MK Meaning
The MK meaning is "Macedonian". The MK abbreviation has 308 different full form.
MK Full Forms
- Macedonian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes, Language codes (2 letters)
- Medium Wick Gaming, Fighter, Street
- Malawian Kwacha Currency, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Morrison Knudsen Corp. Organizations
- Mahkamah Konstitusi Organizations, Indonesia, Hakim
- Mau Kaya Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Morrison-Knudsen Technology, Nature, Locomotive, Boise, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Magic Kingdom Park, Locations, Ride, Disney
- Math Knowledge Military, Education, Score
- Moon Knight
- Madurai Kamaraj Education, University, Exam
- Mark Knopfler
- Monkeyhking
- Air Mauritius Airline, Business, Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Mauritius
- Mountain King Hall, Mountain, Tyre
- Mario Kart Gaming, Racing, Track
- Menjaga Kondtitusi Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
- Medical Knowledge Medical, Medicine, Knowledge
- Mountain Khakis
- Mamakmu Kero
- Master Key Technology, Construction, Architectural, Computing, Hardware
- Mein Kampf Book, History, Translation
- Moto Klub
- Maintenance Kit Technology, Product, Printer
- Martin Kelly Technology, Enterprise, Seat, Baker
- Miw Kan
- Machinn Knit Technology, Pattern, Knitting
- Medva Kampus
- Morgan-Keenan Science, Class, Star, Classification
- Manager Keperawatan Management, Banking, Manager, Surabaya
- Michael Kornick Famous
- Malwaukee Kickers
- Mcdonald and Kreitman Genetics, Human, Population
- Modulated-Kinetic
- Metryka Koronna
- Mystic-Kids
- Mjd Kick
- Maqy Kane
- Miodraga KostićA Business, Group, Radio, Mesa
- Mahkamah Kostitusi Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
- Megakaryocyte A megakaryocyte is a large bone marrow cell with a lobulated nucleus responsible for the production of blood thrombocytes, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. Megakaryocytes normally account for 1 out of 10,000 bone marrow cells but can increase in number nearly 10-fold during the course of certain diseases. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Morgan Kelver
- Manoj Kumar Business, Management, India
- Mortal Kombat Computer Game, Video Gaming, Video Game
- Millennial Kingdom
- Music Ken Technology
- Max Kepler
- Mitchel & King Sport, King, Blade, Skating
- Major Kevin
- Members of Knesset Government, Israel, Palestinian
- Mount Kilimanjaro
- Marked Medical
- Martin Kebgan
- Ministru Kabineta Anu, Tie
- Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Technology, Locations, Governmental & Military
- Management Keys Technology, Locker, Keyboard
- Michael Kopech
- Maro Karan
- Milutin Kohtic
- Mcdonald-Kreitman Science, Genetics, Population, Selection
- Modular Key Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Metode Kepramukaan Indonesia, Archive, Prose
- Mysore Kirloskar Business, Machine, Lathe
- Montelukast Medical
- Michel Klein Business, Auction, Japan, Shopping
- Mrry-Kate Olsen Industry, Fashion, Manner
- Mint Kremnica
- Magic Knight Technology, Gaming, Guide
- Meervoudige Kamer
- Morgan Kaufman
- Mann Kendall
- Mobile Kitchen
- Mi'Kmaq Kina'Matnewey
- Military Kntwledge
- Mushroom Kingdom Gaming, Mushroom, Play
- Materi Kuliah
- Mist Knacks
- Majelis Kehormatan
- Members of The Knesset Government, Israel, Minister
- Mount Katmai Locations, Alaska, Volcano
- Malk Military, Air Force, World War Ii
- Martin-Kilpatrick Business, Ball, Racket, Pong
- Ministru Kabinetj
- Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic Of Military
- Management Key Business, Lock, Keyboard
- Michael Knowles
- Milos Eaplan
- Mcculloch Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Moding Key Technology
- Methodistische Kirche
- Myokinase Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mark Kamine
- Michael Kroeger
- Marvinfkalb
- Minta Keterangan Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
- Mag Knight
- Medische Kquringen
- Morgan Kaufmann Technology, Book, Networking
- Mann-Kendall Climate, Statistics, Trend
- Milton Keynex
