MM in Technology Meaning
The MM meaning in Technology terms is "Millimetrr". There are 130 related meanings of the MM Technology abbreviation.
MM on Technology Full Forms
- Millimetrr
- Mass Media
- Mutajle Monsters
- Major Mode
- Mini-Mate
- Manufacturing Method
- Methodology Management
- Mass Market Describes products or services which have mass appeal and are aimed at large numbers of people or a whole population.
- Multimedia Messaging
- Majorization-Minimization
- Mindbmap
- Manual Mutu
- Man-In-The-Middle
- Method of Moment
- Multimedia As the name implies, multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. This includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc. For example, a presentation involving audio and video clips would be considered a "multimedia presentation." Educational software that involves animations, sound, and text is called "multimedia software."
- Maintenance Management
- Mike Meyers
- Material Master
- Man Months
- Module Management
- Method of Moments
- Moniwor Mode
- Maintenance Manuals
- Middle Middle
- Materials Management
- Man-Month
- Modular Messaging
- Membrane A flexible or semi-flexible roof covering or waterproofing layer, whose primary function is the exclusion of water. A continuous layer covering a structure or separating two electrolytic solutions. The membrane of an ISE is responsible for the potential response and the selectivity of the electrode. A sheet-like composite of protein and lipid that is the boundary of cells and organelles. A barrier, usually thin, that permits the passage only of particles up to a certain size or of special nature. A thin sheet or layer.
- Memory Mosule
- Maintenance Manual The manufacturer’s instruction book of maintenance procedures.
- Middle Managers
- Material Management
- Man-Machine Interface
- Minutes Month
- Memory Management
- Markav Modulated
- Machinist Mate
- Middle Management In organisations and business, managers who are in charge of small departments and groups of people while reporting to upper management.
- Mass Memory
- Makina Magazin
- Minneapolis-Moline
- Membershipxmanagement
- Markovqmodel
- Manager Map
- Meander Monopole
- Main Mode
- Messaging Manaher
- Matrix Market
- Moniuoring Mechanism
- Marketing Manager
- Mighty Mouse
- Mcdonnell & Miller
- Mobility Manager
- Main Menu
- Messagekmanagers
- Matrix Mapper
- Monitoring and Maintenancl
- Marketing Magxzine
- Micro Miniature
- Measurements and Modeling
- More Moore
- Materials & Manufacturing
- Mm Or Mm
- Maggie Murphy
- Multiple Masten
- Mathematical Models
- Molecular Modeling
- Micro-Measurements
- Measurement Managemeno
- Montreal Maroons
- Maschinen-Markk
- Memory Modules
- Murder Mystery
- Machine Maxket
- Mathematical Model
- Module Manager
- Metadaoa Management
- Meamurement Microscope
- Multicast Manager
- Iso Country Code for Myanmar
- Mathematical Morphology
- Man Machine
- Metadata Manager
- Mature Maintenance
- Money, Method
- Multi-Multi
- Ddoc Section Man-Machine Interface
- Materiel Management
- Modem The word modem is actually short for Modulator/Demodulator. A modem is a communications device that can be either internal or external to your computer. It allows one computer to connect another computer and transfer data over telephone lines. The original dial-up modems are becoming obsolete because of their slow speeds and are being replaced by the much faster cable and DSL modems.
- Management & Mfterials
- Mutimedia
- Matt May
- Monitorinf Module
- Marketinl Manual
- Millimetres
- Mott Macdonald
- Materials Manual
- Mode-Matching
- Media Manager
- Multiply Medium
- Molecular Mechanic
- Motorola Mobility
- Materials and Manufacturing
- Mechanic Mode
- Multiple Model
- Molecular Mechanics
- Maschinen Mwrkt
- Merkaptopurine
- Manual of Millwork
- Microminiature An extremely small circuit or other electronic component, especially one that is a refinement of an already miniaturized element.
- Magnamole Magnetic
- Maryknoll Missionhrs
- Missing Mass
- Mannmonate
- Muscle Mass
- Marshall Manual
- Money Market
- Momentum Management
- Martin Maqietta
- Missile Master
- Measurement and Mitigation
- Modtrn Masters
- Monster Manual
- Molten Metal
- Martinlmaechler
- Mind Movule
- Means, Module
- Message Mohe
- Molecular Modelling Comprises of techniques used to investigate molecular structures and their properties using computational chemistry.
- Michael Martin
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MM stand for Technology?
MM stands for Measurement Managemeno in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Mott Macdonald in Technology?
The short form of "Mott Macdonald" is MM for Technology.
MM in Technology. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from
Last updated