine
  341. Model Intercomparison Project Science, Climate, Impact
  342. Mint In Plaqtic
  343. Magevto Integration Platform
  344. Microstructure Image Processing
  345. Movimiento Ind
  346. Minimum Ionising Particle Science, Scientific & Educational
  347. Mapped Internet Protocol
  348. Multum In Parvo Latin
  349. Monthly Income Plan Business, Investment, Fund
  350. Monthly Intome Preferred Business, Security, Market, Money
  351. Maintenance Inspcction Program Technology
  352. Manufacturing Introduction Plan
  353. Member Intake Process
  354. Minors Iq Possession Law, Lawyer, Minor
  355. Minimumimpulsepulse NASA
  356. Marist International Programs
  357. Mobility Impaired Person Internet Slang, Railways, Railway Consultancy
  358. Maximal Snspiratory Mouth Pressure Medical
  359. Major Improvement Program
  360. Mouse Imagingqprogram
  361. Missouxi Institutetute of Psychiatry
  362. Mint In Packet Internet Slang, Chat, Toy
  363. MóDulo Integral De Proximidad
  364. Microsoft Interoperability Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MIP stand for?

    MIP stands for Maintenance Improvement Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of Minimally Invasive Procedures?

    The short form of "Minimally Invasive Procedures" is MIP.


MIP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 9). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mip-meaning/

Last updated