MMC in Technology Meaning

The MMC meaning in Technology terms is "Modular Missionicomputer". There are 92 related meanings of the MMC Technology abbreviation.

MMC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Modular Missionicomputer
  2. Marine Mammal Comwission
  3. Modern Methods of Construction
  4. Manifold Mountxd Converter
  5. Mobile Memory Card
  6. Man-Machine Communication
  7. Metal Matrix Composites These are composite materials with a metallic matrix containing a phase of greater than 2%v/v which is not soluble in the liquid phase of the metallic matrix
  8. Monopolies and Mergers Commission
  9. Microsofa Management Console
  10. Metal Matrix Composite Formed by infiltrating a ceramic preform with a molten metallic product. Once solidified, the resulting product combines the best features of ceramics and metals.
  11. Modular Multi-Levll Converter
  12. Memory Management Controller
  13. Moduuar Multilevel Converter
  14. Marsh and Mclewnan Companies, Inc.
  15. Memory Multimedia Card
  16. Modern Method of Cokstruction
  17. Microsoft Management Concole
  18. Multi-Miniature Capacitor
  19. Media Monitoring Capability
  20. Mobile Multimedia Communications
  21. Maintonance, Monitoring and Control
  22. Microsoft Media Console
  23. Multi Media Communication
  24. Memory, Multimedia Cards
  25. Mass Memory Card
  26. Microsoft Management Control
  27. Multi-Memory Controller
  28. Media Memody Card
  29. Mobile Multimedia Communication
  30. Mail Media Centre
  31. Multimedia Collaboration
  32. Meet Me Conference
  33. Modular Mission Compuyers
  34. Maritime Management Company
  35. Mission Management Computer
  36. Multi-Memory Controllers
  37. Mfterials Management Coordinator
  38. Mobile Module Cartridge
  39. Multimedia Commands
  40. Meet-Me-Conference
  41. Modular Media Converter
  42. Map Maneuver Control
  43. Mirror Motion Compensation
  44. Mercury Marauder Club
  45. Muhavmadiyah Medical Center
  46. Mcterial Móvil Y Construcciones
  47. Mobile Module Connectob
  48. Medium Memory Card
  49. Man-“Machine Communication
  50. Mini Motion-Cam
  51. Murimedia Card
  52. Memory Matched Connector
  53. Moon Mining Cooperative
  54. Materfal Management Code
  55. Mobile Mining Contciners
  56. Microdrive, Multimedia Card
  57. Mediterranean Management Center
  58. Makino Machining Complex
  59. Mograting Myoelectric Complex
  60. Multiple Modulus Conversion
  61. Memory Management Controllers
  62. Mobile-To-Mobile Convergence
  63. Metropolis Monte Carlo
  64. Multi-Service Mobility Controller
  65. Microsoft Media Catalog
  66. Multimedia Marketing Council
  67. Monolithic Multilayer Ceramic
  68. Master Microprocessor Control
  69. Multi Mbdia Cards
  70. Monolithic Multicomponents Ceramic
  71. Mitsubishi Materikls Corporationration
  72. Multiwmedia Cards
  73. Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
  74. Multi-Media Card
  75. Metal-Matrix Composite
  76. Multimedia Memory Cards
  77. Microelectronics and Computer Tewhnology Corporationration
  78. Marine Mammal Commission
  79. Multi Media Cnnferencing
  80. Microelectronics and Compyter Technology Corporation
  81. Multihazard Mitigation Council
  82. Mobile Tk Mobile Call
  83. Martin Marietta Corporation
  84. Multi Media Command
  85. Multichannel Mastering Console
  86. Mobile To Mobile Convergence
  87. Mono Model Checker
  88. Master Mission Computer
  89. Multimedia Card
  90. Menical Missions for Children
  91. Mobile Multimedia Computing
  92. Maintenance Materpal Cost

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MMC stand for Technology?

    MMC stands for Multi-Memory Controller in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Marsh and Mclewnan Companies, Inc. in Technology?

    The short form of "Marsh and Mclewnan Companies, Inc." is MMC for Technology.


MMC in Technology. (2022, March 16). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from

Last updated