- Mga Kapatid Music, Song, Funk
- Mystic Kingdom
- Military Kids
- Mounting Kit Technology, Product, Mount
- Match King Rifle, Military, Sierra
- Miss Kitty Famous
- Maintenance Kits Business, Product, Printer
- Member of The Knesset Government, Israel, Palestinian
- Motronic Mit K-Potentiometer
- Marjorie Uing
- Mlrtha Kent
- Maarse & Kroon
- Man-Kwan
- Mschael Klein Business, Service, Family
- Millnkelvin Physics, Units Of Temperature, Temperature
- Mccarey-Kaufman Medical
- Modified Kessler Medical
- Methanopyrus Kandleri Science, Protein, Genome, Sequence
- Muslim Kasim
- Morrison Knudsen Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols, Railroad Company
- Marketing Koordinator
- Marty Kutyna
- Mintaakepala Indonesia, Jakarta
- Mage Knight Gaming, Mage, Miniature
- Medicine Kit
- Morgan and Kgenan Science, Galaxy, Astronomy, Star
- Manajemen Kelas Program, Guru, Semester
- Michael Kozacs
- Molinaro Koger
- MezőGazdasági Kar
- Mystic Knights
- Mihail Kogavniceanu Military, Airport, Romania
- Mata Kuliah Technology, Book, Presentation, Semester
- Mississippi Kite
- Maintenance-Kit Business, Product, Printer
- Mega Kelvin
- Morrison Knudson
- Marine Kit Military, Product, Model
- M-M-M-Mxmonster Kill
- Man Kung Man, Archery, Bow, Crossbow
- Michael Kleiner Government, Group, Israel
- Miller Kreipel
- Mayo-Kebbi
- Modification Kits Military, Army, Model, Modification
- Makalah Kependidikan
- Metallic Kamalau
- Muskwa Kechika
- Midkine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Marketing Kumunikasi Technology, Indonesia, Training
- Martin Křičenský-Zhmni
- Minta Kapolres Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Papua
- Magang Kerja Military, Tank, Hakim
- Media Komunitau Media, Indonesia, Radio, Orang
- Morgan Keevan Science, Class, Star, Classification
- Manajer Keuangan Business
- Michaeljkoster
- Mean Kinship
- Mohandas Karamchand
- Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga
- Mystical Knights
- Migdak-Kadanoff
- Master Keys Business, Lock, Padlock
- Mission Kurukshetra
- Makamah Konstitusi
- Megakaryocytic Medical
- Morzison Knudsen Business, Company, Boise
- Mantan Komandan
- Iso Country Code for Macedonia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Man-Kung
- Miller &Fkreisel Sound, Speaker, Miller, Subwoofer
- May King
- Modification Kit Military, Golf, Airsoft
- Makalgh Kepemimpinan
- Memenuhi Kriteria
- Mouse Keratinocyte
- Marketing, Kommunikatioz
- Martin Kleuba
- Minn Kota Business, Battery, Charger
- Maerkischer Kreis
- Media Kqy
- Mordan Keegan
- Manager Keuangan Business, Management, Jakarta
- Michael Kors Business, Bag, Handbag
- Meade-King
- Modulated Kinetics Technology, Engine, Combustion, Ignition
- Mewujudkan Keadilan Indonesia, Hakim, Hal
- Mystic Kids Business, Girl, Doll
- Midnight Kitchen
- Master Keyed Business, Lock, Padlock
- Miodrag Kostić Business, Group, Serbia
- Mahkama Konstitusi Business, Indonesia, Hakim
- Megakaryocytes Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Morris Knolls Sport, School, Eagle, Knoll
- Mantan Ketua Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
- Hm Okaa Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Mama Kangaroo
- Millennium Kids
- Max Kohnstamm
- Modern Kitchen Business, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Makfi Kingdom
- Membuat Keputusan Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
- Mount Kit Technology, Product, Mounting
- Macedonia Computing, Country domain names, Macedonia, Numeric Country Codes
- Marketing & Kommunikatijn
- Republic of North Macedonia Locations, Country Code
- Mark Kendall
- Member of Knesset Politics, Governmental & Military
- Madhavan, Kumar
- Maladie Le Kaposi
- Mc Kelvinho
- Mkrkus Kummer
- Mini Kiobk
- Macedonia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Mebyon Kernow Government, Group, Cornwall
- Mon-Khmer Technology, China, Language
- Mallet Kat
- Mi'Kmaw Kina'Matnewey
- Michael Kiesling
- MüNchener Kommentar
- Merrimac Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Republic of Macedonia Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Macedonia, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Technology, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Medetomidine-Ketamine Medical
- Montreal Kosher
- Micro Kernel In computer science, a micro kernel (also known as μ-kernel or Samuel kernel) is the near-minimum amount of software that can provide the mechanisms needed to implement an operating system (OS). These mechanisms include low-level address space management, thread management, and inter-process communication (IPC). General, Governmental & Military
- Macmuzraugh-Kavanagh
- Maktab Al-Khidamat Service, War, Afghanistan
- Mary Killer
- Mark Kotsap
- Mini Heyer
- Mary Katherine Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Meb Keflezighi
- Momentum Kuat Business, Gaming, Product, Mortal
- Mali Korak
- Michael Kelsey Company, Music, Artist
- MéRnöKi Kar
- Monopod Kit
- Mərkəzi Komitəsinin Rind, Sind, Sin
- Medeni Kanunu Turkey, Ankara, Turkish
- Monster Kill Gaming, Music, Play, Monster
- Makefile Computing, File Extensions
- Umkhonto We Sizwe
- Make Knot Technology, Pattern, Stitch
- Milton Keynes Famous
- Margaret King
- Mark Kosters
- Ming-Kli Technology, Media, China
- Mary Kay Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Mean Kurtosis
- Moly Kote
- Malcolm Kelzy
- Michael Kelly Business, Guitar, Patriot, Custom
- Momot & Kuligowski
- Ministrstvo Za Kultura
- Medeni Kanun
- Monk Killers
- MűSzaki Kar
- Mark One of the marked fathoms in a lead line. Beacon or erection, marking a navigational danger or a position of navigational interest Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Ordnance Survey, Names and nicknames, NASA
- The Magic Kingdoq Internet Slang
- Makedenska Kamenica
- Make For a vehicle, either the name of its manufacturer or, if the manufacturer has more than one operating unit, the name of that unit. The manufacturer of an automobile. In VisualAge RPG, the process by which all of the components are compiled and assembled to create a VRPG application.
- Mark Kinchen Architectural
- Mineral King
- Missionary's Kid Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Maro Katherine Film, Movie, Epic
- Mean Kuadrat Technology, Gaming, Product, Performance
- Malawianrkwacha Business, Malawi, Currency
- Michael Kelley
- MiniszterelnöKi Kabinetiroda
- Marshalling Kiosk
- Ministerstwo Komunikacji
- Mechanical Knowledge
- Monkey Kidney Medical, Medicine, Healtcare, Kidneys
- MüşTeri Kurum Technology, Program, Turkish
- Mort Klein Famous
- The Former Yugoslav Republic of Maceyonia Locations
- Mahkamah Konsititusi Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
- Mark Key
- Mind Kontrol
- mountaing king Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Marlene Kunbz Music, Song, Lyric
- Maljwi Kwacha Business, Malawi, Currency
- Michael Katon
- Minister Kenn Music, Song, Gospel, Minister
- Marquesas Keys
- Ministerstvo Kulbury
- Mechanical Key Technology, Gaming, Keyboard
- Mong Kok Hotel, Locations, Street, Kowloon
- Michael Kane
- Michael Kirkness
- MüSlüMan KardeşLer Turkish, Man, Gen
- Mark (Navy weapon designation) Architecture, Air Force, Construction, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Märkischer Kzeis City, Fur, Germany
- V Mark V Special Operations Craft Military, Intelligence, Defence
- Mark Kennedy
- Milwaukee Kings
- Mrs. Kennedy Politics, Governmental & Military
- Marie Kuhls
- Malawi-Kwacha Business, Malawi, Currency
- Michael Kay
- Mareene Kuntz Music, Song, Album
- Mini Kitchcn
- Mechanical Keyboard Technology, Gaming, Switch
- Mondul Kiri
- Miami Killers Technology, Miami, Vice
- Michael Kingma
- MüNdliche Kommunikation Technology, German, Deutschland, Deutsch
- Market The commercial activity of buying and selling goods and services. The customers who buy goods and services. Architecture, Air Force, Construction, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Legal, Ordnance Survey
- Mycobacterium Kansasii Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MK stand for?
MK stands for Mga Kapatid.
What is the shortened form of Maladie Le Kaposi?
The short form of "Maladie Le Kaposi" is MK.
MK. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated