MLOS Meaning

The MLOS meaning is "Mortgage Loan Originators". The MLOS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

MLOS Full Forms

  1. Mortgage Loan Originators Business, Credit, Banking
  2. Microwave Line-Of-Site Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  3. Mean Length of Stay
  4. Microwave Line-Of-Sight
  5. Microwave Line of Sight Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  6. Military Liaison Officers Military, Afghanistan, Canada, Force, Operation
  7. Memory Loader Operational Software Military
  8. Main Line Operators Business, Shipping, Logistics, Port
  9. Median Length of Service
  10. Major Learning Outcomes Technology
  11. Military Liaison Offices Military
  12. Multicultural Liaison Officers
  13. Mortgage Loan Officers Business, Credit, Originator
  14. Mobile Learning Objects
  15. Multimedia Learning Objects
  16. Minimum Lengths of Stay
  17. Minimum Length of Stay Business, Hotel, Tourism, Travel
  18. Mycoplasmalike Organisms Medical
  19. Mini Local Offices
  20. Mycoplasma-Like Organisms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MLOS stand for?

    MLOS stands for Mean Length of Stay.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multimedia Learning Objects?

    The short form of "Multimedia Learning Objects" is MLOS.


MLOS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated