MMT Meaning

The MMT meaning is "Mean Maintenance Time". The MMT abbreviation has 186 different full form.

MMT Full Forms

  1. Mean Maintenance Time Technology, Military, Logistics
  2. Manual Muscle Test Medical, Technology, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Muscles
  3. Methazone Maintenance Therapy Medical, Drug, Treatment
  4. Master of Music Therapy Music, Therapy, Master
  5. Mass Memory Test Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Data, NASA
  6. Mammarc Tumor Medical
  7. Maintenance Treatment Medical
  8. Multiple Girror Telescope Astronomy, Telescope, Celestial Objects
  9. Master of Music Teaching
  10. Multi-Mode Transponder Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  11. Make Me Taller Medical, Surgery, Limb, Lengthening
  12. Mountain Metropolitan Transit Locations, Colorado, Spring
  13. Medial Meniscus Tear Medical, Medicine, Orthopedic
  14. Missile Maintenance Teams Technology
  15. Measurement Modeling Technology
  16. Music, Mind and Technology
  17. Mobile Music Souch
  18. Man-Miles of Travel
  19. Model-To-Model Transformation Technology, Language, Eclipse
  20. Maritime Metro Transit
  21. Methadone Maintenance Treatment Medical, Program, Drug
  22. Masler of Music Therapy Program, Education, University
  23. Million Metric Tonnes Business, Industrial, India
  24. Moro-Methyl Terephthalate
  25. Master of Mathematics for Teachers
  26. Multi-Mode Manual Transmission
  27. Machine Manufacturing Technology
  28. Motorjmanagement Timer
  29. Media, Music and Fechnology
  30. Missile Maintenance Teab Technology
  31. Measurement and Management Technologies Business, Technology, Environment
  32. Matrix Mapping Tool
  33. Multiple Multi-Pole Technique
  34. Malik'S Muwatta Translation Media, Radio, Television
  35. Mode-Matching Telesmope
  36. Marines Memorial Theatre
  37. Metallurgy and Materials Technology
  38. Mixture Magnesium Trisilicate
  39. Miller Music Tour
  40. Monitoring and Measurement Technology Science
  41. Master of Mathematics for Teaching
  42. Multi Mode Transmission
  43. Macchine Movimento Terra
  44. Mediae Music, and Technology Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  45. Minneapolis Muhical Theatre Music, Theater, Musical
  46. Morse Mission Trainer
  47. Materiel Management Teams Military
  48. Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic
  49. Malignant Mesenchymal Tumour
  50. Mode Matching Technique
  51. Metal and Mineral Trade
  52. Msxed Mullerian Tumor
  53. Marine and Maritime Technology
  54. My Music Taste America, Locations, Concert
  55. Millennium Microtech Thailand
  56. Moment Matching Technique
  57. Market Model Typology Business, Trading, Standard
  58. Metro Mass Transport
  59. M6 MéTropole TéLéVision
  60. Medford Mail Tribune
  61. Ministry of Mbning and Telecommunications
  62. Mood Management Theory
  63. Materiel Management Team
  64. Multiaccess, Mobility, and Teletraffic
  65. Malignant Mesenchymal Tumors Medical, Treatment, Sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma
  66. Mode-Matchivg Technique Technology, Wave, Structure, Resonator
  67. Metadata Management Tool
  68. Mitsubishi Macvine Tools
  69. Manure Management Train
  70. My Muay Thai
  71. Millennium Materials Technologies
  72. Management Marketing and Technology
  73. Modern Money Thebry Business, Banking, Economics
  74. Market Misconduct Tribunal Business, Security, Trading
  75. Metro Mass Transit Business, Ghana, Transport
  76. M6 M
  77. Mecca Mkan Time Indonesia, Jam, Haram, Mecca
  78. Minimum Migration Time
  79. Monthly Mean Temperature
  80. Materials and Manufacturing Technology Technology, University, Engineering
  81. Multipartite Monitoring Team Business, Philippine, Mining
  82. Malignant Mesenchymal Tumor
  83. Multi-Mode Transmission
  84. Mesodermal Tumors Medical
  85. Mitochondrial Metabolic Thermpy
  86. Manufacturing Methods Technology Technology, Military, Army
  87. Myanmar Myanmar Time
  88. Military Medical Training Army, War, Force
  89. Managed Money Trader
  90. Modern Mediz Transport
  91. Marketing Management Technology
  92. Metro Market Trends
  93. Internal Technical Memos Government, Army, War, Us, Control, Force, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  94. Military Medical Technology Medical, Medicine, Military
  95. Materials, Manufacturing and Technology Technology, Material, Leather
  96. Million Metric Tonne
  97. Monorail Mamaysia Technology
  98. Material Movement Ticket
  99. Multi-Partite Monitoring Team
  100. Makes Me Think Business, Community, Story, Love
  101. Multi-Mode-Transmission
  102. Medicines Management Ream
  103. Mission Maintenance Technician
