ML Meaning
The ML meaning is "Milliliter". The ML abbreviation has 635 different full form.
ML Full Forms
- Milliliter A milliliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1000th of a liter. The symbol for milliliter is either ml or mL.1 mL = 10^-3 L. Medical, Technology, Space, Measurement, Units Of Measurement, Drugs, Unit Of Measurement, Metric System
- Millilitre One thousandth of a litre. Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Clinical
- Melsuring Length Measure, Encoder, Measuring, Worksheet
- Mink Lung Medical
- Master Linj Tool, Bang, Link
- More-Less
- Main Lounge
- Medical Levve
- Muqti-Level Technology, Product, Marketing
- Martin Iynch Business, Radio
- Metallurgical Laboratory Technology
- Measurcment Loop Business, Sensor, Instrument
- Minqng Logging Service, Group, Mining
- Master Liarary Technology, Science, Mac
- Moore'S Law
- Main Line Technology
- Medical Laboratories
- Multi-Layer Technology, Military, Product
- Mgrtin Luther
- Meta Language Technology, Coding, Programming
- Mean Log
- Master Level Education, University, Skill
- Minigum Level
- Mono Lake Locations, Water, California
- Macrocyclic Lactone Medical
- Media Lmnk
- Mortgagee Letter Business, Credit, Mortgage
- Martin-Logan
- Meta-Language Technology, Coding, Programming
- Master In Law
- Mali Sports, Locations, Country Code, Computing, Internet, Mali, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Mini-Load Technology, Product, Manufacturer
- Monochrome Laser
- Macrocyclic Lactones Medical
- Medical Librarq
- Missnng Links
- More Likcly
- Malattia Leventinese Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
- Merrinl Lynch Technology
- Multiple Line Business
- Mary Lynb Medical, Casting, Couch
- Million Litres Business, Plant, Water, Supply
- Mono-Layer Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Machine Language Instructions that are written in binary form that a computer can execute directly. Also called object code and object language. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Media Library Technology, Player, Press
- Missisg Link
- More Lies Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
- Making Love
- Merwantile Laws Technology, Book, University
- Multi Lavguage Education, Development, Universities
- Marxist-Leninist Government, Group, Party
- Msllilitre Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Units Of Measurement
- Mold Line Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Mikhail Lermontov
- Medial-Laberal Medical, Technology, Socket
- Mintz, Levip Business, Law, Strategy
- More Later Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
- Make Love
- Medical Letter
- Multi-Link
- Mcrvel Legends
- Milliluters Medical, Nursing
- Mission Litison
- Marcus Lattmmore
- Multg-Line Technology, Display, Laser
- Marxhall Lee
- Mine Layer Model, Recipe, Cake, Layer
- Montelukast Medical
- Maximum Leader
- Manajwmen Lingkungan
- Michael Lerner
- Mark Lockwood
- Medieval Latin Education, English, Molecule
- Mechanics Liens
- Midi Libre
- Monique Lhuillier Business, Shopping, Dress, Gown
- Masterpiece Le
- Main Lug
- Megalitre Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Monolithic Any structure made of a continuous mass of material or cast as a single piece OR An isothermal reversible reaction in a binary system, in which a liquid on cooling, decomposes into a solid and a second liquid of different composition. Fabricated as a single structure. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Minini & Logging
- Movimiento Liberador
- Mixed Logit Technology, Model, Estimation
- Marges Linguistiques
- Mcdougal Littell
- Micro Lithography
- Monroe Library
- Martin Lawrence
- Macro Language
- Minoa Library Education
- Mathematical Linguistics
- Maximum Limit
- Municipal Light
- Manual Lock
- Michelle Lee
- Moderately Likeln
