MMC in Science Meaning

The MMC meaning in Science terms is "Metal Matrix Composites". There are 22 related meanings of the MMC Science abbreviation.

MMC on Science Full Forms

  1. Metal Matrix Composites These are composite materials with a metallic matrix containing a phase of greater than 2%v/v which is not soluble in the liquid phase of the metallic matrix
  2. Mutagens C
  3. Mucosa Mant Cells
  4. Marine Mammal Council
  5. Mouse Mesangial Cell
  6. Marine Mammal Center
  7. Mn Induced By Mitomycin C
  8. Manufacturing Methods Council
  9. Micro-Meteoroid Capsule
  10. Manual Mode Command
  11. Methylmercuric Chloride
  12. Mackay Mexical College
  13. Mutagen Such As Mitomycin C
  14. Methanesulfonate Mitomycin C
  15. Micronuclei By Mitomycin C
  16. Methylmercury Chloride
  17. Microm Mitomycin C
  18. Microgramw Mitomycin C
  19. Mitomycin J
  20. Mitomicinzc
  21. Mrthanesulfonate and Mitomycin C
  22. Micronucvei Induced By Mitomycin C

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MMC stand for Science?

    MMC stands for Methylmercuric Chloride in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Micronucvei Induced By Mitomycin C in Science?

    The short form of "Micronucvei Induced By Mitomycin C" is MMC for Science.


MMC in Science. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated