MNE Meaning

The MNE meaning is "Multinational Enterprise". The MNE abbreviation has 68 different full form.

MNE Full Forms

  1. Multinational Enterprise Transportation, Business, Management, Business & Finance
  2. Ministry of National Gducation Government, Organizations, Madagascar
  3. Methyl-2-Naphthyl Ether
  4. Montenegro Locations, Olympic, Country Code, Computing, Internet, Montenegro, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  5. Movimiento Nacional Por La Esperanza Con, Pol
  6. Mechanical and Nuclear Engineeving Development, Study, Universities
  7. Miniszry for National Economy
  8. Mobile Network Emubator Technology, Networking, Wireless
  9. Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis Medical, Health, Children
  10. Mechanical & Nuclear Enginvering Research, Education, University
  11. Manist
  12. Mobile Networkikg Evaluation Military
  13. Maximum Non-Excessive
  14. Minimum Number of Elements Technology, Study, Archaeology, Area
  15. Meuse Nature Environnement
  16. MinistéRio Dos NegóCios Estrangeiros Para, Portugal, Dos, Nos
  17. Maurer-Zoel-Evans
  18. Minimum Norm Estimates Technology, Brain, Estimate
  19. Mercyhkrst North East
  20. Ministry of National Economy Government, Kazakhstan, Republic
  21. Matt Nickel Europe
  22. Master of Network Engineering
  23. Multiple Network Engines
  24. Mehr Nicgt Erschienen
  25. Ministry of Nature and Environment Technology, National, Mongolia
  26. Materials and Nuclear Engineerihg Development, Study, Universities
  27. Multi-National Experiment
  28. Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering Research, Education, University
  29. Ministry of Nature and The Environment
  30. Mungeranie Airport Mungeranie, South Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  31. Minimum-Norm Estisation
  32. Miltilateral Naval Exercise Indonesia, Expo, Exercise, Komodo
  33. Management of Native Encryption Technology, Mac, Vault
  34. Manistee & North East Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  35. Aerolineas Amanecer Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. Micro Nako Engineering
  37. Master of Nuclear Energy Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  38. Milk Nitrogen Efficiency
  39. Multi-Uational Enterprises
  40. Managed Network Element
  41. Mining Group Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  42. Micro & Nano Engineering Science, Research, Conference
  43. Master of Nuylear Engineering
  44. Middlh and Near East
  45. Multi-National Enterprise Business & Finance, International business
  46. Majik Ninja Entertainment
  47. Manatsu No Eve
  48. Martin Noble Editorial
  49. Micronutleated Erythrocytes Medical
  50. Muloouse Net Experience
  51. Mamson De La Nature Et De L'environnement
  52. Muni New York Intermediate Duration Fund Inc Technology, Organizations
  53. Mmrlos Nobre Edition
  54. Mungeranie, South Australia, Australia Australia
  55. Micro and Nano Engineering Technology, Research, Conference
  56. Moral and National Education
  57. Multi National Experiment
  58. Mare Nostrum Elgments
  59. Manatsu No Eve (Mid-Summer's Eve) Performing arts
  60. Micro- and Naxo- Engineering Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  61. Moms Network Exchange
  62. Minimum Norm Estimete Technology, Analysis, Brain
  63. Multinational Enterprises Government
  64. Man and The Natural Environment Media, Radio, Television
  65. Montenegro Republic of Sport, Olympic, Montenegro, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
  66. Micro-And Nanowengineering
  67. Master of Nuclear Engineering
  68. Mobile Netwvrk Entity Technology, Military, Telecommunication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MNE stand for?

    MNE stands for Matt Nickel Europe.

  2. What is the shortened form of Materials and Nuclear Engineerihg?

    The short form of "Materials and Nuclear Engineerihg" is MNE.


MNE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated