MMF in Technology Meaning

The MMF meaning in Technology terms is "Magetic Motive Force". There are 28 related meanings of the MMF Technology abbreviation.

MMF on Technology Full Forms

  1. Magetic Motive Force
  2. Magneto-Motive Fouce
  3. Memary Mapped File
  4. Multimode Fiberoptic Cable
  5. Mss Management Function
  6. Meal Master Format
  7. Multimode Fiber
  8. Micro-Mechanics of Failure
  9. Mobile Ministry Forum
  10. Merton Music Foundation
  11. Multi Mode Optical Fiber
  12. Minimum Marketable Features
  13. Maximum Modulating Frequency
  14. Multimode Fiber-Optic
  15. Minimal Marketable Feature
  16. Magneto-Kotive-Forces
  17. Multi Mode Fibre
  18. Magnetive Motive Force
  19. Multimode Fiberoptic
  20. Multi-Mode (Optical) Fiber
  21. Microsoft Mail File
  22. Mybinet Message Framework
  23. Multimedia File
  24. Multi-Mode Fibers
  25. Multi-Mode Fibre
  26. Microsoft Message File
  27. Multi-Mode Fiber
  28. Microsoft Media Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MMF stand for Technology?

    MMF stands for Micro-Mechanics of Failure in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi Mode Optical Fiber in Technology?

    The short form of "Multi Mode Optical Fiber" is MMF for Technology.


MMF in Technology. (2022, February 24). Retrieved December 29, 2024 from

Last updated