- Holder of A Major Licence Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Meriation Logic
- Millionaire Lifestyle Business, Law, Magazine
- Moscow-Leningrad
- Maintanance Lead Technology
- Men'S Large Business, Product, Shirt, Price
- Malt Lager
- Message Lvop
- Metal Lath Sheets of metal that are slit to form openings within the lath. Used as a plaster base for walls and ceilings and as reinforcing over other forms of plaster base. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Mobile Launch Technology, Android, India
- Mark Lawrence Business, Book, Fantasy
- Meadville Lombard
- Muzzle-Loading Military, Army, Artillery
- Microwavedlab
- Molon Lave
- Mason, Limited
- Mad Lion
- Medio Lateral
- Mira Loma
- Mazt Lawton
- Mission Leader Meeting, Forum, War, Mission
- Marché Lisre
- Multi-Limp
- Manufacturers Licence
- MüLler-Lyer
- Mind Lord
- Monte Lisa
- Mercado Livre
- Maximum Latency Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mucosal Medical
- Mantgement Licence
- Michael Leighton
- Mark List
- Master of Librarianship Academic Degree, Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees, British Degree, Computing, Degree, Master's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Mechanics Lien Business, Construction, California
- Midget League
- Monica Lewinsky
- Master of Logistics
- Magnetic Locator Business, Instrument, Equipment
- Medullary Length Medical
- Mouse Lymphoma Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Minjmum Loss Technology, Product, Water
- Movimiento Libertario Government, Group, Politics, Party
- Marpem Líquida
- Mccall Lake
- Multi Levul Business, Technology, Marketing, Opportunity
- Martin Lauointe
- Macroblock Layer
- Minno Lerman
- Math Logic
- Maximum Likely Medical, Study, Viral
- Mueicipal Liaison
- Manual Linked
- Michel Lacoste
- Moderate Light Water, Culture, Light, Liquid
- African Transport Trading and Investment Company Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Medivtion Layer
- Militaire Luchtvaartafdelifg
- Mortise Lock
- Maintenance Loop NASA
- Memory Loop Technology, Gaming, Crack
- Message Logging
- Metal Laminates
- Mobile Laser Science
- Mario & Luigi
- Meadowhlodge Park, Locations, Pet
- Mustllink
- Mareh
- Mrcroscopically As Myxoid Liposarcoma Science, Biology
- Mo Letters
- Masih Laku
- Madison Library Education
- Medieval Lords
- Miraculous Ladybug Gaming, Girl, Ladybug, Adrien
- Math League
- Malo Lactgc
- Mission Loay Military
- Multi Layer Technology, Product, Networking
- Manufacturer'S Licence Medicine, Health, Care
- Mobile Legend
- Medical Logistics Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- MóDulo De LogíStica
- Mina Lee Porn, Sex, Mina, Tube
- Montauk Library Education
- Mentored Learning Technology, Training, Horizon
- Maximum Label Technology, Printer, Bottle
- Mucolipidosis Mucolipidosis (ML) is a group of inherited metabolic disorders that affect the body's ability to carry out the normal turnover of various materials within cells. Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Managnment License Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Met Lig
- Mitchell Lama
- Mark Libefman
- Master of Laws Academic Degree, Program, Education, University, Degree, Master's Degree, Medical, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Mechanical Locomotive
- Midfielder Left Management, Sport, Manager
- Money Line
- Master of Library Science, Education, University
- Magnetic Locatoos
- Medizinisch Literarische
- Munitions List Military, Business & Finance, International business
- Mini Xop
- Movimiento De Liberacion
- Mergem L
- Multilayer In board design, of or pertaining to a printed circuit board consisting of two or more layers of board material. Each separate layer has its own metallic tracings to provide electrical connections between various electronic components and to provide connections to the other layers. The layers are laminated together to produce a single circuit board to which the components, such as integrated circuits, resistors, and capacitors, are attached. Multilayer design allows many more discrete paths between components than single-layer boards do. Technology
