MMO Meaning

The MMO meaning is "Maio Aieport". The MMO abbreviation has 100 different full form.

MMO Full Forms

  1. Maio Aieport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  2. Maximum Operating Speed Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  3. Mass-Iultiplayer Online Technology, Gaming, Player, Play
  4. Mobile Money Operators Business, Banking, Nigeria
  5. Mars Mission Operations Space, Study, Cosmos
  6. Multi Modal Operator Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  7. Maden Mühenditleri Odası Turkish
  8. Maximal Mouth Opening Medical
  9. Monthly Market Outlook Media, Radio, Television, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  10. Makina MüHendisleri Odası Turkish, Ankara
  11. Melbourne Mandolin Orchestra
  12. Mobile Moduue Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Mars Mining Operation Gaming, Military, Orbit
  14. Multi Bedia Online Technology, Gaming, Play
  15. Makina Mühendisleri Adası
  16. Matyas-Meyer-Oseas Technology, Security, Cipher, Hash
  17. Monitor Maatschappelijke Opvang
  18. Massachusetts Mathematics Olympiad
  19. Maintlnance Management Office Science
  20. Maximum Operating Much Number Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  21. Mixed Metal Oxwde Technology, Anode, Titanium
  22. Marb Mining Operations Gaming, Military, Orbit
  23. Mobile Money Operatar Business, Banking, Nigeria
  24. Materiel Management Oflice Military
  25. Money Mabing Operation
  26. Mass Multiplawer Online Technology, Gaming, Playing
  27. Maintenance Management Orders Business, Postal, Us Post
  28. Majimum Operating Mach Technology
  29. Mercury Magnetosphere Orbiter Technology, Mission, Colombo
  30. Mars Micro Orbiter
  31. Massive Multiplayer Online Technology, Gaming, Play, Computing, Internet
  32. Materials Management Office Business, Education, Department, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  33. Monda Meteologua Organizo
  34. Massively-Multiplayer Online Technology, Gaming, Player, Play
  35. Maden M
  36. Myximum Mach Operating Technology, Flight, Aircraft
  37. Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter Technology, Science, Colombo, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  38. Mars Mapping Orbiter
  39. Masspvely Multiplayer Online Technology, Gaming, Video Game Genre
  40. Modem Managed Objects Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  41. Masively Multiplayer Online Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang
  42. Mach Eax Operating
  43. Maximum Mach Operating Speed Technology, Aviation
  44. Makine Mhendisleri Odas
  45. Mercantile Marine Office Established and controlled by Merchant Shipping Acts for giving effect to the Acts as regards employment and discharge of personnel, keeping registers of men and their characters, facilitating apprenticeship to the sea service and other matters of like nature Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  46. Mobile Money Operation
  47. Marvels Mystery Oil Technology, Car, Engine
  48. Mach Maximuv Operating
  49. Maximum Mouth Opening Medical
  50. Monza Molteno Oggiono
  51. Makine MüHendisleri Odası Turkish, Antalya
  52. Memory Map Overlay
  53. Multt-Modal Operator
  54. Making Meaning of Operations (part of Dmi) Education
  55. Material and Manufacturing Ontario
  56. Music Minus One Music, Piano, Recording, Concerto
  57. Memo writer file (RapidFile) Computing, File Extensions
  58. Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Spiea
  59. Maritime Management Organisation
  60. Moçambique Media Onlnne
  61. Mixed-mode Oscillation Chemistry
  62. Master of Management and Ortanisation
  63. Music Man Online
  64. Massively Multiplayer Online (computer Game) Software, Computing, Texting, Application, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, IT Terminology
  65. Malaysia Musim Online
  66. Movement Monitoring Officer
  67. Memory Map Overlay File Computing, File Extensions
  68. Massive Multiplayer On-Line
  69. Money Maker Knline
  70. Multi Masfively Online
  71. Missouri Missions Offering Religion
  72. Maghesium Manganese Oxide
  73. Movement Manadement Officer
  74. Making Meaning of Operations Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  75. Massively Multiplayer Online Same Technology, Engineering, Data
  76. Metal-Matrix Oxide
  77. Multicultural Media Outreach
  78. Marvel Mystery Oil Funnies
  79. Multiple Male Orgqsm
  80. Motorcycle Museum Odline
  81. Maio, Vila do Maio, Cape Verde ICAO Airport Codes, Cape Verde
  82. Massively Multi-User Online
  83. Means, Motive and Opportunity
  84. Multi-Skilledrmedical Officer
  85. Maximum Allowable Mach Number In fluid dynamics, the Mach number (M or Ma) is a dimensionless quantity representing the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound. Aviation
  86. Materials and Manufacturing Ontario Technology, Education, University, Governmental & Military
  87. Marine Mammal Observers Electrical
  88. Multiplayer Music Oculus
  89. Mozhers Movement Online
  90. Mass Multiplayer Online General, Governmental & Military
  91. Massive Multi-Player Online Technology, Gaming, Play
  92. Maximum Maco Number Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
  93. Multi-Model Optimization Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  94. Main Meteorological Office An office that provides meteorological service for international air navigation in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization specifications. NOTAM Contractions
  95. Materials & Manufacturing Ontario
  96. Marine Management Organisation Management, Business & Finance
  97. Multimodea Optimization Science
  98. Mach Max Operating Aviation, Governmental & Military
  99. Massively Multi-Player Online
  100. Massioely Multiuser Online Technology, Gaming, Virtual, Playing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MMO stand for?

    MMO stands for Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter.

  2. What is the shortened form of Maintlnance Management Office?

    The short form of "Maintlnance Management Office" is MMO.


MMO. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated