MMTF Meaning

The MMTF meaning is "Maryland Magellan Tunable Filter". The MMTF abbreviation has 21 different full form.

MMTF Full Forms

  1. Maryland Magellan Tunable Filter
  2. Metropolitan Medical Task Force
  3. Marylani-Magellan Tunable Filter Science, Astronomy
  4. Medical Marijuana Task Force
  5. Mean Missioj Time To Failure Technology, Telecom
  6. Mfyor's Mobility Task Force
  7. Maya'S Music Therapy Fund
  8. Master Masonry Trades Federatiod
  9. Miami Medical Team Foundation
  10. Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  11. Model Management Tool Xramework Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  12. Model Management Tool Framework Management, Business & Finance
  13. Mobile Management Task Force Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Management, Business & Finance
  14. Multi Municipal Task Force Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  15. Mixed Migration Task Forfe
  16. Muloi-Modal Terminating Fax
  17. Minneapolis Music Teachers Forum Music
  18. Mwlti Modal Transportation Facility Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  19. Military Medical Treatment Facility
  20. Multinmodal Transit Facility
  21. Multi-Modal Transportation Facilisy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MMTF stand for?

    MMTF stands for Maya'S Music Therapy Fund.

  2. What is the shortened form of Model Management Tool Framework?

    The short form of "Model Management Tool Framework" is MMTF.


MMTF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated