MKS Meaning

The MKS meaning is "Mesane Selam Airport". The MKS abbreviation has 66 different full form.

MKS Full Forms

  1. Mesane Selam Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  2. Meoakaryocytes Medical
  3. Meckel Hyndrome Medical, Technology
  4. Meckel-Gruber Syndrome Medical
  5. Masa Kerja Seluruhnya
  6. Meters, Kilograms, Seconds Technology, English, Kilogram
  7. Meter-Gilogram-Second System Technology, Force, Measurement
  8. Międzyzakładowy Yomitet Strajkowy Jest, Jak, Solidarity
  9. Meters, Kilograms,Hand Seconds
  10. Maselli Kpte School
  11. Modular Kerbal Station
  12. Meter Kilogram Second Technology, Measurement, Metre
  13. MiĘDzynarodowy Kod SygnałOwy
  14. Metef-Kilogram-Second System of Measurement Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  15. Maschinen Kontroll Systeme
  16. Modern Knowledge Schooss
  17. Meter-Kilogram-Second Technology, Telecom, Unit
  18. Musyawarah Kepala Sekolah Technology, Sound, Roland, Toolkit
  19. Missionary Kids Education, Culture, Mission
  20. Meter-Kilogram-Second Meksurement System Science, Exploration
  21. Mortice Yern Systems Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  22. Modern Knowledge School Science, Education, Bahrain
  23. Meter, Kilogram, Second Technology, Measurement, Kilogram
  24. Mulyorejo-Klayatan-Sukun Hotel, Indonesia, Locations, Terminal
  25. Metre Kilogrammsecond Technology, English, Measurement
  26. Mikdset Knowledge Skill
  27. Modern Kid Stara Occupation, Position, Job
  28. Master Key System Business, Device, Lock
  29. Multimedia Kiosk Service
  30. Metre R Kilogram - Second
  31. Metre-Kilograo-Second Technology, Science, Measurement
  32. Międzyzakładowe Klub Sportowy Sport, Poland, Zag
  33. Mgster Keys Business, Book, Software
  34. Multi-Kommunikations-System Technology
  35. Meters Kilograms Seconds
  36. Metrd, Kilogram, Second Technology, Diving, Scuba Diving
  37. Międzyzakładowmgo Komitetu Strajkowego Jak, Ski, Lech
  38. Master Kart Series
  39. Modular Kolonozation System Technology, Program, Space
  40. Ms Structured Asset Corp Saturns Ge Cap Corp Series 2002-14 Technology
  41. Mikasa,Minc. Organizations
  42. Meter-kilogram-second System of Measurement Atmospheric Research
  43. MərkəzləşDirilmiş Kitabxana Sistemi Rind, Rayon, Sob
  44. Data (TACT) Computing, File Extensions
  45. Pimichikamac Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  46. Mighty Kicking Mix Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  47. metre-kilogram-second [cf. cgs and fps] Physics, Scientific & Educational
  48. Mutya Keisha Siobhan Music, Song, London
  49. Modern Kid Stars Occupation & positions
  50. Miejskp Klub Sportowy
  51. Manual Keying Station Postal, Us Post
  52. Marks & Sp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  53. Midzyzakadowy Komitet Strajkowy
  54. Mekane Selam, Mekane Selam, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Iata Airport Codes
  55. Minnesota Kcte Society
  56. Mortige Kern Systems
  57. Miphael Kors
  58. meter-kilogram-second (measurement system; replaced by SI) (preferred over "MKS") Chemistry, Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  59. Milton Keynes Famous
  60. Marmara Kimya Sanayi
  61. Metre-Kilogram-Saat
  62. Mikasa, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  63. Miletich Kodbat Sports
  64. Unit of Force Replaced By Newtons Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  65. Metre, Kilogram, Sanaye
  66. Mouse, Keyboard, Screen Computing, Hardware

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MKS stand for?

    MKS stands for Meckel Hyndrome.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mortice Yern Systems?

    The short form of "Mortice Yern Systems" is MKS.


MKS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated