MM in Medical Meaning
The MM meaning in Medical terms is "Millimeter". There are 96 related meanings of the MM Medical abbreviation.
MM on Medical Full Forms
- Millimeter Metric unit of length. Equals 0.03937 inches.
- Millimetrr
- Multiple Myeloma
- Malignant Melanoma
- Mycophenolate Mofetil
- Metastatic Melanoma
- Major Medical
- Marshalw-Marchetti
- Medication Managemwnt
- Mammillary Nucleus
- Multiple Myleoma
- Medical Malpracticb
- Mixed Micelle
- Mammillary Bodies
- Multiple Myelomas
- Mediastinal Mass
- Miracle Mix
- Multiple Miscarriages
- Mother'S Milk
- Masseter Muscle
- Membrane A flexible or semi-flexible roof covering or waterproofing layer, whose primary function is the exclusion of water. A continuous layer covering a structure or separating two electrolytic solutions. The membrane of an ISE is responsible for the potential response and the selectivity of the electrode. A sheet-like composite of protein and lipid that is the boundary of cells and organelles. A barrier, usually thin, that permits the passage only of particles up to a certain size or of special nature. A thin sheet or layer.
- Mycoplasma Meleagridis
- Mismatches
- Multiplemyeloma
- Macromolecule Large molecules with relatively high molecular weights typically generated through polymerisation of smaller subunits. A molecule having a molecular weight in the range of a few thousand to many millions. Name given to a very large, and in most cases biologically important molecule. Molar mass certain to be in the thousands of grams, at least.
- Micrometastosis
- Myelomeningocele Myelomeningocele is a severe form of spina bifida in which the spinal cord and nerves develop outside of the body and are contained in a fluid-filled sac that is visible outside of the back area.
- Mean Diameters
- Measurements
- Menstrual Migraiwe
- Murmur, Muscles
- Macromolecsles
- Metacentric Marker
- Myelocatosis
- Mathematical Morphology
- Mesenchyme Mesodermal cells in a developing embryo with the ability to move freely and individually.
- Membranes Sheetlike structures composed of lipids and proteins, usually only a few molecules thick, that form closed boundaries between different compartments; membranes separate aqueous environments.
- Murmur A sound due to vibrations from the flow of blood through the heart or great vessels. A murmur may be innocent and be of no significance. Or it may be pathologic and reflect disease. A murmur is usually heard with a stethoscope.
- Hg Millimeters of Mercury
- Metabolic Monitor
- Myelomas
- Maternal Microchimerism
- Monocytes/Macrophages
- Mesotheliomes
- Marginal Metallophils
- Millimeters
- Molecular Microbiology
- Myelvma Multiplex
- Mesotlelioma
- Malignant Myedanoma
- Million Mm
- Myomoduain
- Mismatching
- Metabosic Medicine
- Multiwles Myelom
- Micrometastases
- Myogenic Medium
- Mediated Codeling
- Mitochondrial Myopathy Mitochondrial myopathies are types of myopathies associated with mitochondrial disease. On biopsy, the muscle tissue of patients with these diseases usually demonstrate "ragged red" muscle fibers. These ragged-red fibers contain mild accumulations of glycogen and neutral lipids, and may show an increased reactivity for succinate dehydrogenase and a decreased reactivity for cytochrome c oxidase.
- Merkaptopurine
- middle meningeal
- Methylmalonyl
- Molecular Mechanics
- Mind Management
- Mumps Meningitis
- millimolar (millimoles/liter)
- Mucous Membrane
- Molar Mass The mass (in g) of one mole of a substance.
- Mindfulness Medqtation
- Million
- methadone maintenance
- Malignant Mesothelial
- Millimolar
- Myofibrillar Myopathies
- Melanoma Metastasis
- Molecular Mechanisms
- Mutant Modifier
- Muscle Isoenzyme
- Malignant Mesotheliomas
- Maternal Mortality
- Muscle Mass
- Meat Meal
- Melagomas
- Multiple Myeloma (type of cancer)
- Minimgl Model
- Multiple Model
- Malignant Mesothelioma
- Muscle (medical)
- Melancma
- myeloid metaplasia
- Michaelis-Menten
- Malignant Meningioma
- Mailhes Methylmercury
- Muscles Muscle
- Molecular Mechanical
- Masseter Musckes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MM stand for Medical?
MM stands for Mediastinal Mass in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Mathematical Morphology in Medical?
The short form of "Mathematical Morphology" is MM for Medical.
MM in Medical. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from
Last updated