MLL Meaning

The MLL meaning is "Major Leagur Lacrosse". The MLL abbreviation has 67 different full form.

MLL Full Forms

  1. Major Leagur Lacrosse Sport, Sports, Lacrosse
  2. Manned Lunar Landinn Technology
  3. Mahindra Logistics Limited
  4. Machine Learning Library Technology, Vision, Computing
  5. Major Lacrosse League Sport, League, Lacrosse
  6. Mercator Lines Ltd
  7. Mars Logistics Lander Technology
  8. Mode Locked Laser Technology, Amplifier, Pulse
  9. Manned Lunar Launching Technology
  10. Multi-Level Logistic Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  11. Master of Laws Academic Degree, Program, Education, University, Degree, Master's Degree, Medical, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  12. Mercator Lines Limited Business, Supply, Market, Stock
  13. Multimedia Learning Lab Technology, Telecom
  14. Marshall Don Hunter Sr. Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  15. Mode-Locked Laser Technology, Telecom, Pulse
  16. Middle Level Learning
  17. Management Yearning Laboratories
  18. Modern Languages & Linguistics
  19. Mercantile Leasing Limited
  20. Multimedia Language Laboratory
  21. Mobile Loop Local
  22. Mid-Level Library
  23. Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory
  24. Modern Languages and Linguistics Education, University, Language
  25. Menin-Mixed Lineage Leukemia
  26. Multimedia Language Lab
  27. Mobile Learning Lab
  28. Micro Laterolog Business, Company, Shell
  29. Mixed Lineage Leukemia Gene Medical
  30. Modern Languages & Literature
  31. Medusa Mining Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  32. Member of Mixed Lineage Leukemia Science, Biology
  33. Multilayer Laue Lenses
  34. Mixed Lymphoid Leukemia Medical, Science, Biology
  35. Microlaterolog Oil Field, Log, Oil Field Log, Electrical
  36. Mixed Lineage Llukaemia Medical, Science, Leukemia
  37. Modern Languages & Literatures
  38. Marx-Lenin-Luxemburg-Front
  39. Multilayer Laue Lens Technology, Optics, Focusing, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  40. Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Ltd Business, Android, Switzerland
  41. Masaer of Laws Academic Degree, Education, Master's Degree
  42. Modern Languages and Literature Science, Literature, Language, Linguistics
  43. Maple Leaf Rounge
  44. Multi Language Library
  45. Mixed Lineage Leukemia Medical, Genetics, Protein
  46. Aeroclub de Mallorca ICAO Aircraft Codes
  47. Multiplicative Linear Logic
  48. Minimal Lead Level Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  49. MüNchner LeukäMie Labor Science, Brand, Pulse
  50. Mixed-Lineage Leukaemia
  51. Marshall, Marshall, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  52. Mylan Laboratories Ltd
  53. Mixed-Lineage Leukemia Medical, Genetics, Protein
  54. MDM Launch Left NASA, Governmental & Military
  55. Myeloid Lymphoid Leukemia Medical, Science, Biology
  56. Minimum Luminance Level Forum, Technology, Plasma, Setting
  57. Money Losing Lacrosse Funnies
  58. Myeloid-Lymphoid Leukemia
  59. Minimum Living Level
  60. Munich Leukemia Laboratory Medical, Genetics, Myeloid
  61. Minimum Level of Learning Science, Education, School, India
  62. Middle-Level Language
  63. Mixed Lineage Leukemia Protein Medical
  64. Maya Plugin Computing, File Extensions
  65. Mundelein Little League
  66. Minimum Levels of Learning Science, Education, India
  67. Master Lines Layout

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MLL stand for?

    MLL stands for Mixed Lymphoid Leukemia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Micro Laterolog?

    The short form of "Micro Laterolog" is MLL.


MLL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated