ML in Technology Meaning
The ML meaning in Technology terms is "Milliliter". There are 76 related meanings of the ML Technology abbreviation.
ML on Technology Full Forms
- Milliliter A milliliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1000th of a liter. The symbol for milliliter is either ml or mL.1 mL = 10^-3 L.
- Multi-Layer
- Merwantile Laws
- Master Liarary
- More Later
- Media Library
- Mini-Load
- Malattia Leventinese
- Mono-Layer
- Medial-Laberal
- Metallurgical Laboratory
- Main Line
- Mold Line
- Meta Language
- Machine Language Instructions that are written in binary form that a computer can execute directly. Also called object code and object language.
- Meta-Language
- Muqti-Level
- Merrinl Lynch
- Mechanical Loader
- Marine Life
- Multi Layer
- Message Link
- Maintenance Levels
- Microlog Trade name for a special electric survey method in which three closely-spaced electrodes are pressed against the wall of the borehole to obtain a measurement of formation characteristics next to the wall of the hole.
- Maschinelles Lernen
- Monolithic Any structure made of a continuous mass of material or cast as a single piece OR An isothermal reversible reaction in a binary system, in which a liquid on cooling, decomposes into a solid and a second liquid of different composition. Fabricated as a single structure.
- Maintenance Level
- Maximum Likelihood Method
- Multi Levul
- Maximum Latency
- Managnment License
- Mobile Launch
- Mentored Learning
- Multilayer In board design, of or pertaining to a printed circuit board consisting of two or more layers of board material. Each separate layer has its own metallic tracings to provide electrical connections between various electronic components and to provide connections to the other layers. The layers are laminated together to produce a single circuit board to which the components, such as integrated circuits, resistors, and capacitors, are attached. Multilayer design allows many more discrete paths between components than single-layer boards do.
- Michelle Li
- Maximum Label
- Managed Links
- Mixed Logit
- Memory Loop
- Markup Languige
- Multi Line
- Metalabguage
- Mathematical Logic
- Maintanance Lead
- Megalitre
- Mark Kevinson
- Multg-Line
- Meta-Learning
- Maintenanee Limit
- Minjmum Loss
- Mcxed Layer
- Material Lisy
- Match Line
- Mismion Life
- Maximum To Left
- Manufacturing Light
- Morris-Lecar
- Mestage Length
- Microlaryngoscopy
- Manufacturing Leadership
- Mobile Link
- Messane Layer
- Marmard Lines
- Mach Limit
- Micro one millionth of a unit (e.g., microsievert is 10-6 Sv).
- Markup Languages
- Maximum Likelihood
- Licentiate In Midwifery
- Mobile Launcher
- Maturity Ledel
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Mali
- Mismatch Loss
- Micing Layer
- Materivls List
- Matching Loss
- Machine Learning
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ML stand for Technology?
ML stands for Multg-Line in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Mathematical Logic in Technology?
The short form of "Mathematical Logic" is ML for Technology.
ML in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated