MMP Meaning
The MMP meaning is "Matrix Metalloproteinase Family". The MMP abbreviation has 273 different full form.
MMP Full Forms
- Matrix Metalloproteinase Family Medical
- Mitochondrial Transmembrane Pztential Medical
- Matrix-Degrading Metalloproteinases Medical
- Mean Maximal Power Cycling
- Managed Mail Program Military, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
- Matrix Metalloproteases Medical
- Magellan Midstream Partners L.P. Technology, Organizations
- Matrix Metalloprotease Medical
- Modified Modular Plug Technology, Networking, Connecting
- Magellan Midstream Partners Business, Supply, Stock
- Matrix Metalloproteinases Medical
- Mixed Member Proportional Represenvation Government
- Matrix Metalloproteinase Medical, Medicine, Health
- Mixed-Member Propoptional Government, Election, Voting
- Museu Ma
- Mallampatz Grade Medical
- Montana Metal Products
- Master of Music In Performance
- Medical Marihuana Program Medical, Medicine, Michigan, Marijuana
- Maintenance Management Professional Program, College, Education
- Microsoft Management Portal Technology
- Mobility Management Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Mass Market Paperback
- Minnesota Mortgage Program Business, Credit, Loan
- Multi-Member Proportconal Government, Group, Election, Democracy
- Member Market Place
- Mandatory Minimum Penajty Science
- Millennium Maths Project
- Masters Mates & Pilots
- Multiple Multipole Program
- Middle Mass Peptides Medical
- Modified Modular Plugs Technology, Networking, Connecting
- Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization
- Matrix Metallo-Protebses
- Maine Medical Partners Medical, Medicine, Maine
- Merchans Monitoring Program
- Mobile Messaging Platform Business, Technology, Supply, Stock
- Masked Man Producrions
- Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Education, School, Teaching
- Muscle Motors Performance
- Malawi Malaria Program
- Montana Memory Project
- Medication Management Partners Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Maintenance Modem Pool Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Microsatellite Mutator Phenotype Medical, Science, Biology
- Mobility, Mood and Place
- Massive Mflti Processing
- Minneapolis Mediation Program
- Multi-Man Publications
- Membaca Menuliw Permulaan
- Managing Multiple Pjojects
- Masters, Mates & Pilots
- Multicast for Mobility Protocol
- Medical Monitoring Program
- Middle Management Program
- Modified Meeting Package
- Mitochondrial Membrane Permeability
- Matrix Metallo-Proteinawe
- Magtf Master Plan Military, Army, Intelligence
- Memphis Motorsports Park Car, Track, Motorsport
- Margaret Morrison Plaza
- MilliyetçI Muhafazakar Parti
- Muscle Lechanical Power Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Makmake Makefile Project
- Monomethyl Phthalate Medical, Science, Biology
- Mixed Membered Wroportional Government, Election, Representation
- Medical Management Partner
- Maintonance Management Program Science
- Mew Mew Power Mew
- Mobile Music Pump Business, Force, Headphone, Music
- Massively Multi-Playwr Persistent
- Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Technology, Government, Organizations, Afghanistan, Mining, Dominican Republic
- Mulcahy Mcdonagh and Pfrtners
- Melanosomalematrix Protein Medical, Science, Biology
- Manage My Profile
- Montgomery Marine Products
- Mates, Masters, and Pilots
- Multiple Mount Protection
- Medical Massage Practitioner Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- Middle-Management Program
- Modified Maquet Procedure Medical, Surgery, Cruciate, Ligament
- Mitnchondrial Membrane Potential Medical, Cell, Apoptosis
- Mftrix Metallo Proteinases
- Mygtaf Master Plan Military, Army, War
- Memphis Mentoring Partnership
- Marchwood Military Port
- Millionth Muse Productions
- Murder Mystery Presthges
- Monografie Del Museo Del Papiro Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Mixed Memia Publishing Technology, Computing, Publishing
- Medical Management Partners
- Maintenance & Modernization Program
- Metrowealth Movies Production
- Mobile Multiplexing Protocol
