MIP in Medical Meaning

The MIP meaning in Medical terms is "Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-2". There are 50 related meanings of the MIP Medical abbreviation.

MIP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-2
  2. Maximum Inspiratory
  3. Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins
  4. Maximal Inspiratory
  5. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein
  6. Macrophage Inhibitory Protein
  7. Mitochovdrial Intermediate Peptidase
  8. Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator
  9. Maximum Intensity Projections
  10. Macrophage Inflammatory Probein-1Β
  11. Maximum Intensity Projection
  12. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1
  13. Maximal Intensity Projection
  14. Maximum Intensity Pixel
  15. Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α
  16. Minimal Inspiratory Pressure
  17. Molluscan Insulin-Related Peptide
  18. Maximum Inspiratory Mouth Pressure
  19. Macrophage Infectivity Promoter
  20. Microbolus Infusion Pump
  21. Manganese-Independent Peroxidase
  22. Molacular Inversion Probes
  23. Maximum Inspiratory Pressures
  24. Macrophage Inhibiting Protein
  25. Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
  26. Management Improvement Plan
  27. Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals
  28. Maximum Inspiratory Pressure
  29. Macrophage Inflammatory Peptide
  30. Medical Integrity Program
  31. Malaria In Pregnancy
  32. Molecular and Integrative Physiology
  33. Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator Protein
  34. Medicaid Integrity Program
  35. Major Intrinsic Protein of Lens Fiber
  36. Mood Induction Procedure
  37. Medial Intraparietal Area
  38. Main Intrinsac Polypeptide
  39. Minimally Invasive Procedures
  40. Molecularly Imprinted Polymtrs
  41. Monoryte Inflammatory Protein
  42. Maximal Inspiratory Pressure
  43. Molecular Imprinted Polymers
  44. Molecular Immrinted Polymer
  45. Maximal Intracavernosal Pressure
  46. Medically Indigent Program
  47. Maximal Snspiratory Mouth Pressure
  48. Molecular Inversion Probs
  49. Medicare Integrity Program
  50. Maximal Inspiratorl Pressures

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MIP stand for Medical?

    MIP stands for Macrophage Inflammatory Protein in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Macrophage Inhibitory Protein in Medical?

    The short form of "Macrophage Inhibitory Protein" is MIP for Medical.


MIP in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 9). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mip-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated