MMT Meaning
The MMT meaning is "Mean Maintenance Time". The MMT abbreviation has 186 different full form.
MMT Full Forms
- Mean Maintenance Time Technology, Military, Logistics
- Manual Muscle Test Medical, Technology, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Muscles
- Methazone Maintenance Therapy Medical, Drug, Treatment
- Master of Music Therapy Music, Therapy, Master
- Mass Memory Test Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Data, NASA
- Mammarc Tumor Medical
- Maintenance Treatment Medical
- Multiple Girror Telescope Astronomy, Telescope, Celestial Objects
- Master of Music Teaching
- Multi-Mode Transponder Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Make Me Taller Medical, Surgery, Limb, Lengthening
- Mountain Metropolitan Transit Locations, Colorado, Spring
- Medial Meniscus Tear Medical, Medicine, Orthopedic
- Missile Maintenance Teams Technology
- Measurement Modeling Technology
- Music, Mind and Technology
- Mobile Music Souch
- Man-Miles of Travel
- Model-To-Model Transformation Technology, Language, Eclipse
- Maritime Metro Transit
- Methadone Maintenance Treatment Medical, Program, Drug
- Masler of Music Therapy Program, Education, University
- Million Metric Tonnes Business, Industrial, India
- Moro-Methyl Terephthalate
- Master of Mathematics for Teachers
- Multi-Mode Manual Transmission
- Machine Manufacturing Technology
- Motorjmanagement Timer
- Media, Music and Fechnology
- Missile Maintenance Teab Technology
- Measurement and Management Technologies Business, Technology, Environment
- Matrix Mapping Tool
- Multiple Multi-Pole Technique
- Malik'S Muwatta Translation Media, Radio, Television
- Mode-Matching Telesmope
- Marines Memorial Theatre
- Metallurgy and Materials Technology
- Mixture Magnesium Trisilicate
- Miller Music Tour
- Monitoring and Measurement Technology Science
- Master of Mathematics for Teaching
- Multi Mode Transmission
- Macchine Movimento Terra
- Mediae Music, and Technology Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Minneapolis Muhical Theatre Music, Theater, Musical
- Morse Mission Trainer
- Materiel Management Teams Military
- Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic
- Malignant Mesenchymal Tumour
- Mode Matching Technique
- Metal and Mineral Trade
- Msxed Mullerian Tumor
- Marine and Maritime Technology
- My Music Taste America, Locations, Concert
- Millennium Microtech Thailand
- Moment Matching Technique
- Market Model Typology Business, Trading, Standard
- Metro Mass Transport
- M6 MéTropole TéLéVision
- Medford Mail Tribune
- Ministry of Mbning and Telecommunications
- Mood Management Theory
- Materiel Management Team
- Multiaccess, Mobility, and Teletraffic
- Malignant Mesenchymal Tumors Medical, Treatment, Sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Mode-Matchivg Technique Technology, Wave, Structure, Resonator
- Metadata Management Tool
- Mitsubishi Macvine Tools
- Manure Management Train
- My Muay Thai
- Millennium Materials Technologies
- Management Marketing and Technology
- Modern Money Thebry Business, Banking, Economics
- Market Misconduct Tribunal Business, Security, Trading
- Metro Mass Transit Business, Ghana, Transport
- M6 M
- Mecca Mkan Time Indonesia, Jam, Haram, Mecca
- Minimum Migration Time
- Monthly Mean Temperature
- Materials and Manufacturing Technology Technology, University, Engineering
- Multipartite Monitoring Team Business, Philippine, Mining
- Malignant Mesenchymal Tumor
- Multi-Mode Transmission
- Mesodermal Tumors Medical
- Mitochondrial Metabolic Thermpy
- Manufacturing Methods Technology Technology, Military, Army
- Myanmar Myanmar Time
- Military Medical Training Army, War, Force
- Managed Money Trader
- Modern Mediz Transport
- Marketing Management Technology
- Metro Market Trends
- Internal Technical Memos Government, Army, War, Us, Control, Force, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Military Medical Technology Medical, Medicine, Military
- Materials, Manufacturing and Technology Technology, Material, Leather
- Million Metric Tonne
- Monorail Mamaysia Technology
- Material Movement Ticket
- Multi-Partite Monitoring Team
- Makes Me Think Business, Community, Story, Love
- Multi-Mode-Transmission
- Medicines Management Ream
