MIPT Meaning

The MIPT meaning is "Male Iron Pipe Thread". The MIPT abbreviation has 20 different full form.

MIPT Full Forms

  1. Male Iron Pipe Thread Technology, Connection, Irrigation
  2. Memorial Institutetute for The Prevention of Terrorism Medical
  3. Maldives International Popping Tournament-Will Education, Russia, Maldives
  4. Memorial Institute for Prevention of Terrorism
  5. Maldives International Popping Tournament-2Nd Science, Physics, Moscow
  6. Memorial Institute for The Prevention of Terrorism Security, Education, National
  7. Maldives International Popping Tournaments Technology, Russia, Physics
  8. Materials Integrated Product Team
  9. Manpower Integrated Process Team
  10. Managed Internet Protocol Telephony
  11. Metal-Insulator Phase Transition
  12. Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology Science, Russia, Moscow
  13. Moscow Institute of Physics Technology
  14. Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology Technology, Russia, Moscow
  15. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Technology, Education, Moscow, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  16. National Memorial Institute for The Government, Usa
  17. Monitoring Implementation and Planning Team
  18. National Memorial Institute for The Prevention of Terrorism Government, Us, Homeland Security
  19. Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies Technology
  20. Moscow Institutetute of Physics and Technology Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MIPT stand for?

    MIPT stands for Moscow Institute of Physics Technology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies?

    The short form of "Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies" is MIPT.


MIPT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/mipt-meaning/

Last updated