- Massive Multi-Player Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Mibisterul Mediului Si Pdurilor
- Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Medical, Patient, Disease
- Mekong Malaria Programme
- Man-“Machine Processor Technology, Telecom
- Montana Microbial Products
- Masters, Mates, and Pilots
- Medical Marijuana Patient
- Mid-Michigan Physicians
- Modest Means Program
- Mutigation Monitoring Plan
- Multi-Mount Protection Technology, Group, Linux, Filesystem
- Memory Management Process Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Map Mark Project
- Million Mutation Project
- Masticatory Muscle Pain Medical
- Munitions Movement Plkn
- Monitoring Master Plan Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Mitsubisyi Motors Philippines
- Medical Management Professionals Business, Medicine, Service
- Mainxtream Media Project
- Metro Media Player
- Mobile Multimedia Platform Technology
- Massive Muzti Player
- Minggu Mesra Pelajar
- Moyeane Mobile Pondérée
- Museum Managemena Program
- Mamba Max Prx Business, Castle, Creation
- Montana Meth Project Drug, Organizations, Montana
- Masters, Mates and Pilots Business, Employment, Union
- Medicinal Marijuana Program Medical, Medicine, Marijuana
- Microsoft Music Producer Military
- Mobility Management Process
- Mass Mentpring Partnership Organizations, Boston, Youth
- Mitigation Monetoring Program Industry, Oil, Gas
- Multi Mission Platfowm
- Membrany Proteins Medical
- Many-Celled Magnetotactic Prokaryote
- Milli MüCadele Partisi Group, Politics, Party
- Masters In Management Program Science
- Multiphexed Message Processor
- Man-
- Midwest Metal Products
- Money Market Portfolio
- Mitsubishi Methanol Proctss Program, Genetics, Matrix
- Maximum Maintavned Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mécanique Des Matérhaux Et Des Procédés
- Maim Metabolic Pathways
- Methuselah Mouse Prize
- Mobile Multi-Path
- Massively Multn-Player Technology, Gaming, Development
- Mines Minerals and People
- Mythic Map Pack
- Museu Maçônico Paranagnse
- Mals Magic Page
- Montana Methamphetamine Project
- Master Plan Technology, Military, Education, Army, War, Music, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Medical Marijuana Program Medical, Medicine, California
- Microsoft Media Platform Microsoft, Technology, Vision
- Mobility Management Procedures
- Massdmarket Paper
- Minor Machine Pitch
- Multi-Mission Platgorm Military, Jimmy, Submarine
- Membrane Potential The charge difference between the cytoplasm and extracellular fluid in all cells, due to the differential distribution of ions. Membrane potential affects the activity of excitable cells and the transmembrane movement of all charged substances. Medical, Muscles
- Manure Management Plans Technology, Planning, Iowa
- Miller Motorsports Park Racing, Track, Miller
- Masters In Managerial Psychology
- Multiple Multi-Pole
- Midlands Medical Partnership
- Modis Mobility Program
- Mitra Medna Perkasa
- Matrix Metallo Protecnase Medical, Cancer, Collagenase
- Mécaneque Des Matériaux Et Procédés
- Maine Mountain Power
- Methadone Maintenance Program Medical, Drug, Heroin
- Mobile Motion Prediction
- Masslvely Multi Player
- Mind Machine Project Technology, Science, Intelligence
- My Music Planet
- Medium Molecular Peptides Medical
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes Computing, Serial Publication, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Miku Miku Project
- Mixod Member Proportionality Government, Group, Politics, Party
- Master of Marine Pylicy
- Mobile Measurement Partnmr Business, Ads, Marketing
- Mushroom Model Publications Book, Military, Aircraft
- Mindmanager Mind Map Computing, File Extensions
- Monthly Maintenance Plans Technology, Program, Aviation
- Amp Incorporated Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Medical Monitoring Project Medical, Medicine, Care
- Precious Metals and Mining Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Maintenance Management Policy
- Master Manufacturing Proceaure
- My Mileage Plus
- MSAS Message Processor Federal Aviation Administration
- Motorcycle Mentorship Program
- Medisave Maternity Package Medical, Baby, Singapore
- Massively Multi-Player Computing, Internet
- Mikgro Metal Perdana Island, Locations, Mining
- Master Bf Medical Physics Medicine, Education, University
- Mixed Member Propottional Government, Election, Voting
- M-Methoxy Phenol
- Mobile Markecing Platform Business, Service, Advertising
- Musharakah Mutanaqisah Partnership
- maximum maintained pressure Medical, Muscles
- Millennium Mathematics Project Development, Study, Universities
- Montgomery Motorsports Park
- Mission Management Plan Management, Business & Finance
- Maintenance Management Process
- Master Management Plan
- Muzzleload Magnum Products
- Mobile Media Plfyer
- Monitoring Master Plan (of North Sea Task Force) Chemistry
- Moscow Mathematical Papyrus
- Medication Management Plan Clinical
- mandatory minimum penalty Wastewater
- Migration Museum Project
- Master of Managerial Psychology
- San Bernardo Anrport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Mobile and Migjant Populations Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Museu Molí Paperer
- muscle mechanical power Medical, Muscles
- Milk and Milk Products
- Marwyn Mgmt Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Maintenance Monitoring Panel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Master In Medical Physics
- Mustat Miehet Puutarhassa
- Symbian Project Specification File Computing, File Extensions
- More Money, Please
- Medication Management Program
- Marian Movement of Priests Religion
- Mtke Mine Pink
- Migration Monitoring Program
- Mastermof Management Practice
- Müasir Müsavatlpartiyası
- Museu Mol
- matrix-metalloproteinase Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Muscles
- Military Mounted Police
- Mixed Motion Project
- Maxim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Macntenance Monitor Panel Military
- Mastering Microsoft Project
- Music Man Productions
- Lmms Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Morehead Medical Plaza
- Medicare-Medicaid Program
- Media Monitoring Project Media
- Major Mechanical Protectlon Business, Credit, Union, Loan
- Migas Mandiri Pratama
- Master Mobilization Plvn Military
- Música Moderna Bortuguesa
- Mega Mobile Pump Technology, Engine, Manual
- Mixed Model Plan Medical, Healthcare
- Military Model Preview Army, War, Force
- Mixei Model Plan Medical
- Monitor Meterxng Panel
- Maintenance Management Plans
- Music Maker Productions
- Mixmeister Playlist Computing, File Extensions
- Moore Microprocessor Patent Business, Science, Patriot
- Medicare Medicaid Plan Medical, Health, Care
- Mystery Machine Possee Funnies
- Major Maritime Powers Science
- Master Metal Products
- Meet Me Page
- Cicuco, Limón, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Military Medical Personnel Medical, Medicine, Nurse
- Mixed Migration Platform Refugee, Migration, Migrant
- Microphysical Measureqent Package
- Maintenanze Management Plan Military, Army, War
- Mobile Measurement Partners
- Mushroom Models Publicalions
- Master Album Maker Project Computing, File Extensions
- Monument Management Plan
- Mitochondrial Myopathy Mitochondrial myopathies are types of myopathies associated with mitochondrial disease. On biopsy, the muscle tissue of patients with these diseases usually demonstrate "ragged red" muscle fibers. These ragged-red fibers contain mild accumulations of glycogen and neutral lipids, and may show an increased reactivity for succinate dehydrogenase and a decreased reactivity for cytochrome c oxidase. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Health, Disorder
- Medicare-Medicaid Plans Medical, Health, Planning, Care
- Mitigation Monitoring Program Electrical
- Maize Mwpping Project
- Master Media Productions Business, Dragon, Vinyl
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MMP stand for?
MMP stands for Mulcahy Mcdonagh and Pfrtners.
What is the shortened form of Memphis Motorsports Park?
The short form of "Memphis Motorsports Park" is MMP.
MMP. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from
Last updated