MMG Meaning
The MMG meaning is "Milligram". The MMG abbreviation has 111 different full form.
MMG Full Forms
- Milligram A milligram is a unit of mass equal to 1/1000th of a gram. The symbol for milligram is mg.1 mm = 10^-3 g = 10^-6 kg. Medical, Medicine, Health, Measurement, Pharmacy, Unit Of Measurement, NASA, Cooking, Clinical
- Massive Multiplayer Games Technology, Gaming, Conference, Internet
- Meeting Management Group
- Medium Machine-Gun Military
- Medium Machine Gun Military, Army, Weapon, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Mechanomyography Medical
- Mechanomyogram The mechanomyogram (MMG) is the mechanical signal observable from the surface of a muscle when the muscle is contracted. At the onset of muscle contraction, gross changes in the muscle shape cause a large peak in the MMG. Subsequent vibrations are due to oscillations of the muscle fibres at the resonance frequency of the muscle. Medical
- Mechanomyographic Medical
- Maine Mutual Group
- Medicare Model Guidelines
- Modeled Microgravity Medical
- Marion Mahony Griffin
- Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Science, University, Punjab
- Moon Monlter Games
- Mcdrnough Medical Group
- Mission To Mediterranean Garrisons Army, War, Force
- Midwest Media Group
- Multinational Management Group
- Mail Marketing Group
- Mecklenburger Metallguss Gmbh Technology, Ship, Propeller
- Mobile Money Guyana Business, Android, Guyana
- Marine Minerals Guidance Technology
- Microbio & Molecular Genetics
- Moody Marketing Groud
- Maybach Music Group Music, Rick, Priority
- Minyak Mani Gajah
- Marseille Medical Genetics Medical, Medicine, Human
- Mid Michigan Gymnastics
- Multi Monitor Group
- Mail Management Group
- Measurement Ind Metrics Guide
- Mobile Messaging Gateway Technology, Service, Star
- Marine Methylotrophic Group
- Medizin Mensch Gesellschaft
- Montefiore Medical Group Medical, Medicine, Care
- Matthews Media Group
- Markowitz Metals Group
- Middle Management Grade Banking, Officer, Specialist
- Multi Model Generator
- Magnetomyographic Medical
- Meannmaternal Glucose Medical, Medicine, Health
- Mobile Marketing Group Technology, Lookup, Bulk
- Maria Montessori Gesamtschule
- Medium Machine Guns Rifle, Military, War, Weapon
- Montana Marketing Group Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
- Materiel Maintenance Group
- Marketing Management Group Business, Building, Advisor
- Microorganismos Modificados GenéTicamente
- Multimedia Meeting Group
- Montevideo Music Group Music, Tube, Montevideo
- Mclaren Medicpl Group
- Mixture Model On Graphs
- Maria Mater Gratiae
- Medito Di Medicina Generale
- Monater Mini Golf
- Marketing Media Group
- Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Science, Research, University
- Multimedia Marketing Group Business, Engine, Optimization
- Mobile Monitoring Gateway
- Mcinnerney Millspaughzgroup
- Mitchell Madison Group Business, Science, Consulting
- Military Medal for Gallantry Military, Ireland, Irish
- Maintenance Management Group
- Medicines Management Group Medicine, Health, British
- Model Management Group
- Marketing & Media Group
- Microbiology Molecular Genetics
- Multimedia Management Group Business, Technology, Management, Business & Finance
- Mixed Multistroke Gestures
- Mcdowecl Marketing Group
- Mission To Military Garrisons
- Mighty Men of God
- Multinational Management Game
- Music Morpher Gold
- Master Mobilization Guide
- Minerals & Metals Group Technology, Energy, Projection
- MORTGAGE MARKET GUiDE Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Mars Media Group
- Aereo Ruta Maya ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Massive Mating Game
- Mina Mar Group
- Music Marketing Group
- Metromedia International Group, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Mount Magnet, Western Australia, Australia Australia
- Massively Multiplayer Gaming Technology, Hack, Player
- Mimar MüHendisler Grubu
- Mammogram An X-ray of the breast that is taken with a device that compresses and flattens the breast. A mammogram can help a health professional decide whether a lump in the breast is a gland, a harmless cyst, or a tumor. A mammogram can cause pressure, discomfort, and some soreness that lasts for a little while after the procedure. If the mammogram result raises suspicions about cancer, a biopsy is usually the next step Medical, Technology, Medicine, Breast, Clinical
- Muscat Media Group
- Meier Marketing Global
- Minsk Moscow Guide Group, Guide, Moscow, Luxury
- Medical Management Guidelines Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Massively Multiplayer Games Technology, Gaming, Hack, Player
- Mills of Malt Grains
- Munitions Management Group Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Medici Di Medicina Generale
- Ministry Medical Group
- Mix Master General Music
- Massively Multiplayer Game Technology, Development, Player
- Millennium Marketing Group
- Munitions Maintenance Group
- The Public Television Major Market Group Media, Internet, Broadcasting
- Materials Management Group Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Minimal Massive Gravity
- Mosley Music Group Music
- Massachusetts Men'S Gathering
- Multiplayer Mobile Games Business, Gaming, Platform
- Myanmar Millennium Group
- Materials and Manufacturing Group
- Minerals and Metals Group Business, Australia, Mining
- Mixtape Music Group Music
- Maslow Media Group
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MMG stand for?
MMG stands for Multimedia Management Group.
What is the shortened form of Medical Management Guidelines?
The short form of "Medical Management Guidelines" is MMG.
MMG. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from
Last updated