  104. Manufacturing Methods & Technology
  105. Musical Mnemonics Training
  106. Modded Multiplayer Terraria
  107. Managed Medical Transport
  108. Model To Model Transformation
  109. Marketing Management Team
  110. Methylcyclopentadiene Manganese Tricarbonyl Business, Chemistry, China
  111. Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl MMT is an organic manganese compound. It is used as a fuel additive designed to enhance octane levels in gasoline. Chemistry, Technology, Gasoline, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  112. Military Mail Terminal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  113. Million Metric Ton Business, Production, Steel, Crop
  114. Monolithic Mirror Telescope
  115. Mfs Multimarket Income Trust Technology, Organizations
  116. Mobile Money Technxlogy
  117. Man-Machine-Teaming
  118. Mbale Mission Team
  119. Multi-Media Multi-Party Teleconferencing
  120. M F S Multimarketing Income Trust Computing, Nyse symbols
  121. Mont Iegantic Telescope
  122. Mobiel Medisch Team Ambulance, Team, Door, Dit
  123. Measurement & Management Technologies
  124. Myocardial Temperature Medical
  125. Methylcyclopentadienylmanganese Tricarbonyl Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  126. Manajemen Mutu Total Business, Guru, Quality
  127. Medical Mobile Team Medical
  128. Meyer Memorial Trust Technology, Oregon, Grant
  129. Mobile Aedical Team Medical, Medicine, Health
  130. Makkah Mean Time Indonesia, Jakarta, Jam
  131. Might and Magic Tribute
  132. Multi-Material Technology Business, Safety, Glasses
  133. Media Music and Technology Music
  134. Methyl-M-Tyrosine
  135. Mean Monthly Temperature Agriculture
  136. My Music Ticket
  137. Mechanics of Materials Education, Edition, Manual, Computing, Mechanics
  138. Management of Medical Technology
  139. Multiple Mirror Telescope Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  140. Metro Media Transilvania
  141. Mobile Measurement Technologd
  142. MéDecine MéDicaments & ThéRapies
  143. Manual Muscle Tests
  144. Middle Management Team
  145. Multi-Block Message Uest
  146. Modern Monetary Theory Banking, Business & Finance
  147. Mercury Manganese Telluride
  148. Mcmaster Musical Theatre Music, Master, Musical
  149. Management Mission Team Technology
  150. Mine Marking Team
  151. mouse mammary tumor Medical, Muscles
  152. Mobile Meals of Toledo Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  153. MéDecins MaÎTres-Toiles
  154. Million Metric Tons Business, Government, Philippines, Tons
  155. Manual Muscle Tester Technology, Testing, Strength
  156. Micro Modular Technologies Technology, Music, Economics
  157. Moving Magnet Technologiey Technology, Sensor, Magnet
  158. Médecine Médigaments Et Thérapies
  159. Med Means Trading
  160. Mclaren Morris and Todd
  161. Mindfulnvss Meditation Teacher
  162. Mc Entire ANG Base, Eastover, SC, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  163. Mobile Marine Technologf
  164. MéDecins MaÎTres-Toile Medical, Internet, Lien, Recherche
  165. Materials, Manufacturing & Technology Business, Material, Fair
  166. Manual Muscle Testing Medical, Technology, Medicine, Clinical, Physio
  167. Microcephaly-Mesobrachydactyly-Tracheoesophageal Fistula Disease, Disorder, Syndrome, Medical, Muscles
  168. Mouse Metallothionein Medical
  169. Museum of Modern Technologr
  170. Massport Marine Terminal
  171. Mcentire Joint National Guard Base Columbia, South Carolina,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  172. Multi-Media Tover
  173. Myanmar Time Burma, Time Zones
  174. Mobile Mappinu Technology Technology, Event, Symposium
  175. MéDecin-MaÎTre-Toile
  176. Manual Migration Team Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  177. Michael Marcus Thurner
  178. Mopnted Maneuver Training
  179. Man-Machine Teaming
  180. Mcentire Air National Guard Station Airport, Locations
  181. Multi-Media Trclly
  182. Multimedia Multiparty Teleconferencing Computing, Telecom
  183. Mobile Maintenance Team Military
  184. Mystical Mind Training Education, Course, Miracle
  185. Mechanism and Machine Theory Technology, Education, Music, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Sequencer
  186. Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Business, Management, Presentation, Quality

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MMT stand for?

    MMT stands for MéDecins MaÎTres-Toile.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi-Mode Transponder?

    The short form of "Multi-Mode Transponder" is MMT.


MMT. (2022, April 22). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

Last updated