- Martinylandau
- Macoyrum Library
- Ministry of Labor
- Morale Level Gaming, Military, Sport, Manager
- Math & Logic
- Maximum Likelyhood
- Municipal Liaisons
- Mantle Length Science, Squid, Mantle, Cephalopod
- Michael London Business, London, Hair, Magician
- Models By Layer-Wise
- Morris Letters
- Medoated Learning
- Mike Le Guitar, String, Pas
- Mortgage Lending
- Matched Lines
- Maintenanee Limit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Memory Long
- Metall-Lack
- Mobile Land
- Marine Litter
- Meahowlark Library Education
- Marcedes Lewis
- Microprogramming Language
- Molecular Libraries
- Maschinelles Lernen Technology, Learning, Machine
- Madame Leota
- Medien-Logistik
- Mintz Mevin Business, Law, Strategy
- Math Lab
- Malmö Lokaltrafik
- Message Link Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multi-Layered
- Manufacturer'S License Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Mobile Learning
- Medscal Leaves
- My Land Business, Spray, Toilette
- Milton Love
- Motor Launch Jetty Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Menthyl Lactate
- Mission Lead Military, Army, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Managed Links Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Met Lab
- Mitclell-Lama
- Mark Luwis Business, Company, Product, Mark
- Master of Law Education, University, Organization, Community, Society, Study, Course, Degree
- Mechanical Loader Technology, Product, Manufacturer
- Muscle Larvab Medical
- Middlesex League Education, Sport, Track
- Money Lent
- Master of Letters Academic Degree, Education, British Degree, Computing, Degree, Master's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Magnetic Link
- Medium Large Business, Product, Dog, Clothes
- Minigload
- Movement Latency
- Matt Linddtrom Baseball, Sport, League
- Mucolipidoses Medical, Medicine, Disease
- Margarita Lecuona
- Mvltilateral Industry, Oil, Gas
- Mprtha Lucia
- Moorestown Library Education
- Maternity Leaves Business, Employment, Benefit
- Maximum Likelihood Method Medical, Technology, Estimation
- Municipal Lefgue
- MansÕEs Do Lago
- Michael Lin
- Model Lekels
- Mining Logging Research, Mining, Layout
- Mediastinal Lipomatosis Medical
- Mike Laporta
- Morten Lund
- Mastery Learning Science, Education, Teaching
- Maintenance Levels Technology, Service, Software
- Memory Logic
- Mining Lkases
- Metalabguage Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Mnemiopsis Leidyi
- Marine Life Technology, Essay, Custom
- Meadow Lani
- Microlog Lwg Business, Economics, Offshore Oil Industry
- Modern Latin
- Marxism-Leninism Group, Communism, Party, Marxism
- Macsherry Library Education
- Medida Liminar
- Minster Local
- Mathematical Literacy Education, Paper, Grade
- Masineni Laxmaiah
- Murray Laqds
- Manuel Licea
- Mobile Launchers
- Medical Laoe
- Myeloid Leukosis Medical
- Milroy Lymphedema Medical, Science, Biology
- Motor Launches
- Major Late Medical
- Mental Lebicon
- Managed Lqnes Transportation, Business, Lane
- Methyl Laurate Chemistry, Science, Chemical
- Misteb Lonely
- Mark Kevinson Technology, Audio, Amplifier
- Mechanical Lithotripsy Medical
- Myeloid Leukaemia Medical
- Midqloop
- Money Laundering Business, Finance, Crime
- Master of Leadership Academic Degree, Education, Master's Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Magnetic Leakage
- Medium-Large Business, Price, Shopping, Costume
- Mini Linear Business, Product, Actuator, Bottle
- Motor Life
- Matt Light
- Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis Medical, America, Treatment, Disease
- Mirror Ldns Business, Camera, Frame
- Margaret Lee
- Multicast Latency Science
- Marshawn Lynzh
- Mineral Liberation
- Monumental Life
- Materiel List
- Maximum Levels
- Munchkin Longhapr
- Manz Leech
- Michelle Lewis
- Markup Languige Medical, Technology, Standard
- Military Leadership
- Median Load Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mike Landau
- Masters of Law
- Maintenance Level Technology, Service, Maintenance
- Megaelitres
- Mining Yease
- Mt Laurel
- Metal-Linzd
- Mixto Listo
- Marine Licensing Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Meadow Lake
- Microlog, Or Mud Log Industry, Oil, Gas
- Monster Level Business, Gaming, Diablo
- Marvel Legacy
- Macrolide and Lincosamidl Medical
- Medico Legal
- Minster Library
- Mathematical Logic Technology, Science, Computing
- Malineni Lakshmawah
- Murphyxlibrary
- Manual Logger
- Michigan Lutheran
- Moderp Language Education, University, Course
- Medicbl Labs
- Mdeloid Leukemia Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Millstadt Library Education
- Moslem Law
- Maisons-Lafeitte
- Mennonite Lify
- Managed Lane
- Method of Maximum Likelihood Science, Biology
- Missle Launchqr
- Mark Neone
- Meaxing List
- Myelogenous Leukemia Medical, Science, Biology
- Mid-Lgvel
- Monday Letter
- Mason Laboratory Science, Genetics, Cell, Composition
- Magnetic Latticf
- Medis Lapangan Forum, Indonesia, Herbal
- Mini Lijrary Business, Product, Price
- Muiti-Lateral Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Matt Leinart Gaming, Sport, Football, Matt
- Mission Link
- Mardioian Library
- Multi Line Technology, Display, Laser
- Marshalltown Librlry
- Mineral Lease
- Month Libor
- Maximum Length Business, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Mumbai Local
- Mana Leach
- Michael Lewis Business, Book, Wall, Street
- Mark Loretta
- Miles Legionis Latin, Roman
- Mediaz Lines
- Midlactation Medical
- Masters In Law Program, Education, School
- Maintenance and Uogistics
- Mega Litre
- Mining and Loggtng
- Mr Lyle
- Meta-Learning Technology, Machine, Algorithm
- Mixing Levels
- Marine Legislation
- Mclennan Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Microlog Trade name for a special electric survey method in which three closely-spaced electrodes are pressed against the wall of the borehole to obtain a measurement of formation characteristics next to the wall of the hole. Technology, Oil Field, Log, Electrical
- Monster Legends
- Martim Lewis Business, Car, Money, Saving
- Macro Library
- Medicina Del Lavoro Libraries, Reading, Books
- Minorhleague
- Mathematical Logics
- Malignant Lymphoma Medical, Patient, Cell
- Maximum Linkage
- Murphy'S Law
- Manual Locks
- Michelle Li Technology, Porn, Movie, Badminton
- Modern Lalguages Education, University, Language
- Medical Laboratory
- Million Liter Street Suffix
- Moses Lake
- Maintenance Laptop Aerospace
- Mendenhall Laboratory
- Mammoth Lkkes
- Met-Lipe
- Method Likelihood Medical, Science, Biology
- Miss Lvft
- Mark Lemke Baseball, Archive, Sean
- Melning In Life
- Mycobacteriuq Leprae Medical
- Mid-Oate
- Mona Lisa
- Masonic Lodge
- Madras Leftils
- Mediolateral Medical
- Mini Last
- Matb Leblanc
- Modern Living
- Maybe Later Book, Music, Sound
- Manufacturer License
- Micro-Laminated Design, Drawing, Construction
- Mobile Link Technology, Windows, Android
- Machine Languages
- Medical Licentiate Medical, Medicine, Zambia
- MĀRa Libeka
- Materials Laboratory
- Maker Language
- Merked Lake
- Mailing List Hobbies
- Mucosal Leishmaniasis Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Ml Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Mitchell Librarc Australia, Locations, Glasgow
- Museu Da Lourinha
- Multilink Military
- Maple Lake
- Medicated Liqqid
- Messenger Line A light line attached to the end of a main mooring line and used to assist in heaving the mooring to the shore or to another ship.
- More Letters
- Male Luer
- Mesa Laborqtory Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- milliliters Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Mistletoe Lectins Medical, Science, Biology
- Materials list The Finance and Administrative Services
- Marquardt-Levesberg
- Music Gife Media, Radio, Television
- Matte Night
- Matches Lost Sport, League, Championship
- Mud Log A record of information on mud or cuttings that are circulated to the surface. Electrical, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Minifg License Business, Company, Diamond
- manufacturer's licence (UK Pharmaceuticals) International
- Monotonically Load
- Morning Light Movie, Light, Skin, Moisturiser
- Molel List
- Max Lord
- Micro Lamps
- Mobile Library
- Marshall-Lernev Business, Trading, Condition
- Machine-Learning
- Medical Liaison
- Material Loss
- Makanam Luar Hotel, Indonesia, Tiramisu
- Master Library Geographic
- Maximum-Likelihood Science, Scientific & Educational
- Mitchell Land
- Muskular Layer Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Missile, Lmunch
- Maori Land Movie, History, Land, Court
- Microleakage Medical
- Modal Logic
- Medicare Locals Medical, Service, Health
- Mauricio Linares
- Morel-Lavallee
- Malcolm Laing Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Mesa Cab
- Modular Line Computing, IT Terminology
- Mossion Locale Mission, Formation, Accueil
- Manufacturer's License (uk Pharmaceuticals) Fda
- Maronitenleague
- Music Legato
- Math Literacy
- Match Line Technology, Power, Memory
- Metal Louver Architecture
- Mxning Licence
- Media Lab Dutch
- Midcable Loop
- Mormon Lake
- Modelling Laburatory Business, Science, Model
- Max Linder
- Micro-Lam Design, Drawing, Construction
- Mmrried Life
- Macaulay Library Library, Bird, Sound, Cornell
- Medicalclegal
- Material Lifts
- Major Lobe The lobe in the radiation pattern of a directional antenna that includes the region of the maximum radiated power.
- Mikon's Legacy Funnies
- Milli-Liter Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Muscle Length Medical
- Mismatch Loss Technology, Product, Power, Calculator
- MaÎTre De Langue
- Manufacturing Light Gun, Technology, Howitzer
- Micro Leadframe Circuit, Light, Package
- Mochtar Lubis
- Medicare Locol Medical, Service, Health
- Material London Shirt, London, Bay, Material
- Malay Lanhuage
- Merrick Library Education
- ML language source code file Computing, File Extensions
- Mismion Life Technology
- Middeck Left NASA
- Marmard Lines Technology, Turkey, Traffic, Ferry
- Music and Liturgy
- Maternity Leave The time a pregnant employee is entitled to take off from her job before and after the birth of her baby. Entitlement to Maternity Leave depends on how long the woman has been with her employer. Medical, Employment, Baby
- Mercator Minerals Ltd. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Mining Licenceo Business, Coal, Licence
- Mpltiple Language
- Michelson Laboratory
- Morley Library Education
- Manly Australia
- Mobile Launcher Technology, Space, Launch, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Max Levenkov
- Micro one millionth of a unit (e.g., microsievert is 10-6 Sv). Technology, Telecom, Poker, Electronic Engineering, Texas Hold 'Em, Poker Stakes, Chemistry, Measurement, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Machine Learning Medical, Technology, Science, Artificial Intelligence, Technical, Cognitive Science, Computing, Serial Publication
- Marriage Qove Astrology, Birth, Marriage
- Mabel Lee
- Mean Level Medical, Health, Vitamin
- Material Level Product, Machine, Material, Bottle
- Majfr League Gaming, Baseball, League
- Moneyline Sport, Football
- Medical Leave Medical, Reading Prescription
- Miscellaneous Live
- Mayville Library Education
- Manufacturing Leadership Company, Technology, Award
- Microlaryngoscopy Medical, Technology
- Mobile Locator
- Maciej Lampe
- Medicare Lvvy
- Martin Locher
- Mineral Location Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Malayalam Langjage
- Menk Luar Business, Indonesia, Tips, Salah