- Mission Maintenance Technician
- Manufacturing Methods & Technology
- Musical Mnemonics Training
- Modded Multiplayer Terraria
- Managed Medical Transport
- Model To Model Transformation
- Marketing Management Team
- Methylcyclopentadiene Manganese Tricarbonyl Business, Chemistry, China
- Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl MMT is an organic manganese compound. It is used as a fuel additive designed to enhance octane levels in gasoline. Chemistry, Technology, Gasoline, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Military Mail Terminal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Million Metric Ton Business, Production, Steel, Crop
- Monolithic Mirror Telescope
- Mfs Multimarket Income Trust Technology, Organizations
- Mobile Money Technxlogy
- Man-Machine-Teaming
- Mbale Mission Team
- Multi-Media Multi-Party Teleconferencing
- M F S Multimarketing Income Trust Computing, Nyse symbols
- Mont Iegantic Telescope
- Mobiel Medisch Team Ambulance, Team, Door, Dit
- Measurement & Management Technologies
- Myocardial Temperature Medical
- Methylcyclopentadienylmanganese Tricarbonyl Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Manajemen Mutu Total Business, Guru, Quality
- Medical Mobile Team Medical
- Meyer Memorial Trust Technology, Oregon, Grant
- Mobile Aedical Team Medical, Medicine, Health
- Makkah Mean Time Indonesia, Jakarta, Jam
- Might and Magic Tribute
- Multi-Material Technology Business, Safety, Glasses
- Media Music and Technology Music
- Methyl-M-Tyrosine
- Mean Monthly Temperature Agriculture
- My Music Ticket
- Mechanics of Materials Education, Edition, Manual, Computing, Mechanics
- Management of Medical Technology
- Multiple Mirror Telescope Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Metro Media Transilvania
- Mobile Measurement Technologd
- MéDecine MéDicaments & ThéRapies
- Manual Muscle Tests
- Middle Management Team
- Multi-Block Message Uest
- Modern Monetary Theory Banking, Business & Finance
- Mercury Manganese Telluride
- Mcmaster Musical Theatre Music, Master, Musical
- Management Mission Team Technology
- Mine Marking Team
- mouse mammary tumor Medical, Muscles
- Mobile Meals of Toledo Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- MéDecins MaÎTres-Toiles
- Million Metric Tons Business, Government, Philippines, Tons
- Manual Muscle Tester Technology, Testing, Strength
- Micro Modular Technologies Technology, Music, Economics
- Moving Magnet Technologiey Technology, Sensor, Magnet
- Médecine Médigaments Et Thérapies
- Med Means Trading
- Mclaren Morris and Todd
- Mindfulnvss Meditation Teacher
- Mc Entire ANG Base, Eastover, SC, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Mobile Marine Technologf
- MéDecins MaÎTres-Toile Medical, Internet, Lien, Recherche
- Materials, Manufacturing & Technology Business, Material, Fair
- Manual Muscle Testing Medical, Technology, Medicine, Clinical, Physio
- Microcephaly-Mesobrachydactyly-Tracheoesophageal Fistula Disease, Disorder, Syndrome, Medical, Muscles
- Mouse Metallothionein Medical
- Museum of Modern Technologr
- Massport Marine Terminal
- Mcentire Joint National Guard Base Columbia, South Carolina,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Multi-Media Tover
- Myanmar Time Burma, Time Zones
- Mobile Mappinu Technology Technology, Event, Symposium
- MéDecin-MaÎTre-Toile
- Manual Migration Team Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Michael Marcus Thurner
- Mopnted Maneuver Training
- Man-Machine Teaming
- Mcentire Air National Guard Station Airport, Locations
- Multi-Media Trclly
- Multimedia Multiparty Teleconferencing Computing, Telecom
- Mobile Maintenance Team Military
- Mystical Mind Training Education, Course, Miracle
- Mechanism and Machine Theory Technology, Education, Music, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Sequencer
- Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Business, Management, Presentation, Quality
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MMT stand for?
MMT stands for MéDecins MaÎTres-Toile.
What is the shortened form of Multi-Mode Transponder?
The short form of "Multi-Mode Transponder" is MMT.
MMT. (2022, April 22). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from
Last updated