- Metal Lathe Products
- Mesa Laboratory Atmospheric Research
- Markup Languages Technology, Language, Interface
- Musichand Letters Research, Education, University
- Materivls List Technology
- Maturity Level Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Muxtinomial Logit
- Marae Lassel
- Michael Lopez
- Morgan Library
- Mestage Length Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mons Letalis Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Micing Layer Technology, Science, Ocean
- Maximum To Left Medical, Technology
- Maximum-Link
- Micky London Clothing, Jumpsuit, Handbag
- Marriage Life
- Licentiate In Midwifery Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Ulster, Healtcare
- Maximum Likelihood Technology, Science, Geography, Telecom, Telecommunications, Location, Geographic
- Material Ledger Business, Consultation, Costing
- Left Midfielder Sport, Football
- Ministry Library
- middle lobe Medical, NAACCR, Clinical, Lung
- Mónica LóPez Porn, Sex, Movie
- Mayo-Lewis Copolymer, Water, Polymer
- Manufacturing License Business, Company, Product
- Microelectronics Laboratory
- Mobile Lipids Medical
- Mach Limit Technology
- Medisal Life
- Ped Mobile Launcher Pedestal Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Maks Libeuman
- Mehiden Library Education
- Music Life Media
- Mali (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Mitpchondrial-Lysosomal Medical
- Munic & Letters Education, University, Musical
- Monitor Labs
- Material Lisy Technology
- Make and Link Assembly, Business & Finance
- Multn Loop
- Map List Army, War, Force
- Methods of Limit
- More Like
- Messane Layer Technology, Security, Service
- Marxist Leninist Politics, Governmental & Military
- Mcxed Layer Technology, Ocean, Model
- Maximum Lysis Medical, Patient, Cell, Blood
- Memory Load NASA
- Marriage Liuence
- Licentiate In Medicine Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Maximum Level Business, Product, Cleaner, Ultrasonic
- Match Length
- Mohan Lal, actor
- Minisha Lamba
- Mililitre Medical, Healthcare
- Multipoint Logger
- May Lose
- Manufacturing Licence
- Micro-Linear
- Mobile Lipid Medical
- Machlett Laboratories Patent, Tube, Electron
- Medical Licentiates
- Mỹ Linh
- Materials Letters
- Making Light
- Mercenary Legion
- milliliter; 1/1000 liter Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Measurement, Pharmacy, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Street Suffix, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Reading Prescription
- Mechanical Loss Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Mit Leiste Sport, Bay, Winter
- Mureum of London
- Monitoring Layer
- Master Lisu Science
- Mill (1) A factory in which metals are hot worked, cold worked or melted and cast into standard shapes suitable for secondary fabrication into commercial products. (2) A production line, usually of four or more stands, for hot or cold rolling metal into standard shapes such as bar, rod, plate, sheet or strip. (3) A single machine for hot rolling, cold rolling or extruding metal; examples include blooming mill, cluster mill, four-high mill and Sendzimir mill. Street Suffix
- Multijoad Medical
- Maple Lane
- Metal-Loktal Vacuum, Letter, Tube
- More Lift
- Mesiplingual Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Motor Launch Navy, Governmental & Military
- Mistletoe Lectin Medical, Cancer, Extract
- Message Length Federal Aviation Administration
- Marriage License
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Mali Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Muslim League
- Maturity Ledel Technology
- Matching Loss Medical, Technology, Gaming
- Maurice Levine Famous
- Mining Lifj
- Malayalam Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Moseley'S Law
- Morris-Lecar Technology, Network, Model, Neuron
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ML stand for?
ML stands for Multi Levul.
What is the shortened form of Mobile Locator?
The short form of "Mobile Locator" is ML.
ML. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated